Source Catalogs API

soxs.cosmology.make_cosmological_sources_file(filename, name, exp_time, fov, sky_center, cat_center=None, absorb_model='wabs', nH=0.05, area=40000.0, overwrite=False, output_sources=None, write_regions=None, src_filename=None, prng=None, append=False)[source]

Make a SIMPUT catalog made up of contributions from galaxy clusters, galaxy groups, and galaxies.

  • filename (string) – The filename for the SIMPUT catalog.

  • name (string) – The name of the SIMPUT photon list.

  • exp_time (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity) – The exposure time of the observation in seconds.

  • fov (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity) – The field of view in arcminutes.

  • sky_center (array-like) – The center RA, Dec of the field of view in degrees.

  • cat_center (array-like) – The center of the field in the coordinates of the halo catalog, which range from -5.0 to 5.0 degrees along both axes. If None is given, a center will be randomly chosen.

  • absorb_model (string, optional) – The absorption model to use, “wabs” or “tbabs”. Default: “wabs”

  • nH (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity, optional) – The hydrogen column in units of 10**22 atoms/cm**2. Default: 0.05

  • area (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity, optional) – The effective area in cm**2. It must be large enough so that a sufficiently large sample is drawn for the ARF. Default: 40000.

  • overwrite (boolean, optional) – Set to True to overwrite previous files. Default: False

  • output_sources (string, optional) – If set to a filename, output the properties of the sources within the field of view to an ASCII file. Default: None

  • write_regions (string, optional) – If set to a filename, output circle ds9 regions corresponding to the positions of the halos with radii corresponding to their R500 projected on the sky. Default: None

  • src_filename (string, optional) – If set, this will be the filename to write the source to. By default, the source will be written to the same file as the SIMPUT catalog

  • prng (RandomState object, integer, or None) – A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only be specified if you have a reason to generate the same set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is None, which sets the seed based on the system time.

  • append (boolean, optional) – If True, the photon list source will be appended to an existing SIMPUT catalog. Default: False

soxs.background.point_sources.make_point_source_list(output_file, fov, sky_center, drop_brightest=None, prng=None, overwrite=False)[source]

Make a list of point source properties and write it to an ASCII table file.

  • output_file (string) – The ASCII table file to write the source properties to.

  • fov (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity) – The field of view in arcminutes.

  • sky_center (array-like) – The center RA, Dec of the field of view in degrees.

  • drop_brightest (integer, optional) – If set to an integer, drop the brightest drop_brightest sources from the list. This is a poor-person’s way of mimicking the by-hand removal of point sources via wavdetect or some other technique. Default: None

  • overwrite (boolean, optional) – Set to True to overwrite previous files. Default: False

  • prng (RandomState object, integer, or None) – A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only be specified if you have a reason to generate the same set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is None, which sets the seed based on the system time.

soxs.background.point_sources.make_point_sources_file(filename, name, exp_time, fov, sky_center, absorb_model=None, nH=None, area=40000.0, append=False, overwrite=False, src_filename=None, input_sources=None, output_sources=None, diffuse_unresolved=True, drop_brightest=None, prng=None)[source]

Make a SIMPUT catalog made up of contributions from point sources.

  • filename (string) – The filename for the SIMPUT catalog.

  • name (string) – The name of the SIMPUT photon list.

  • exp_time (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity) – The exposure time of the observation in seconds.

  • fov (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity) – The field of view in arcminutes.

  • sky_center (array-like) – The center RA, Dec of the field of view in degrees.

  • absorb_model (string, optional) – The absorption model to use, “wabs” or “tbabs”. Defaults to the value in the SOXS configuration file.

  • nH (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity, optional) – The hydrogen column in units of 10**22 atoms/cm**2. Defaults to the value in the SOXS configuration file.

  • area (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity, optional) – The effective area in cm**2. It must be large enough so that a sufficiently large sample is drawn for the ARF. Default: 40000.

  • append (boolean, optional) – If True, the photon list source will be appended to an existing SIMPUT catalog. Default: False

  • overwrite (boolean, optional) – Set to True to overwrite previous files. Default: False

  • src_filename (string, optional) – If set, this will be the filename to write the source to. By default, the source will be written to the same file as the SIMPUT catalog.

  • input_sources (string, optional) – If set to a filename, input the source positions, fluxes, and spectral indices from an ASCII table instead of generating them. Default: None

  • output_sources (string, optional) – If set to a filename, output the properties of the sources within the field of view to a file. Default: None

  • diffuse_unresolved (boolean, optional) – Add a diffuse component across the entire field of view to represent the unresolved flux from sources at very small fluxes. Default: True

  • drop_brightest (integer, optional) – If set to an integer, drop the brightest drop_brightest sources from the list. This is a poor-person’s way of mimicking the by-hand removal of point sources via wavdetect or some other technique. Default: None

  • prng (RandomState object, integer, or None) – A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only be specified if you have a reason to generate the same set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is None, which sets the seed based on the system time.