Command Line Scripts for Source Catalogs¶
This section documents command-line scripts for generating a SIMPUT catalog of photons from a halo catalog drawn from a cosmological simulation.
For more information about how the source catalog generation is implemented in SOXS, see Simulating Source Catalogs.
usage: make_cosmological_sources [-h] [--cat_center CAT_CENTER] [--absorb_model ABSORB_MODEL] [--nh NH] [--area AREA]
[--src_filename SRC_FILENAME] [--append] [--overwrite] [--output_sources OUTPUT_SOURCES]
[--write_regions WRITE_REGIONS] [--random_seed RANDOM_SEED]
filename name exp_time fov sky_center
Create a SIMPUT photon list catalog of a cosmological background.
positional arguments:
filename The filename of the SIMPUT catalog to be used as the root of the catalog. If it does not exist, it will be
name The name of the source in the SIMPUT catalog.
exp_time The exposure time to use, in seconds.
fov The field of view on a side in arcminutes.
sky_center The center RA, Dec coordinates of the observation, in degrees, comma-separated
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cat_center CAT_CENTER
The center of the field in the coordinates of the halo catalog, which range from -5.0 to 5.0 degrees in both
directions. If not set, a center will be randomly chosen.
--absorb_model ABSORB_MODEL
The absorption model to use for foreground galactic absorption. Default: 'wabs'
--nh NH The hydrogen column in units of 10**22 atoms/cm**2. Default: 0.05
--area AREA The collecting area to use, in cm^2. Default: 30000.0
--src_filename SRC_FILENAME
An optional filename to store the source instead of the SIMPUT catalog file.
--append If set, append a new source an existing SIMPUT catalog.
--overwrite Overwrite an existing file with the same name.
--output_sources OUTPUT_SOURCES
Output the source properties to the specified file.
--write_regions WRITE_REGIONS
Write ds9 circle region files corresponding to the positions and r500 of the halos.
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED
A constant integer random seed to produce a consistent set of random numbers.
Generate photons from halos with a field of view of 10.0 arcminutes, to a new SIMPUT catalog, with an exposure time of 100 ks. Let a random location in the halo catalog be chosen:
[~]$ make_cosmological_sources halos.simput halos 100.0,ks 10.0 22.0,-12.0 --overwrite
The same as before, but choose a particular location in the halo catalog:
[~]$ make_cosmological_sources halos.simput halos 100.0,ks 10.0 22.0,-12.0 --cat_center=-0.1,2.0 --overwrite
Append the halo photons to an existing SIMPUT catalog, “my_cat.simput”:
[~]$ make_cosmological_sources my_cat.simput halos 100.0,ks 10.0 22.0,-12.0 --append
Append the halo photons to an existing SIMPUT catalog, “my_cat.simput”, and write the source to a different file:
[~]$ make_cosmological_sources my_cat.simput halos 100.0,ks 10.0 22.0,-12.0 --append --src_filename=halos.fits
Change the Galactic hydrogen column to \(2 \times 10^{20}~cm^{-2}\), and use the “tbabs” model:
[~]$ make_cosmological_sources halos.simput halos 100.0,ks 10.0 22.0,-12.0 --absorb_model="tbabs" --nh=0.02 --overwrite
Write the source properties to an ASCII text file:
[~]$ make_cosmological_sources halos.simput halos 100.0,ks 10.0 22.0,-12.0 --output_sources=my_halos.txt --overwrite
Write out ds9 regions corresponding to the positions and the \(r_{500}\) of the sources:
[~]$ make_cosmological_sources halos.simput halos 100.0,ks 10.0 22.0,-12.0 --write_regions=halos.reg --overwrite
usage: make_point_sources [-h] [--absorb_model ABSORB_MODEL] [--nh NH] [--area AREA]
[--src_filename SRC_FILENAME] [--append] [--overwrite]
[--input_sources INPUT_SOURCES]
[--output_sources OUTPUT_SOURCES] [--no_diffuse_unresolved]
[--drop_brightest DROP_BRIGHTEST]
[--random_seed RANDOM_SEED]
filename name exp_time fov sky_center
Create a SIMPUT photon list catalog of a point-source background.
positional arguments:
filename The filename of the SIMPUT catalog to be used as the root of
the catalog. If it does not exist, it will be created.
name The name of the source in the SIMPUT catalog.
exp_time The exposure time to use, in seconds.
fov The field of view on a side in arcminutes.
sky_center The center RA, Dec coordinates of the observation, in degrees,
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--absorb_model ABSORB_MODEL
The absorption model to use for foreground galactic
absorption. Defaults to the value in the SOXS configuration
--nh NH The galactic hydrogen column in units of 10**22 atoms/cm**2.
Defaults to the value in the SOXS configuration file.
--area AREA The collecting area to use, in cm^2. Default: 30000.0
--src_filename SRC_FILENAME
An optional filename to store the source instead of the SIMPUT
catalog file.
--append If set, append a new source an existing SIMPUT catalog.
--overwrite Overwrite an existing file with the same name.
--input_sources INPUT_SOURCES
Use a previously written table of sources as input instead of
generating them.
--output_sources OUTPUT_SOURCES
Output the source properties to the specified file.
If set, the diffuse component across the entire field of view
to represent the unresolved flux from sources at very small
fluxes will be turned off.
--drop_brightest DROP_BRIGHTEST
This many brightest sources will be dropped from the point
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED
A constant integer random seed to produce a consistent set of
random numbers.
Generate photons from point sources with a field of view of 5.0 arcminutes, to a new SIMPUT catalog, with an exposure time of 75 ks:
[~]$ make_point_sources pt_src.simput pt_src 75.0,ks 5.0 90.0,-10.0 --overwrite
Append the point source photons to an existing SIMPUT catalog, “my_cat”:
[~]$ make_point_sources my_cat.simput pt_src 75.0,ks 5.0 90.0,-10.0 --append
Append the point source photons to an existing SIMPUT catalog, “my_cat”, and write the source to a different file:
[~]$ make_point_sources my_cat.simput pt_src 75.0,ks 5.0 90.0,-10.0 --append --src_filename=sources.fits
Change the Galactic hydrogen column to \(3.5 \times 10^{20}~cm^{-2}\), and use the “tbabs” model:
[~]$ make_point_sources pt_src.simput pt_src 75.0,ks 5.0 90.0,-10.0 --absorb_model="tbabs" --nh=0.035 --overwrite
Write the source properties to an ASCII text file:
[~]$ make_point_sources pt_src.simput pt_src 75.0,ks 5.0 90.0,-10.0 --output_sources=my_ptsrc.txt --overwrite
Use a previously written ASCII text file of point source properties as input:
[~]$ make_point_sources pt_src.simput pt_src 75.0,ks 5.0 90.0,-10.0 --input_sources=my_ptsrc.txt --overwrite
Turn off the diffuse unresolved CXB:
[~]$ make_point_sources pt_src.simput pt_src 75.0,ks 5.0 90.0,-10.0 --no_diffuse_unresolved --overwrite
Drop the 50 brightest point sources:
[~]$ make_point_sources pt_src.simput pt_src 75.0,ks 5.0 90.0,-10.0 --drop_brightest=50 --overwrite
usage: make_point_source_list [-h] [--overwrite] [--drop_brightest DROP_BRIGHTEST]
[--random_seed RANDOM_SEED]
output_file fov sky_center
Make a list of point source properties and write it to an ASCII table file.
positional arguments:
output_file The ASCII table file to write the source properties to.
fov The field of view on a side in arcminutes.
sky_center The center RA, Dec coordinates of the observation, in degrees,
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--overwrite Overwrite an existing file with the same name.
--drop_brightest DROP_BRIGHTEST
This many brightest sources will be dropped from the point
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED
A constant integer random seed to produce a consistent set of
random numbers.
Generate point source properties and write them to an ASCII table, assuming a field of view of 30 arcminutes:
[~]$ make_point_source_list my_ptsrc_list.dat 30.0 90.0,-10.0 --overwrite
Drop the 50 brightest point sources:
[~]$ make_point_source_list my_ptsrc_list.dat 30.0 90.0,-10.0 --drop_brightest=50 --overwrite