Command Line Scripts for Generating Backgrounds

These command line scripts allow one to generate background event files.


The make_background_file generates a simulated observation of background in a standard event file format which can then be used as the background for and observation or processed by standard tools such as CIAO, HEATOOLS, XSPEC, etc.

usage: make_background_file [-h] [--overwrite] [--input_pt_sources INPUT_PT_SOURCES]
                            [--drop_brightest DROP_BRIGHTEST] [--subpixel_res]
                            [--no_dither] [--dither_params DITHER_PARAMS]
                            [--random_seed RANDOM_SEED] [--ptsrc_bkgnd |
                            --no_ptsrc_bkgnd] [--instr_bkgnd | --no_instr_bkgnd]
                            [--foreground | --no_foreground]
                            [--instr_bkgnd_scale INSTR_BKGND_SCALE]
                            out_file exp_time instrument sky_center

Run the instrument simulator and produce a simulated background event file.

positional arguments:
  out_file              The name of the event file to be written.
  exp_time              The exposure time to use, in seconds.
  instrument            The name of the instrument to use, or alternatively the name
                        of a JSON file which contains an instrument specification.
  sky_center            The center RA, Dec coordinates of the observation, in degrees,

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --overwrite           Overwrite an existing file with the same name.
  --input_pt_sources INPUT_PT_SOURCES
                        Use a previously written table of point sources as input
                        instead of generating them.
                        If set, the diffuse component across the entire field of view
                        to represent the unresolved flux from sources at very small
                        fluxes will be turned off.
  --drop_brightest DROP_BRIGHTEST
                        This many brightest sources will be dropped from the point
  --subpixel_res        Don't uniformly distribute event positions within pixels.
  --no_dither           Turn dithering off entirely.
  --dither_params DITHER_PARAMS
                        The parameters controlling the size and period of dither. Four
                        floats joined by commas, in the form of
                        x_amp,y_amp,x_period,y_period. The first two numbers are in
                        arcseconds and the second are in seconds. Default:
  --random_seed RANDOM_SEED
                        A constant integer random seed to produce a consistent set of
                        random numbers.
  --ptsrc_bkgnd         Turn the point-source background on.
  --no_ptsrc_bkgnd      Turn the point-source background off.
  --instr_bkgnd         Turn the instrumental background on.
  --no_instr_bkgnd      Turn the instrumental background off.
  --foreground          Turn the galactic foreground on.
  --no_foreground       Turn the galactic foreground off.
  --instr_bkgnd_scale INSTR_BKGND_SCALE
                        A scaling factor for the instrumental background. Default: 1.0.


Changing Instrument Specification

This example uses the pre-built HDXI instrument specification, assuming a 50 ks observation with the pointing (RA, Dec) = (30, 45) degrees.

[~]$ make_background_file bkg_evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --overwrite

The same, but use the HDXI specification with mirror diameter of \(d\) = 3 m and focal length of \(f\) = 20 m:

[~]$ make_background_file bkg_evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi_3x20 30.,45. --overwrite

See The instrument Argument for details on the options for the instrument argument.

This example uses a JSON file created by the user, which contains a custom instrument specification. See Creating New Instrument Specifications for details on how to do this.

[~]$ make_background_file bkg_evt.fits 50.0,ks my_inst.json 30.,45. --overwrite

Changing Dither

Change the dither amplitudes to 32 arcseconds and the periods to 707 and 1200 seconds:

[~]$ make_background_file bkg_evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --dither_params=32.,32.,707.,1200. --overwrite

Turn dither off entirely:

[~]$ make_background_file bkg_evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --no_dither --overwrite

Customizing the Background

Turn off the instrumental background:

[~]$ make_background_file bkg_evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --no_instr_bkgnd --overwrite

Turn off the Galactic foreground:

[~]$ make_background_file bkg_evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --no_foreground --overwrite

Turn off the point-source background:

[~]$ make_background_file bkg_evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --no_ptsrc_bkgnd --overwrite

Any combination of these may be used to turn multiple components off or all of them.

Use a pre-made ASCII table of point-source properties to generate the point-source background:

[~]$ make_background_file bkg_evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --input_sources=my_ptsrc.dat --overwrite

Turn off the diffuse unresolved CXB:

[~]$ make_background_file bkg_evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --no_diffuse_unresolved --overwrite

Drop the 50 brightest point sources:

[~]$ make_background_file bkg_evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --drop_brightest=50 --overwrite