Command Line Scripts for Processing Events¶
These command-line scripts allow one to make derived products from event files. For details on what’s going on under the hood, see Event File Tools.
This script takes an event file made by SOXS and makes a SOXS exposure map for it.
usage: make_exposure_map [-h] [--energy ENERGY] [--weightsfile WEIGHTSFILE]
[--asol_file ASOL_FILE] [--overwrite]
[--nhistx NHISTX] [--nhisty NHISTY]
[--normalize | --no_normalize] [--reblock REBLOCK]
event_file expmap_file
Make a SOXS exposure map from an event file.
positional arguments:
event_file The event file to use to make the exposure map.
expmap_file The file to write the exposure map to.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--energy ENERGY The reference energy to use when making the exposure
map. This parameter will be ignored if a 'weightsfile'
is set.
--weightsfile WEIGHTSFILE
A file containing two columns: energy in keV and
spectral weights, to create an exposure map weighted
over an energy band.
--asol_file ASOL_FILE
If set, write the aspect solution to this file.
--overwrite Overwrite an existing file with the same name.
--nhistx NHISTX The number of bins in the aspect histogram in the DETX
direction. Default: 16
--nhisty NHISTY The number of bins in the aspect histogram in the DETY
direction. Default: 16
--normalize Normalize the exposure map by the exposure time. This
is the default.
--no_normalize Don't normalize the exposure map by the exposure time.
--reblock REBLOCK Supply an integer power of two to set the binning of
the exposure map. Default: 1
Make an exposure map from an event file at a single energy of 3.0 keV.
[~]$ make_exposure_map evt.fits expmap.fits --energy=3.0 --overwrite
Also write an aspect solution file.
[~]$ make_exposure_map evt.fits expmap.fits --energy=3.0 --asol_file=asol.fits --overwrite
Make an exposure map, using an ASCII text file with two columns, energy and flux, to weight the exposure.
[~]$ make_exposure_map evt.fits expmap.fits --weightsfile=spec.dat --overwrite
Make an exposure map and change the binning of the aspect histogram.
[~]$ make_exposure_map evt.fits expmap.fits --energy=3.0 --overwrite --nhistx=32 --nhisty=32
Make an exposure map, but don’t normalize by the exposure time.
[~]$ make_exposure_map evt.fits expmap.fits --energy=3.0 --overwrite --no_normalize
Reblock the exposure map by 4.
[~]$ make_exposure_map evt.fits expmap.fits --energy=3.0 --overwrite --reblock=4
usage: make_image [-h] [--coord_type COORD_TYPE] [--emin EMIN] [--emax EMAX] [--tmin TMIN]
[--tmax TMAX] [--bands BANDS] [--overwrite] [--expmap_file EXPMAP_FILE]
[--reblock REBLOCK] event_file out_file
Make a FITS image from a SOXS event file.
positional arguments:
event_file The event file to use to make the image.
out_file The file to write the image to.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--coord_type COORD_TYPE
The type of coordinate to bin into the image. Can be 'sky' or 'det'. Default: 'sky'
--emin EMIN The minimum energy of the photons to put in the image, in keV.
--emax EMAX The maximum energy of the photons to put in the image, in keV.
--tmin TMIN The minimum time of the photons to put in the image, in s.
--tmax TMAX The maximum time of the photons to put in the image, in s.
--bands BANDS A list of energy bands to restrict the counts used to make the image, in the form of
emin1,emax1:emin2,emax2... Used as an alternative to emin and emax.
--overwrite Overwrite an existing file with the same name.
--expmap_file EXPMAP_FILE
Supply an exposure map file to divide this image by to get a flux map.
--reblock REBLOCK Change this value to reblock the image to larger or smaller pixel sizes. Only supported for sky
coordinates. Default: 1
Make an image in celestial coordinates from an event file.
[~]$ make_image evt.fits img.fits --overwrite
The same image, but with a restricted energy band.
[~]$ make_image evt.fits img.fits --emin=0.5 --emax=7.0 --overwrite
The same image, but with a set of disconnected bands as energy input.
[~]$ make_image evt.fits img.fits --bands=0.2,0.3:0.5,0.6 --overwrite
Make an image in detector coordinates.
[~]$ make_image evt.fits det_img.fits --overwrite --coord_type=det
Make an image and divide it by an exposure map.
[~]$ make_image evt.fits flux_img.fits --overwrite --expmap_file=expmap.fits
Reblock the image by 4.
[~]$ make_image evt.fits img.fits --emin=0.5 --emax=7.0 --overwrite --reblock=4
usage: make_radial_profile [-h] [--ctr_type CTR_TYPE] [--emin EMIN]
[--emax EMAX] [--overwrite]
[--expmap_file EXPMAP_FILE]
event_file out_file ctr rmin rmax nbins
Make a FITS radial profile from a SOXS event file.
positional arguments:
event_file The event file to use to make the profile.
out_file The file to write the profile to.
ctr The central coordinate of the profile. Can either be
in celestial coordinates (the default) or "physical"
pixel coordinates. If the former, the ``ctr_type``
keyword argument must be explicity set to "physical".
rmin The minimum radius of the profile, in arcseconds.
rmax The maximum radius of the profile, in arcseconds.
nbins The number of bins in the profile.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ctr_type CTR_TYPE The type of center coordinate. Either 'celestial' for
(RA, Dec) coordinates (the default), or 'physical' for
pixel coordinates.
--emin EMIN The minimum energy of the photons to put in the profile,
in keV.
--emax EMAX The maximum energy of the photons to put in the profile,
in keV.
--overwrite Overwrite an existing file with the same name.
--expmap_file EXPMAP_FILE
Supply an exposure map file to divide the profile by to
obtain flux-based quantities.
Make a radial profile from an event file, using (RA, Dec) = (30.0, 45.0) as the central coordinates of the profile. The profile runs from 0.0 arcseconds to 100.0 arcseconds, with 50 linearly spaced bins.
[~]$ make_radial_profile evt.fits profile.fits 30.0,45.0 0.0 100.0 50 --overwrite
The same profile, but with a restricted energy band.
[~]$ make_radial_profile evt.fits profile.fits 30.0,45.0 0.0 100.0 50 --emin=0.2 --emax=3.0 --overwrite
The same profile, but specifying the center in physical coordinates instead.
[~]$ make_radial_profile evt.fits profile.fits 1024.0,300.0 0.0 100.0 50 --ctr_type=physical --overwrite
Include an exposure map, allowing flux-based quantities to also be computed.
[~]$ make_radial_profile evt.fits profile.fits 30.0,45.0 0.0 100.0 50 --overwrite --expmap_file=expmap.fits