Mosaic API

soxs.mosaic.make_mosaic_events(pointing_list, input_source, out_prefix, exp_time, instrument, overwrite=False, instr_bkgnd=True, foreground=True, ptsrc_bkgnd=True, bkgnd_file=None, no_dither=False, dither_params=None, subpixel_res=False, aimpt_shift=None, prng=None)[source]

Observe a source from many different pointings.

  • pointing_list (list of tuples or str) – Either a list of tuples or a two-column ASCII table, containing RA and Dec pointings for each mock observation.

  • input_source (string) – The path to the SIMPUT catalog file which contains the input source(s).

  • out_prefix (string) – The prefix for the event files which will be generated.

  • exp_time (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity) – The exposure time in seconds.

  • instrument (string) – The name of the instrument to use, which picks an instrument specification from the instrument registry.

  • overwrite (boolean, optional) – Whether to overwrite an existing file with the same name. Default: False

  • instr_bkgnd (boolean, optional) – Whether to include the instrumental/particle background. Default: True

  • foreground (boolean, optional) – Whether to include the local foreground. Default: True

  • ptsrc_bkgnd (boolean, optional) – Whether to include the point-source background. Default: True

  • bkgnd_file (string, optional) – If set, backgrounds will be loaded from this file and not generated on the fly. Default: None

  • no_dither (boolean, optional) – If True, turn off dithering entirely. Default: False

  • dither_params (array-like of floats, optional) – The parameters to use to control the size and period of the dither pattern. The first two numbers are the dither amplitude in x and y detector coordinates in arcseconds, and the second two numbers are the dither period in x and y detector coordinates in seconds. Default: [8.0, 8.0, 1000.0, 707.0].

  • subpixel_res (boolean, optional) – If True, event positions are not randomized within the pixels within which they are detected. Default: False

  • aimpt_shift (array-like, optional) – A two-float array-like object which shifts the aimpoint on the detector from the nominal position. Units are in arcseconds. Default: None, which results in no shift from the nominal aimpoint.

  • prng (RandomState object, integer, or None) – A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only be specified if you have a reason to generate the same set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is None, which sets the seed based on the system time.

soxs.mosaic.make_mosaic_image(evtfile_list, image_file, evt_file=None, emin=None, emax=None, reblock=1, use_expmap=False, expmap_energy=None, expmap_weights=None, normalize=True, nhistx=16, nhisty=16, overwrite=False)[source]

Make a single FITS image from a grid of observations. Optionally, an exposure map can be computed and a flux image may be generated.

  • evtfile_list (filename) – The ASCII table produced by observe_grid_source() containing the information about the event files and their locations on the sky.

  • image_file (filename) – The name of the FITS image file to be written. This name will also be used for the exposure map, event, and flux files if they are written.

  • evt_file (filename, optional) – The name of the mosaicked FITS event file to be written, if desired. Default is None, which writes no file.

  • emin (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity, optional) – The minimum energy of the photons to put in the image, in keV.

  • emax (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity, optional) – The maximum energy of the photons to put in the image, in keV.

  • reblock (integer, optional) – Supply an integer power of 2 here to make an exposure map with a different binning. Default: 1

  • use_expmap (boolean, optional) – Whether to use (and potentially generate) an exposure map and a flux map. Default: False

  • expmap_energy (float, (value, unit) tuple, or Quantity, or NumPy array, optional) – The energy in keV to use when computing the exposure map, or a set of energies to be used with the weights parameter. If providing a set, it must be in keV.

  • expmap_weights (array-like, optional) – The weights to use with a set of energies given in the energy parameter. Used to create a more accurate exposure map weighted by a range of energies. Default: None

  • overwrite (boolean, optional) – Whether to overwrite an existing file with the same name. Default: False