Generating Thermal Spectra¶
SOXS provides a number of models for generating thermal spectra. These models are encapsulated in the notion of “generators”, which are objects designed to set up the general characteristics of spectra for a given model, and then allow one to create spectra with particular parameters. These spectra are for hot plasmas in collisional ionization equilibrium (CIE), non-equilibrium ionization (NEI), or a combination of collisional and photoionization processes. The various thermal spectrum generators available in SOXS are:
: APEC CIE and NEI spectraSpexGenerator
: SPEX CIE spectraMekalGenerator
: MeKaL CIE spectraCloudyCIEGenerator
: Cloudy-based CIE spectraCloudyPionGenerator
: Cloudy-based collisional+photoionization spectra with optional resonant scattering from the CXB
Each of these are essentially “factory” classes which generate new
APEC Spectrum Generators¶
APEC CIE and NEI thermal spectra are generated in SOXS using the
AtomDB tables, using the
from soxs import ApecGenerator
emin = 0.05
emax = 50.0
nbins = 10000
binscale = "linear"
agen = ApecGenerator(emin, emax, nbins, binscale=binscale,
apec_vers="2.0.2", broadening=True)
The parameters emin
, emax
, nbins
, and binscale
are used to
control the binning.
The broadening
parameter sets whether or not spectral lines will be
thermally and velocity broadened, and is True
by default..The
parameter sets the version of the AtomDB tables to use.
Version 3.0.9 is the default, and the tables will be downloaded if necessary.
You may also supply another location for the AtomDB tables. For example, the following construction will look for the AtomDB tables in the current working directory:
agen = ApecGenerator(0.05, 50.0, 10000, apec_root=".")
If you set the apec_vers
parameter but not the apec_root
parameter, the
AtomDB table files will be looked for in (1) the current working directory and
(2) the location specified by soxs_data_dir
in the SOXS Configuration File.
The range of temperatures supported by the APEC model is kT = .
APEC Spectra Without Lines¶
There is also an option to generate continuum spectra without line emission.
This is done by setting nolines=True
in the constructor for
agen = ApecGenerator(0.05, 50.0, 10000, nolines=True)
SPEX Spectrum Generators¶
Thermal spectra using the
CIE emission model
provided in SPEX can be generated
using the SpexGenerator
class. The same
underlying machinery as the APEC model is used, as the SPEX model has been
converted to the APEC table format using the code at As such, this class takes the
same arguments as ApecGenerator
, with the
exception that the version and file location arguments are named spex_vers
and spex_root
, respectively.
from soxs import SpexGenerator
sgen = SpexGenerator(0.05, 50.0, 10000, binscale="log")
If you set the spex_vers
parameter but not the spex_root
parameter, the
AtomDB table files will be looked for in (1) the current working directory and
(2) the location specified by soxs_data_dir
in the SOXS Configuration File. The current
default version of the SPEX thermal model in SOXS is 3.07.03.
MeKaL Spectrum Generators¶
MeKaL is an X-ray emission model for a hot, diffuse, thermal plasma in CIE based on calculations by Mewe and Kaastra with Fe L calculations by Liedahl. Relevant references are:
Thermal CIE spectra using the MeKaL model can be generated using the
object, in a manner
similar to the APEC and SPEX generators:
emin = 0.1
emax = 10.0
nbins = 3000
mgen = soxs.MekalGenerator(emin, emax, nbins, binscale="linear")
Note that it is not possible to create MeKaL spectra without lines or with thermal broadening. The range of temperatures supported by the MeKaL model is kT = .
Cloudy CIE Spectrum Generators¶
The CloudyCIEGenerator
generates CIE
thermal spectra using the emission model from
Cloudy, which
are interpolated from an
XSPEC atable.
The sequence of Cloudy commands used to generate the XSPEC atable is
as follows:
title cie_v4_lo_tgrid
#database stout level MAX
database chianti level MAX
no molecules
no grain physics
set phfit 1996
abundances "./feld.abn"
metals 0.0
hden 0
coronal equil 5 vary
grid range 4.0 to 9.0 in 0.025 dex steps sequential
set continuum resolution 0.1
stop column density 1.5032e+18 linear
iterate to convergence
save xspec atable reflected spectrum "cie_v4_lo_tgrid_n1z1.fits" range 0.05 10.
This sequence of commands is repeated for solar and low abundances so that the abundance parameter can be taken into account via a linear combination of two tables. For the individual abundances, they are obtained by setting e.g. “element neon off” in the run and doing the appropriate arithmetic.
Thermal CIE spectra using the Cloudy model can be generated using the
object, in a manner
similar to the other generators:
emin = 0.1
emax = 9.0
nbins = 3000
cgen = soxs.CloudyCIEGenerator(emin, emax, nbins, binscale="linear")
The energy range of the generated table at a redshift of 0 is 0.05-10.0 keV. The default resolution of Cloudy in this range is dE/E = 0.005 for E < 8.16 keV, and dE/E = 0.03 for higher energies. SOXS provides two different spectral resolutions for the Cloudy CIE tables, the lower of which (and the default) is 10 times finer than the above and the higher is 40 times finer. Which is used can be controlled by the model_vers argument. To specify the higher resolution table:
emin = 0.1
emax = 9.0
nbins = 3000
cgen = soxs.CloudyCIEGenerator(emin, emax, nbins, binscale="log",
Note that it is not possible to create Cloudy CIE spectra without lines, and thermal broadening is automatically included and cannot be turned off. The range of temperatures supported by the Cloudy CIE model is \(T = 10^4-10^9\) K.
Photoionization Spectrum Generators¶
The CloudyPionGenerator
generates thermal
X-ray emission spectra from a photoionized and collisionally ionized
plasma, as well as resonant scattering by the CXB, based on
Khabibullin & Churazov 2019
and Churazov et al. 2001.
Because this model includes photoionization and (optionally) resonant
scattering of the CXB, it is density-dependent. It is intended to be used
primarily for simulations of spectra from low-density, sub-keV temperature
plasmas such as the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM), or the low-density
parts of the circumgalactic medium (CGM). For resonant scattering, it is assumed
that a fraction of CXB photons are scattering off of heavy ions, enhancing line
Photoionized spectra using the Cloudy model can be generated using the
object, in a manner
similar to the other generators:
emin = 0.1
emax = 5.0
nbins = 3000
igen = soxs.CloudyPionGenerator(emin, emax, nbins, binscale="log")
If you want to include the effects of resonant scattering off of CXB photons,
you must set resonant_scattering=True
. Optionally, you may also
change the fraction of the CXB that is scattered from the ions using the
parameter, but ideally this should remain at the default value
of 0.5:
emin = 0.1
emax = 10.0
nbins = 3000
igen = soxs.CloudyPionGenerator(emin, emax, nbins, binscale="linear",
resonant_scattering=True, cxb_factor=0.3)
The energy range of the generated table at a redshift of 0 is 0.05-10.0 keV. The default resolution of Cloudy in this range is dE/E = 0.005 for E < 8.16 keV, and dE/E = 0.03 for higher energies. SOXS provides two different spectral resolutions for the Cloudy photoionization spectral tables, the lower of which (and the default) is 10 times finer than the above and the higher is 40 times finer. Which is used can be controlled by the model_vers argument. To specify the higher resolution table:
emin = 0.1
emax = 9.0
nbins = 3000
igen = soxs.CloudyPionGenerator(emin, emax, nbins, binscale="log",
Generating Spectra¶
Once you have a generator object, you can use it to generate thermal
spectra using get_spectrum
method which is available for each model.
For the CIE generators, the general signature looks like this:
spec = sgen.get_spectrum(kT, abund, redshift, norm, velocity=velocity)
and the parameters are:
: The temperature of the plasma, with default units of keVabund
: The metal abundance, in solar units. See Abundance Settings below for more fine-grained control of abundances.redshift
: The redshift of the plasmanorm
: The normalization of the model, assuming the standard prescription of \(10^{-14}\int{n_en_p}dV/[4\pi(1+z)^2D_A^2]\) where \(n_e\) and :math`n_p` are the electron and proton number densities, \(z\) is the redshift, and \(D_A\) is the angular diameter distance to the source. All units are in cgs.velocity
: The (optional) velocity broadening parameter, in units of km/s. If not zero, this broadens spectral lines using a Gaussian model assuming thevelocity
parameter is the velocity dispersion \(\sigma_v\). If not set, there is no velocity broadening. Currently only available for theApecGenerator
A more specific invocation may look like this:
kT = (6.0, "keV")
abund = 0.3 # solar units
redshift = 0.05
norm = 1.0e-3
velocity = (100.0, "km/s") # optional
spec1 = agen.get_spectrum(kT, abund, redshift, norm, velocity=velocity)
is just a standard Spectrum
For the Cloudy-based photoionization generator, because it includes the effects of photoionization, it also depends on the hydrogen number density, and the signature looks like this:
spec = igen.get_spectrum(kT, nH, abund, redshift, norm)
Where the nH
parameter is the number density of hydrogen atoms in units
of \(cm^{-3}\).
Abundance Settings¶
By default, the various generators handle abundances greater than H and
He using the abund
parameter in the various get_spectrum
Exactly what abundances are set by this parameter depends on the model used:
APEC and SPEX: Includes C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni (He fixed at abundance table value, Li, Be, B, F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn fixed at solar).
MeKaL: Includes C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni (He fixed at abundance table value, other elements not modeled)
Cloudy CIE and Pion: He fixed at abundance table value, all higher elements up Zn to included.
More fine-grained control of individual elements is possible. All of the
generators accept a var_elem
optional argument to specify which
elements should be allowed to vary freely:
var_elem = ["O", "Ca"] # allow oxygen and calcium to vary freely
agen = ApecGenerator(0.05, 50.0, 10000, var_elem=var_elem, binscale="log")
Whatever elements are not specified here are assumed to be set as normal,
whether they are H, He, trace elements, or metals covered by the abund
For the APEC, SPEX, and MeKaL models, any of the elements listed above can be specified as variable. For the Cloudy CIE and Pion models, only the elements C, N, O, Ne, Fe, S, Si, Ca, and Mg can be variable.
Now, spectra which are created from this generator object using its
method should set values for the abundances of these elements
in solar units. This is done by supplying the elem_abund
dict like so:
kT = 6.0
abund = 0.3 # for all other metals
redshift = 0.05
norm = 1.0e-3
O_abund = 0.5
Ca_abund = 0.4
spec = agen.get_spectrum(kT, abund, redshift, norm,
elem_abund={"O": O_abund, "Ca": Ca_abund})
Note that setting the abund
parameter is still necessary for the other
All abundances are relative to the Anders & Grevesse 1989 tables. See Changing Abundance Tables to see how to use a different table.
Non-Equilibrium Ionization Spectra with APEC¶
A variation on specifying variable abundances in SOXS allows one to construct non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) spectra. In this case, all ions one desires to contribute to the spectrum must be put in by hand, with the exception of H and He, which may be specified, but if they are not they are assumed to be fully ionized at their Solar abundances.
To create an ApecGenerator
object which produces
NEI spectra, one must specify not only the elements one wants but also their
ionization states. The notation is to represent an ion by the element first,
followed by the ^
symbol, followed by its ionization state. So for oxygen,
\(O^{+1}\) would correspond to "O^1"
, and so on. The keyword argument
must also be set. An example using four oxygen ions and two
nitrogen ions is shown below:
var_elem = ["O^1", "O^2", "O^3", "O^4", "N^4", "N^5"]
agen = ApecGenerator(0.05, 10.0, 10000, var_elem=var_elem, nei=True)
Once this has been created, we use a special method for NEI spectra,
kT = 5.0
norm = 1.0e-3
redshift = 0.0
elem_abund = {"O^1": 0.3, "O^2": 0.5, "O^3": 0.2, "O^4": 0.5,
"N^4": 0.2, "N^5": 0.4}
spec = agen.get_nei_spectrum(kT, elem_abund, redshift, norm)
SOXS does not make any assumptions about the correctness of the
relative ion abundances which you input into
. It
assumes you have run a NEI code to determine the correct abundances,
and only computes the spectrum.
Generating NEI spectra is not currently possible for any model other than the APEC model.
Changing Abundance Tables¶
The abundance parameters discussed so far assume abundance of a particular
element or a number of elements relative to the Solar value. Underlying this
are the values of the Solar abundances themselves. By default, SOXS uses the
abundance table from
Anders & Grevesse 1989.
However, it is possible to change the Solar abundance table in SOXS for the
and MekalGenerator
The abundance tables included with SOXS are:
: Anders & Grevesse 1989"aspl"
: Asplund et al. 2009"wilm"
: Wilms et al. 2000"lodd"
: Lodders 2003"feld"
: Feldman 1992"cl17.03"
: The abundances used by default in Cloudy 17.03.
The easiest way to ensure that you always use a particular abundance table
is to set the abund_table
element in the SOXS Configuration File, like so:
soxs_data_dir = /Users/jzuhone/Data/soxs
abund_table = lodd
However, the Solar abundance table can also be changed on-the-fly for the APEC, SPEX, or MeKaL models like this:
agen = ApecGenerator(0.05, 50.0, 10000, abund_table="aspl")
Alternatively, one can supply their own abundance table by providing a NumPy array, list, or tuple of abundances 30 elements in length corresponding to the Solar abundances relative to hydrogen in the order of H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn. An example:
my_abund = np.array([1.00E+00, 8.51E-02, 1.12E-11, 2.40E-11, 5.01E-10,
2.69E-04, 6.76E-05, 4.90E-04, 3.63E-08, 8.51E-05,
1.74E-06, 3.98E-05, 2.82E-06, 3.24E-05, 2.57E-07,
1.32E-05, 3.16E-07, 2.51E-06, 1.07E-07, 2.19E-06,
1.41E-09, 8.91E-08, 8.51E-09, 4.37E-07, 2.69E-07,
3.16E-05, 9.77E-08, 1.66E-06, 1.55E-08, 3.63E-08])
agen = ApecGenerator(0.05, 50.0, 10000, abund_table=my_abund)
It is currently not possible to change the abundance table for either the
Cloudy CIE or Pion models, as they always use "feld"
Although it is possible to specify a custom table of abundances from a file for the simulation of thermal spectra, this is not possible for the TBabs abundance model used in SOXS–one must instead use one of the included options mentioned above. See Applying Galactic Foreground Absorption to a Spectrum.
Downloading Thermal Spectra Tables¶
SOXS will download the thermal spectra tables necessary to create spectra
using the different models, and store them in the location for SOXS data
specified in the SOXS configuration (see SOXS Configuration File for more information).
However, if you would like to download data for a specific model to a
particular location, SOXS provides the
function. Specific
model files can be downloaded using the following syntax:
: Downloads the latest version of the APEC tables forAPECGenerator
. To download a particular version, specify (e.g.)"apec_v3.1.2"
, or to download the NEI version of the tables, specify"apec_v3.1.2_nei"
: Downloads the latest version of the SPEX tables forSPEXGenerator
. To download a particular version, specify (e.g.)"spex_v3.06.01"
: Downloads the latest version of the low-resolution tables forCloudyCIEGenerator
. Specify"cie_v4_hi"
to get the high-resolution version of the tables."pion"
: Downloads the latest version of the low-resolution tables forCloudyPionGenerator
. Specify"pion_v4_hi"
to get the high-resolution version of the tables."mekal"
: Downloads the MeKaL table.
Download files to the current working directory:
or to a location loc
of your choice:
soxs.download_spectrum_tables("cie_v4_hi", loc="/Users/jzuhone/Data")