Source code for soxs.cosmology

import os

import h5py
import numpy as np
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
from astropy.table import Table
from import tqdm

from soxs.simput import SimputCatalog, SimputPhotonList
from soxs.spatial import BetaModel, construct_wcs
from soxs.thermal_spectra import ApecGenerator
from soxs.utils import mylog, parse_prng, parse_value, soxs_files_path

# Cosmological parameters for the catalog
omega_m = 0.279
omega_l = 0.721
omega_k = 1.0 - omega_m - omega_l
h0 = 0.7

# Parameters for the halo fluxes
emin = 0.5
emax = 2.0
abund = 0.3
conc = 10.0

lum_table_file = os.path.join(soxs_files_path, "lum_table.h5")
halos_cat_file = os.path.join(soxs_files_path, "halo_catalog.h5")

def lum(M_mean, z_mean):
    # Alexey's cosmology II paper, eq. 22
    E_z = np.sqrt(
        omega_m * (1.0 + z_mean) ** 3 + omega_k * (1.0 + z_mean) ** 2 + omega_l
    ln_Lx = (
        47.392 + 1.61 * np.log(M_mean) + 1.850 * np.log(E_z) - 0.39 * np.log(h0 / 0.72)
    return np.exp(ln_Lx)

def Tx(M_mean, z_mean):
    # Alexey's cosmology II paper, eq. 6, Table 3 for coefficients.
    E_z = np.sqrt(
        omega_m * (1.0 + z_mean) ** 3 + omega_k * (1.0 + z_mean) ** 2 + omega_l
    return 5.0 * (M_mean * E_z * h0 / 3.02e14) ** (1.0 / 1.53)

def flux2lum(kT, z):
    lum_table = h5py.File(lum_table_file, "r")
    kT_idxs = np.round((kT - 0.1) / 0.1).astype("int")
    z_idxs = np.round(z / 0.05).astype("int")
    flux2lum = lum_table["Lx"][()][kT_idxs, z_idxs]
    return flux2lum

def make_cosmological_sources(
    Make an X-ray source made up of contributions from
    galaxy clusters, galaxy groups, and galaxies.

    exp_time : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The exposure time of the observation in seconds.
    fov : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The field of view in arcminutes.
    sky_center : array-like
        The center RA, Dec of the field of view in degrees.
    cat_center : array-like
        The center of the field in the coordinates of the
        halo catalog, which range from -5.0 to 5.0 in
        degrees in both directions. If None is given, a
        center will be randomly chosen.
    absorb_model : string, optional
        The absorption model to use, "wabs" or "tbabs". Default: "wabs"
    nH : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
        The hydrogen column in units of 10**22 atoms/cm**2.
        Default: 0.05
    area : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
        The effective area in cm**2. It must be large enough
        so that a sufficiently large sample is drawn for the
        ARF. Default: 40000.
    output_sources : string, optional
        If set to a filename, output the properties of the sources
        within the field of view to a file. Default: None
    write_regions : string, optional
        If set to a filename, output circle ds9 regions corresponding to the
        positions of the halos with radii corresponding to their R500
        projected on the sky.  Default: None
    prng : :class:`~numpy.random.RandomState` object, integer, or None
        A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only
        be specified if you have a reason to generate the same
        set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is None,
        which sets the seed based on the system time.
    exp_time = parse_value(exp_time, "s")
    fov = parse_value(fov, "arcmin")
    if nH is not None:
        nH = parse_value(nH, "1.0e22*cm**-2")
    area = parse_value(area, "cm**2")
    prng = parse_prng(prng)
    cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=100.0 * h0, Om0=omega_m)
    agen = ApecGenerator(0.1, 10.0, 10000, broadening=False)"Creating photons from cosmological sources.")"Loading halo data from catalog: %s", halos_cat_file)
    halo_data = h5py.File(halos_cat_file, "r")

    scale = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(halo_data["redshift"][()]).to("Mpc/arcmin")

    # 600. arcmin = 10 degrees (total FOV of catalog = 100 deg^2)
    fov_cat = 10.0 * 60.0
    w = construct_wcs(*sky_center)

    cat_min = -0.5 * fov_cat
    cat_max = 0.5 * fov_cat

    if cat_center is None:
        xc, yc = prng.uniform(low=cat_min + 0.5 * fov, high=cat_max - 0.5 * fov, size=2)
        xc, yc = cat_center
        xc *= 60.0
        yc *= 60.0
        xc, yc = np.clip([xc, yc], cat_min + 0.5 * fov, cat_max - 0.5 * fov)
        "Coordinates of the FOV within the catalog are (%g, %g) deg.",
        xc / 60.0,
        yc / 60.0,

    xlo = xc - 1.1 * 0.5 * fov
    xhi = xc + 1.1 * 0.5 * fov
    ylo = yc - 1.1 * 0.5 * fov
    yhi = yc + 1.1 * 0.5 * fov"Selecting halos in the FOV.")

    halo_x = halo_data["x"][()].astype("float64") / (h0 * scale.value)
    halo_y = halo_data["y"][()].astype("float64") / (h0 * scale.value)

    fov_idxs = (halo_x >= xlo) & (halo_x <= xhi)
    fov_idxs = (halo_y >= ylo) & (halo_y <= yhi) & fov_idxs

    n_halos = fov_idxs.sum()"Number of halos in the field of view: %d", n_halos)

    # Now select the specific halos which are in the FOV
    z = halo_data["redshift"][fov_idxs].astype("float64")
    m = halo_data["M500c"][fov_idxs].astype("float64") / h0
    # We need to compute proper scales here
    s = scale[fov_idxs].to("Mpc/arcsec").value / (1.0 + z)
    ra0, dec0 = w.wcs_pix2world(
        (halo_x[fov_idxs] - xc) * 60.0, (halo_y[fov_idxs] - yc) * 60.0, 1

    # Close the halo catalog file

    # Some cosmological stuff
    rho_crit = cosmo.critical_density(z).to("Msun/Mpc**3").value

    # halo temperature and k-corrected flux
    kT = Tx(m, z)
    flux_kcorr = 1.0e-14 * lum(m, z) / flux2lum(kT, z)

    # halo scale radius
    r500 = (3.0 * m / (4.0 * np.pi * 500 * rho_crit)) ** (1.0 / 3.0)
    r500_kpc = r500 * 1000.0
    rc_kpc = r500 / conc * 1000.0
    rc = r500 / conc / s

    # Halo slope parameter
    beta = prng.normal(loc=0.666, scale=0.05, size=n_halos)
    beta[beta < 0.5] = 0.5

    # Halo ellipticity
    ellip = prng.normal(loc=0.85, scale=0.15, size=n_halos)
    ellip[ellip < 0.0] = 1.0e-3

    # Halo orientation
    theta = 360.0 * prng.uniform(size=n_halos)

    # If requested, output the source properties to a file
    if output_sources is not None:
        t = Table(
            [ra0, dec0, rc_kpc, beta, ellip, theta, m, r500_kpc, kT, z, flux_kcorr],
        t["RA"].unit = "deg"
        t["Dec"].unit = "deg"
        t["flux_0.5_2.0_keV"].unit = "erg/(cm**2*s)"
        t["r_c"].unit = "kpc"
        t["theta"].unit = "deg"
        t["M500c"].unit = "solMass"
        t["r500"].unit = "kpc"
        t["kT"].unit = "kT"
        t.write(output_sources, format="ascii.ecsv", overwrite=True)

    if write_regions is not None:
        from astropy.coordinates import Angle, SkyCoord
        from regions import CircleSkyRegion, write_ds9

        regs = []
        for halo in range(n_halos):
            c = SkyCoord(ra0[halo], dec0[halo], unit=("deg", "deg"), frame="fk5")
            scale = cosmo.kpc_proper_per_arcmin(z[halo]).to("kpc/deg")
            r500c = r500_kpc / scale.value
            r = Angle(r500c, "deg")
            reg = CircleSkyRegion(c, r)
        write_ds9(regs, write_regions)

    tot_flux = 0.0
    ee = []
    ra = []
    dec = []

    pbar = tqdm(leave=True, total=n_halos, desc="Generating photons from halos ")
    for halo in range(n_halos):
        spec = agen.get_spectrum(kT[halo], abund, z[halo], 1.0)
        spec.rescale_flux(flux_kcorr[halo], emin=emin, emax=emax, flux_type="energy")
        if nH is not None:
            spec.apply_foreground_absorption(nH, model=absorb_model)
        e = spec.generate_energies(exp_time, area, prng=prng, quiet=True)
        beta_model = BetaModel(
        xsky, ysky = beta_model.generate_coords(e.size, prng=prng)
        tot_flux += e.flux

    ra = np.concatenate(ra)
    dec = np.concatenate(dec)
    ee = np.concatenate(ee)"Created %d photons from cosmological sources.", ee.size)

    output_events = {"ra": ra, "dec": dec, "energy": ee, "flux": tot_flux.value}

    return output_events

[docs] def make_cosmological_sources_file( filename, name, exp_time, fov, sky_center, cat_center=None, absorb_model="wabs", nH=0.05, area=40000.0, overwrite=False, output_sources=None, write_regions=None, src_filename=None, prng=None, append=False, ): r""" Make a SIMPUT catalog made up of contributions from galaxy clusters, galaxy groups, and galaxies. Parameters ---------- filename : string The filename for the SIMPUT catalog. name : string The name of the SIMPUT photon list. exp_time : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The exposure time of the observation in seconds. fov : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The field of view in arcminutes. sky_center : array-like The center RA, Dec of the field of view in degrees. cat_center : array-like The center of the field in the coordinates of the halo catalog, which range from -5.0 to 5.0 degrees along both axes. If None is given, a center will be randomly chosen. absorb_model : string, optional The absorption model to use, "wabs" or "tbabs". Default: "wabs" nH : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The hydrogen column in units of 10**22 atoms/cm**2. Default: 0.05 area : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The effective area in cm**2. It must be large enough so that a sufficiently large sample is drawn for the ARF. Default: 40000. overwrite : boolean, optional Set to True to overwrite previous files. Default: False output_sources : string, optional If set to a filename, output the properties of the sources within the field of view to an ASCII file. Default: None write_regions : string, optional If set to a filename, output circle ds9 regions corresponding to the positions of the halos with radii corresponding to their R500 projected on the sky. Default: None src_filename : string, optional If set, this will be the filename to write the source to. By default, the source will be written to the same file as the SIMPUT catalog prng : :class:`~numpy.random.RandomState` object, integer, or None A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only be specified if you have a reason to generate the same set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is None, which sets the seed based on the system time. append : boolean, optional If True, the photon list source will be appended to an existing SIMPUT catalog. Default: False """ events = make_cosmological_sources( exp_time, fov, sky_center, cat_center=cat_center, absorb_model=absorb_model, nH=nH, area=area, output_sources=output_sources, write_regions=write_regions, prng=prng, ) phlist = SimputPhotonList( events["ra"], events["dec"], events["energy"], events["flux"], name=name ) if append: cat = SimputCatalog.from_file(filename) cat.append(phlist, src_filename=src_filename, overwrite=overwrite) else: cat = SimputCatalog.from_source( filename, phlist, src_filename=src_filename, overwrite=overwrite ) return cat