Source code for pyxsim.source_models.power_law_sources

from numbers import Number

import numpy as np
from soxs.utils import parse_prng
from yt.data_objects.static_output import Dataset

from pyxsim.lib.spectra import power_law_spectrum
from pyxsim.source_models.sources import SourceModel
from pyxsim.utils import mylog, parse_value

[docs] class PowerLawSourceModel(SourceModel): """ Initialize a source model from a power-law spectrum. Parameters ---------- e0 : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The reference energy of the power law, in the rest frame of the source. If units are not given, they are assumed to be in keV. emin : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The minimum energy of the photons to be generated, in the rest frame of the source. If units are not given, they are assumed to be in keV. emax : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The maximum energy of the photons to be generated, in the rest frame of the source. If units are not given, they are assumed to be in keV. emission_field : string or (ftype, fname) tuple The field corresponding to the specific photon count rate per cell or particle, in the rest frame of the source, which serves as the normalization for the power law. Must be in counts/s/keV. index : float, string, or (ftype, fname) tuple The power-law index of the spectrum. Either a float for a single power law or the name of a field that corresponds to the power law. prng : integer or :class:`~numpy.random.RandomState` object A pseudo-random number generator. Typically will only be specified if you have a reason to generate the same set of random numbers, such as for a test. Default is to use the :mod:`numpy.random` module. Examples -------- >>> e0 = (1.0, "keV") >>> emin = (0.01, "keV") >>> emax = (100., "keV") >>> plaw_model = PowerLawSourceModel(e0, emin, emax, ("gas", "norm"), ("gas", "index")) """ def __init__(self, e0, emin, emax, emission_field, alpha, prng=None): self.e0 = parse_value(e0, "keV") self.emin = parse_value(emin, "keV") self.emax = parse_value(emax, "keV") self.emission_field = emission_field self.alpha = alpha self.prng = parse_prng(prng) self.ftype = None def setup_model(self, mode, data_source, redshift): if isinstance(data_source, Dataset): ds = data_source else: ds = data_source.ds self.scale_factor = 1.0 / (1.0 + redshift) self.emission_field = ds._get_field_info(self.emission_field).name if not isinstance(self.alpha, Number): self.alpha = ds._get_field_info(self.alpha).name if self.emission_field[0] != self.alpha[0]: mylog.warning( "The 'emission_field' %s and the 'alpha' field %s do not have the same field type!", self.emission_field, self.alpha, ) self.ftype = self.emission_field[0] if mode == "spectrum": self.setup_pbar(data_source, self.emission_field) def __repr__(self): rets = [ "PowerLawSourceModel(\n", f" e0={self.e0}\n", f" emin={self.emin}\n", f" emax={self.emax}\n", f" emission_field={self.emission_field}\n", f" alpha={self.alpha}\n", ")", ] return "".join(rets) def cleanup_model(self, mode): if mode == "spectrum": self.pbar.close()
[docs] def make_spectrum( self, data_source, emin, emax, nbins, redshift=0.0, dist=None, cosmology=None ): """ Make a count rate spectrum in the source frame from a yt data container, or a spectrum in the observer frame. Parameters ---------- data_source : :class:`~yt.data_objects.data_containers.YTSelectionContainer` The data source from which the photons will be generated. emin : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The minimum energy in the band. If a float, it is assumed to be in keV. emax : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The minimum energy in the band. If a float, it is assumed to be in keV. nbins : integer The number of bins in the spectrum. redshift : float, optional If greater than 0, we assume that the spectrum should be created in the observer frame at a distance given by the cosmology. Default: 0.0 dist : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity, optional The distance to a nearby source, if redshift = 0.0. If a float, it is assumed to be in units of kpc. cosmology : :class:`~yt.utilities.cosmology.Cosmology`, optional Cosmological information. If not supplied, we try to get the cosmology from the dataset. Otherwise, LCDM with the default yt parameters is assumed. Returns ------- :class:`~soxs.spectra.CountRateSpectrum` or :class:`~soxs.spectra.Spectrum`, depending on how the method is invoked. """ ebins = np.linspace(emin, emax, nbins + 1) spec = np.zeros(nbins) spectral_norm = 1.0 self.setup_model("spectrum", data_source, redshift) for chunk in data_source.chunks([], "io"): spec += self.process_data("spectrum", chunk, spectral_norm, ebins=ebins) self.cleanup_model("spectrum") return self._make_spectrum( data_source.ds, ebins, spec, redshift, dist, cosmology )
def make_fluxf(self, emin, emax, energy=False): return {"emin": emin, "emax": emax} def process_data(self, mode, chunk, spectral_norm, fluxf=None, ebins=None): num_cells = len(chunk[self.emission_field]) if isinstance(self.alpha, float): alpha = self.alpha * np.ones(num_cells) else: alpha = chunk[self.alpha].d if fluxf is None: ei = self.emin.v ef = self.emax.v else: ei = fluxf["emin"].v ef = fluxf["emax"].v if mode in ["photons", "photon_field"]: norm_fac = ef ** (1.0 - alpha) - ei ** (1.0 - alpha) norm_fac[alpha == 1] = np.log(ef / ei) norm_fac *= self.e0.v**alpha norm = norm_fac * chunk[self.emission_field].d if np.any(alpha != 1): norm[alpha != 1] /= 1.0 - alpha[alpha != 1] if mode == "photons": norm *= spectral_norm * self.scale_factor if == "internal": pos = np.array( [ np.ravel(chunk[self.p_fields[i]].to_value("kpc")) for i in range(3) ] ) r2 = self.compute_radius(pos) norm /= r2 number_of_photons = self.prng.poisson(lam=norm) energies = np.zeros(number_of_photons.sum()) start_e = 0 end_e = 0 for i in range(num_cells): if number_of_photons[i] > 0: end_e = start_e + number_of_photons[i] u = self.prng.uniform(size=number_of_photons[i]) if alpha[i] == 1: e = ei * (ef / ei) ** u else: e = ei ** (1.0 - alpha[i]) + u * norm_fac[i] e **= 1.0 / (1.0 - alpha[i]) energies[start_e:end_e] = e * self.scale_factor start_e = end_e active_cells = number_of_photons > 0 ncells = active_cells.sum() return ( ncells, number_of_photons[active_cells], active_cells, energies[:end_e].copy(), ) elif mode == "photon_field": return norm elif mode == "energy_field": norm_fac = ef ** (2.0 - alpha) - ei ** (2.0 - alpha) norm_fac *= self.e0.v**alpha / (2.0 - alpha) return norm_fac * chunk[self.emission_field].d elif mode == "spectrum": inv_sf = 1.0 / self.scale_factor emid = 0.5 * (ebins[1:] + ebins[:-1]) * inv_sf / self.e0.v spec = power_law_spectrum( num_cells, emid, alpha, chunk[self.emission_field].d, self.pbar ) return spec