Source code for pyxsim.event_list

Classes for generating lists of detected events

import os

import astropy.wcs as pywcs
import h5py
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import fits
from soxs.constants import erg_per_keV

from pyxsim.utils import mylog, parse_value

[docs] class EventList: def __init__(self, filespec): """ Read an EventList from disk so it can be exported to other formats. Parameters ---------- filespec : str A filename, list of filenames, or globbable path that yields a single or list of HDF5 files containing event data. """ from glob import glob if filespec.endswith(".h5"): try: with h5py.File(filespec, "r") as f: if "info" in f and "filenames" in f["info"].attrs: filenames = list(f["info"].attrs["filenames"]) else: filenames = glob(filespec) except OSError: # Old way of doing things filenames = glob(filespec) elif isinstance(filespec, list): if not np.all([fn.endswith(".h5") for fn in filespec]): raise RuntimeError("Not all filenames are valid!") filenames = filespec else: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid EventList file spec: {filespec}") filenames.sort() self.parameters = {} = {} self.num_events = [] self.filenames = [] get_params = True for fn in filenames: with h5py.File(fn, "r") as f: n_events = f["data"]["xsky"].size if n_events == 0: continue p = f["parameters"] self.num_events.append(f["data"]["xsky"].size) if get_params: for field in p: if isinstance(p[field][()], (str, bytes)): self.parameters[field] = p[field].asstr()[()] else: self.parameters[field] = p[field][()] if "info" in f: for k, v in f["info"].attrs.items():[k] = v get_params = False self.filenames.append(fn) self.num_files = len(self.filenames) self.tot_num_events = np.sum(self.num_events) = self.parameters.get("observer", "external")
[docs] def write_fits_file(self, fitsfile, fov, nx, overwrite=False): """ Write events to a FITS binary table file. The result is an "event file" which can be opened in ds9, binned into a spectrum, etc., but NOTE that this does NOT represent an actual observation since no instrumental effects are included. Parameters ---------- fitsfile : string The name of the event file to write. fov : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The field of view of the event file. If units are not provided, they are assumed to be in arcminutes. nx : integer The resolution of the image (number of pixels on a side). overwrite : boolean, optional Set to True to overwrite a previous file. """ from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta fov = parse_value(fov, "arcmin") t_begin = dt = TimeDelta(self.parameters["exp_time"], format="sec") t_end = t_begin + dt dtheta = fov.to_value("deg") / nx wcs = pywcs.WCS(naxis=2) wcs.wcs.crpix = [0.5 * (nx + 1)] * 2 wcs.wcs.crval = self.parameters["sky_center"] wcs.wcs.cdelt = [-dtheta, dtheta] wcs.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN", "DEC--TAN"] wcs.wcs.cunit = ["deg"] * 2 n_events = 0 e = [] x = [] y = [] for fn in self.filenames: with h5py.File(fn, "r") as f: d = f["data"] xx, yy = wcs.wcs_world2pix(d["xsky"][:], d["ysky"][:], 1) keepx = np.logical_and(xx >= 0.5, xx <= float(nx) + 0.5) keepy = np.logical_and(yy >= 0.5, yy <= float(nx) + 0.5) keep = np.logical_and(keepx, keepy) n_events += keep.sum() e.append(d["eobs"][keep]) x.append(xx[keep]) y.append(yy[keep]) "Threw out %d events because they fell outside the " "field of view.", self.tot_num_events - n_events, ) col_e = fits.Column( name="ENERGY", format="E", unit="eV", array=np.concatenate(e) * 1000.0 ) col_x = fits.Column(name="X", format="D", unit="pixel", array=np.concatenate(x)) col_y = fits.Column(name="Y", format="D", unit="pixel", array=np.concatenate(y)) cols = [col_e, col_x, col_y] coldefs = fits.ColDefs(cols) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(coldefs) = "EVENTS" tbhdu.header["MTYPE1"] = "sky" tbhdu.header["MFORM1"] = "x,y" tbhdu.header["MTYPE2"] = "EQPOS" tbhdu.header["MFORM2"] = "RA,DEC" tbhdu.header["TCTYP2"] = "RA---TAN" tbhdu.header["TCTYP3"] = "DEC--TAN" tbhdu.header["TCRVL2"] = self.parameters["sky_center"][0] tbhdu.header["TCRVL3"] = self.parameters["sky_center"][1] tbhdu.header["TCDLT2"] = -dtheta tbhdu.header["TCDLT3"] = dtheta tbhdu.header["TCRPX2"] = 0.5 * (nx + 1) tbhdu.header["TCRPX3"] = 0.5 * (nx + 1) tbhdu.header["TLMIN2"] = 0.5 tbhdu.header["TLMIN3"] = 0.5 tbhdu.header["TLMAX2"] = float(nx) + 0.5 tbhdu.header["TLMAX3"] = float(nx) + 0.5 tbhdu.header["EXPOSURE"] = self.parameters["exp_time"] tbhdu.header["TSTART"] = 0.0 tbhdu.header["TSTOP"] = self.parameters["exp_time"] tbhdu.header["AREA"] = self.parameters["area"] tbhdu.header["HDUVERS"] = "1.1.0" tbhdu.header["RADECSYS"] = "FK5" tbhdu.header["EQUINOX"] = 2000.0 tbhdu.header["HDUCLASS"] = "OGIP" tbhdu.header["HDUCLAS1"] = "EVENTS" tbhdu.header["HDUCLAS2"] = "ACCEPTED" tbhdu.header["DATE"] = tbhdu.header["DATE-OBS"] = tbhdu.header["DATE-END"] = hdulist = [fits.PrimaryHDU(), tbhdu] fits.HDUList(hdulist).writeto(fitsfile, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def get_data(self, i): with h5py.File(self.filenames[i]) as f: d = f["data"] if self.num_events[i] > 0: if == "internal": c = SkyCoord( d["xsky"][()], d["ysky"][()], unit="deg", frame="galactic" ) ra = c.icrs.ra.value dec = c.icrs.dec.value else: ra = d["xsky"][()] dec = d["ysky"][()] energy = d["eobs"][()] flux = ( np.sum(energy * erg_per_keV) / self.parameters["exp_time"] / self.parameters["area"] ) else: ra = np.array([]) dec = np.array([]) energy = np.array([]) flux = 0.0 return ra, dec, energy, flux
[docs] def write_to_simput(self, prefix, overwrite=False): r""" Write events to a SIMPUT catalog that may be utilized by various instrument simulators. Parameters ---------- prefix : string The filename prefix. The files to be written have the signature: f"{prefix}_simput.fits", f"{prefix}_phlist.fits", etc. overwrite : boolean, optional Set to True to overwrite previous files. """ from soxs.simput import SimputCatalog, SimputPhotonList simput_file = f"{prefix}_simput.fits" begin_cat = True for i, fn in enumerate(self.filenames): if len(self.filenames) == 1: phlist_file = f"{prefix}_phlist.fits" name = os.path.basename(prefix) else: phlist_file = f"{prefix}_phlist.{i:04d}.fits" name = f"{os.path.basename(prefix)}.{i:04d}" ra, dec, energy, flux = self.get_data(i) if ra.size > 0: src = SimputPhotonList(ra, dec, energy, flux, name=name) if begin_cat: cat = SimputCatalog.from_source( simput_file, src, src_filename=phlist_file, overwrite=overwrite, ) begin_cat = False else: cat.append(src, src_filename=phlist_file, overwrite=overwrite) else: mylog.warning("No events found in file %s, so skipping.", fn)
[docs] def write_fits_image( self, imagefile, fov, nx, emin=None, emax=None, overwrite=False ): r""" Generate an image by binning X-ray counts and write it to a FITS file. Parameters ---------- imagefile : string The name of the image file to write. fov : float, (value, unit) tuple, :class:`~yt.units.yt_array.YTQuantity`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The field of view of the image. If units are not provided, they are assumed to be in arcminutes. nx : integer The resolution of the image (number of pixels on a side). emin : float, optional The minimum energy of the photons to put in the image, in keV. emax : float, optional The maximum energy of the photons to put in the image, in keV. overwrite : boolean, optional Set to True to overwrite a previous file. """ fov = parse_value(fov, "arcmin") if emin is None: emin = -1.0 if emax is None: emax = 1.0e10 dtheta = fov.to_value("deg") / nx xbins = np.linspace(0.5, float(nx) + 0.5, nx + 1, endpoint=True) ybins = np.linspace(0.5, float(nx) + 0.5, nx + 1, endpoint=True) wcs = pywcs.WCS(naxis=2) wcs.wcs.crpix = [0.5 * (nx + 1)] * 2 wcs.wcs.crval = self.parameters["sky_center"] wcs.wcs.cdelt = [-dtheta, dtheta] wcs.wcs.ctype = ["RA---TAN", "DEC--TAN"] wcs.wcs.cunit = ["deg"] * 2 H = np.zeros((nx, nx)) for fn in self.filenames: with h5py.File(fn, "r") as f: d = f["data"] mask = np.logical_and(d["eobs"][:] >= emin, d["eobs"][:] <= emax) xx, yy = wcs.wcs_world2pix(d["xsky"][mask], d["ysky"][mask], 1) H += np.histogram2d(xx, yy, bins=[xbins, ybins])[0] hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(H.T) hdu.header["MTYPE1"] = "EQPOS" hdu.header["MFORM1"] = "RA,DEC" hdu.header["CTYPE1"] = "RA---TAN" hdu.header["CTYPE2"] = "DEC--TAN" hdu.header["CRPIX1"] = 0.5 * (nx + 1) hdu.header["CRPIX2"] = 0.5 * (nx + 1) hdu.header["CRVAL1"] = self.parameters["sky_center"][0] hdu.header["CRVAL2"] = self.parameters["sky_center"][1] hdu.header["CUNIT1"] = "deg" hdu.header["CUNIT2"] = "deg" hdu.header["CDELT1"] = -dtheta hdu.header["CDELT2"] = dtheta hdu.header["EXPOSURE"] = self.parameters["exp_time"] hdu.writeto(imagefile, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def write_spectrum(self, specfile, emin, emax, nchan, overwrite=False): r""" Bin observer-frame event energies into a spectrum and write it to a FITS binary table. This is for an *unconvolved* spectrum. Parameters ---------- specfile : string The name of the FITS file to be written. emin : float The minimum energy of the spectral bins in keV. emax : float The maximum energy of the spectral bins in keV. nchan : integer The number of channels. overwrite : boolean, optional Set to True to overwrite a previous file. """ spec = np.zeros(nchan) ebins = np.linspace(emin, emax, nchan + 1, endpoint=True) emid = 0.5 * (ebins[1:] + ebins[:-1]) for fn in self.filenames: with h5py.File(fn, "r") as f: d = f["data"] spec += np.histogram(d["eobs"][:], bins=ebins)[0] col1 = fits.Column( name="CHANNEL", format="1J", array=np.arange(nchan).astype("int32") + 1 ) col2 = fits.Column(name="ENERGY", format="1D", array=emid.astype("float64")) col3 = fits.Column(name="COUNTS", format="1J", array=spec.astype("int32")) col4 = fits.Column( name="COUNT_RATE", format="1D", array=spec / self.parameters["exp_time"] ) coldefs = fits.ColDefs([col1, col2, col3, col4]) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(coldefs) = "SPECTRUM" tbhdu.header["DETCHANS"] = spec.shape[0] tbhdu.header["TOTCTS"] = spec.sum() tbhdu.header["EXPOSURE"] = self.parameters["exp_time"] tbhdu.header["LIVETIME"] = self.parameters["exp_time"] tbhdu.header["CONTENT"] = "pi" tbhdu.header["HDUCLASS"] = "OGIP" tbhdu.header["HDUCLAS1"] = "SPECTRUM" tbhdu.header["HDUCLAS2"] = "TOTAL" tbhdu.header["HDUCLAS3"] = "TYPE:I" tbhdu.header["HDUCLAS4"] = "COUNT" tbhdu.header["HDUVERS"] = "1.1.0" tbhdu.header["HDUVERS1"] = "1.1.0" tbhdu.header["CHANTYPE"] = "pi" tbhdu.header["BACKFILE"] = "none" tbhdu.header["CORRFILE"] = "none" tbhdu.header["POISSERR"] = True tbhdu.header["RESPFILE"] = "none" tbhdu.header["ANCRFILE"] = "none" tbhdu.header["MISSION"] = "none" tbhdu.header["TELESCOP"] = "none" tbhdu.header["INSTRUME"] = "none" tbhdu.header["AREASCAL"] = 1.0 tbhdu.header["CORRSCAL"] = 0.0 tbhdu.header["BACKSCAL"] = 1.0 hdulist = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(), tbhdu]) hdulist.writeto(specfile, overwrite=overwrite)