Source code for soxs.thermal_spectra

import os

import numpy as np
from import fits
from import tqdm

from soxs.constants import (
from soxs.lib.broaden_lines import broaden_lines
from soxs.utils import (

class CIEGenerator:
    def __init__(
        self.binscale = binscale
        if model_vers is None:
            model_vers = soxs_cfg.get("soxs", f"{model.lower()}_vers")
        mylog.debug("Using %s version %s.", model, model_vers)
        self.model_vers = model_vers
        if nei and var_elem is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "For NEI spectra, you must specify which elements "
                "you want to vary using the 'var_elem' argument!"
        self.nei = nei
        emin = parse_value(emin, "keV")
        emax = parse_value(emax, "keV")
        self.emin = emin
        self.emax = emax
        self.nbins = nbins
        if binscale == "linear":
            self.ebins = np.linspace(self.emin, self.emax, nbins + 1)
        elif binscale == "log":
            self.ebins = np.logspace(
                np.log10(self.emin), np.log10(self.emax), nbins + 1
            ) = np.diff(self.ebins)
        self.emid = 0.5 * (self.ebins[1:] + self.ebins[:-1])
        if nei:
            neistr = "_nei"
            ftype = "comp"
            neistr = ""
            ftype = "coco"
        cocofile = f"{model.lower()}_v{model_vers}{neistr}_{ftype}.fits"
        linefile = f"{model.lower()}_v{model_vers}{neistr}_line.fits"
        if model_root is None:
            self.cocofile = get_data_file(cocofile)
            self.linefile = get_data_file(linefile)
            model_root = soxs_cfg.get("soxs", "soxs_data_dir")
            self.cocofile = os.path.join(model_root, cocofile)
            self.linefile = os.path.join(model_root, linefile)
        self.model_root = model_root
        if not os.path.exists(self.cocofile) or not os.path.exists(self.linefile):
            raise IOError(
                f"Cannot find the {model} files!\n {self.cocofile}\n, "
        mylog.debug("Using %s for generating spectral lines.", linefile)
        mylog.debug("Using %s for generating the continuum.", cocofile)
        self.nolines = nolines
        self.wvbins = hc / self.ebins[::-1]
        self.broadening = broadening
        self.line_handle =
        self.coco_handle =
        self.nT = self.line_handle[1].data.shape[0]
        self.Tvals = convert_endian(self.line_handle[1].data.field("kT"))
        self.dTvals = np.diff(self.Tvals)
        self.minlam = self.wvbins.min()
        self.maxlam = self.wvbins.max()
        self.var_elem_names = []
        self.var_ion_names = []
        if var_elem is None:
            self.var_elem = np.empty((0, 1), dtype="int")
            self.var_elem = []
            if len(var_elem) != len(set(var_elem)):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Duplicates were found in the "var_elem" list! %s' % var_elem
            for elem in var_elem:
                if "^" in elem:
                    if not self.nei:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "Cannot use different ionization states with a "
                            "CIE plasma!"
                    el = elem.split("^")
                    e = el[0]
                    ion = int(el[1])
                    if self.nei:
                        raise RuntimeError(
                            "Variable elements must include the ionization "
                            "state for NEI plasmas!"
                    e = elem
                    ion = 0
                self.var_elem.append([elem_names.index(e), ion])
            self.var_elem.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))
            self.var_elem = np.array(self.var_elem, dtype="int")
            self.var_elem_names = [elem_names[e[0]] for e in self.var_elem]
            self.var_ion_names = [
                "%s^%d" % (elem_names[e[0]], e[1]) for e in self.var_elem
        self.num_var_elem = len(self.var_elem)
        if self.nei:
            self.cosmic_elem = [
                elem for elem in [1, 2] if elem not in self.var_elem[:, 0]
            self.metal_elem = []
            self.cosmic_elem = [
                elem for elem in cosmic_elem if elem not in self.var_elem[:, 0]
            self.metal_elem = [
                elem for elem in metal_elem if elem not in self.var_elem[:, 0]
        if abund_table is None:
            abund_table = soxs_cfg.get("soxs", "abund_table")
        if not isinstance(abund_table, str):
            if len(abund_table) != 30:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "User-supplied abundance tables " "must be 30 elements long!"
            self.atable = np.concatenate([[0.0], np.array(abund_table)])
            self.atable = abund_tables[abund_table].copy()
        self._atable = self.atable.copy()
        self._atable[1:] /= abund_tables["angr"][1:]

    def _make_spectrum(
        self, kT, element, ion, velocity, line_fields, coco_fields, scale_factor
        tmpspec = np.zeros(self.nbins)

        if not self.nolines:
            loc = (
                (line_fields["element"] == element)
                & (line_fields["lambda"] > self.minlam)
                & (line_fields["lambda"] < self.maxlam)
            if self.nei:
                loc &= line_fields["ion_drv"] == ion + 1
            i = np.where(loc)[0]
            E0 = hc / line_fields["lambda"][i].astype("float64") * scale_factor
            amp = line_fields["epsilon"][i].astype("float64") * self._atable[element]
            if self.broadening:
                sigma = 2.0 * kT * erg_per_keV / (atomic_weights[element] * m_u)
                sigma += 2.0 * velocity * velocity
                sigma = E0 * np.sqrt(sigma) / clight
                vec = broaden_lines(E0, sigma, amp, self.ebins)
                vec = np.histogram(E0, self.ebins, weights=amp)[0]
            tmpspec += vec

        ind = np.where(
            (coco_fields["Z"] == element) & (coco_fields["rmJ"] == ion + int(self.nei))

        if len(ind) == 0:
            return tmpspec
            ind = ind[0]

        de0 = / scale_factor

        n_cont = coco_fields["N_Cont"][ind]
        e_cont = coco_fields["E_Cont"][ind][:n_cont] * scale_factor
        continuum = coco_fields["Continuum"][ind][:n_cont] * self._atable[element]

        tmpspec += np.interp(self.emid, e_cont, continuum) * de0

        n_pseudo = coco_fields["N_Pseudo"][ind]
        e_pseudo = coco_fields["E_Pseudo"][ind][:n_pseudo] * scale_factor
        pseudo = coco_fields["Pseudo"][ind][:n_pseudo] * self._atable[element]

        tmpspec += np.interp(self.emid, e_pseudo, pseudo) * de0

        return tmpspec * scale_factor

    def _preload_data(self, index):
        line_data = self.line_handle[index + 2].data
        coco_data = self.coco_handle[index + 2].data
        line_fields = ["element", "lambda", "epsilon"]
        if self.nei:
        line_fields = tuple(line_fields)
        coco_fields = (
        line_fields = {el: line_data.field(el) for el in line_fields}
        coco_fields = {el: coco_data.field(el) for el in coco_fields}
        return line_fields, coco_fields

    def _get_table(self, indices, redshift, velocity):
        numi = len(indices)
        scale_factor = 1.0 / (1.0 + redshift)
        cspec = np.zeros((numi, self.nbins))
        mspec = np.zeros((numi, self.nbins))
        vspec = None
        if self.num_var_elem > 0:
            vspec = np.zeros((self.num_var_elem, numi, self.nbins))
        if numi > 2:
            pbar = tqdm(leave=True, total=numi, desc="Preparing spectrum table ")
            pbar = DummyPbar()
        for i, ikT in enumerate(indices):
            line_fields, coco_fields = self._preload_data(ikT)
            # First do H, He, and trace elements
            for elem in self.cosmic_elem:
                if self.nei:
                    # For H, He, we assume fully ionized
                    ion = elem
                    ion = 0
                cspec[i, :] += self._make_spectrum(
            # Next do the metals
            for elem in self.metal_elem:
                mspec[i, :] += self._make_spectrum(
            # Now do any metals that we wanted to vary freely from the abund
            # parameter
            if self.num_var_elem > 0:
                for j, elem in enumerate(self.var_elem):
                    vspec[j, i, :] = self._make_spectrum(
        return cspec, mspec, vspec

    def _spectrum_init(self, kT, velocity):
        kT = parse_value(kT, "keV")
        velocity = parse_value(velocity, "km/s")
        v = velocity * 1.0e5
        tindex = np.searchsorted(self.Tvals, kT) - 1
        dT = (kT - self.Tvals[tindex]) / self.dTvals[tindex]
        return kT, dT, tindex, v

    def get_spectrum(self, kT, abund, redshift, norm, velocity=0.0, elem_abund=None):
        Get a thermal emission spectrum assuming CIE.

        kT : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            The temperature in keV.
        abund : float
            The metal abundance in solar units.
        redshift : float
            The redshift.
        norm : float
            The normalization of the model, in the standard
            Xspec units of 1.0e-14*EM/(4*pi*(1+z)**2*D_A**2).
        velocity : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
            The velocity broadening parameter, in units of
            km/s. Default: 0.0
        elem_abund : dict of element name, float pairs, optional
            A dictionary of elemental abundances in solar
            units to vary freely of the abund parameter, e.g.
            {"O": 0.4, "N": 0.3, "He": 0.9}. Default: None
        from soxs.spectra import Spectrum

        if self.nei:
            raise RuntimeError("Use 'get_nei_spectrum' for NEI spectra!")
        if elem_abund is None:
            elem_abund = {}
        if set(elem_abund.keys()) != set(self.var_elem_names):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The supplied set of abundances is not the "
                "same as that was originally set!\n"
                "Free elements: %s\nAbundances: %s"
                % (set(elem_abund.keys()), set(self.var_elem_names))
        kT, dT, tindex, v = self._spectrum_init(kT, velocity)
        if tindex >= self.Tvals.shape[0] - 1 or tindex < 0:
            return Spectrum(self.ebins, np.zeros(self.nbins), binscale=self.binscale)
        cspec, mspec, vspec = self._get_table([tindex, tindex + 1], redshift, v)
        cosmic_spec = cspec[0, :] * (1.0 - dT) + cspec[1, :] * dT
        metal_spec = mspec[0, :] * (1.0 - dT) + mspec[1, :] * dT
        spec = cosmic_spec + abund * metal_spec
        if vspec is not None:
            for elem, eabund in elem_abund.items():
                j = self.var_elem_names.index(elem)
                spec += eabund * (vspec[j, 0, :] * (1.0 - dT) + vspec[j, 1, :] * dT)
        spec = 1.0e14 * norm * spec /
        return Spectrum(self.ebins, spec, binscale=self.binscale)

    def get_nei_spectrum(self, kT, elem_abund, redshift, norm, velocity=0.0):
        Get a thermal emission spectrum assuming NEI.

        kT : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            The temperature in keV.
        elem_abund : dict of element name, float pairs
            A dictionary of ionization state abundances in solar
            units to vary freely of the abund parameter, e.g.
            {"O^1": 0.4, "O^4": 0.6, "N^2": 0.7} Default: None
        redshift : float
            The redshift.
        norm : float
            The normalization of the model, in the standard
            Xspec units of 1.0e-14*EM/(4*pi*(1+z)**2*D_A**2).
        velocity : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
            The velocity broadening parameter, in units of
            km/s. Default: 0.0
        from soxs.spectra import Spectrum

        if not self.nei:
            raise RuntimeError("Use 'get_spectrum' for CIE spectra!")
        if set(elem_abund.keys()) != set(self.var_ion_names):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The supplied set of abundances is not the "
                "same as that was originally set!\n"
                "Free elements: %s\nAbundances: %s"
                % (set(elem_abund.keys()), set(self.var_ion_names))
        kT, dT, tindex, v = self._spectrum_init(kT, velocity)
        if tindex >= self.Tvals.shape[0] - 1 or tindex < 0:
            return np.zeros(self.nbins)
        cspec, _, vspec = self._get_table([tindex, tindex + 1], redshift, v)
        spec = cspec[0, :] * (1.0 - dT) + cspec[1, :] * dT
        for elem, eabund in elem_abund.items():
            j = self.var_ion_names.index(elem)
            spec += eabund * (vspec[j, 0, :] * (1.0 - dT) + vspec[j, 1, :] * dT)
        spec = 1.0e14 * norm * spec /
        return Spectrum(self.ebins, spec, binscale=self.binscale)

[docs] class ApecGenerator(CIEGenerator): r""" Create spectra assuming a thermal plasma emission model in collisional ionization equilibrium from the AtomDB APEC tables available at This code borrows heavily from Python routines used to read the APEC tables developed by Adam Foster at the CfA ( Parameters ---------- emin : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The minimum energy for the spectral model. emax : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The maximum energy for the spectral model. nbins : integer The number of bins in the spectral model. binscale : string, optional The scale of the energy binning: "linear" or "log". Default: "linear" var_elem : list of strings, optional The names of elements to allow to vary freely from the single abundance parameter. These must be strings like ["O", "N", "He"], or if nei=True they must be elements with ionization states, e.g. ["O^1", "O^2", "N^4"]. Default: None apec_root : string, optional The directory root where the APEC model files are stored. If not provided, the default is to grab them from the tables stored with SOXS. apec_vers : string, optional The version identifier string for the APEC files. Default is set in the SOXS configuration file, the default for which is "3.0.9". broadening : boolean, optional Whether the spectral lines should be thermally and velocity broadened. Default: True nolines : boolean, optional Turn off lines entirely for generating spectra. Default: False abund_table : string or array_like, optional The abundance table to be used for solar abundances. Either a string corresponding to a built-in table or an array of 30 floats corresponding to the abundances of each element relative to the abundance of H. Default is set in the SOXS configuration file, the default for which is "angr". Built-in options are: "angr" : from Anders E. & Grevesse N. (1989, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, 197) "aspl" : from Asplund M., Grevesse N., Sauval A.J. & Scott P. (2009, ARAA, 47, 481) "feld" : from Feldman U. (1992, Physica Scripta, 46, 202) "wilm" : from Wilms, Allen & McCray (2000, ApJ 542, 914 except for elements not listed which are given zero abundance) "lodd" : from Lodders, K (2003, ApJ 591, 1220) "cl17.03" : the abundance table used in Cloudy v17.03. nei : boolean, optional If True, use the non-equilibrium ionization tables. Examples -------- >>> apec_model = ApecGenerator(0.05, 50.0, 1000, apec_vers="3.0.3", ... broadening=True) """ def __init__( self, emin, emax, nbins, binscale="linear", var_elem=None, apec_root=None, apec_vers=None, broadening=True, nolines=False, abund_table=None, nei=False, ): super().__init__( "apec", emin, emax, nbins, binscale=binscale, var_elem=var_elem, model_root=apec_root, model_vers=apec_vers, broadening=broadening, nolines=nolines, abund_table=abund_table, nei=nei, )
[docs] class SpexGenerator(CIEGenerator): r""" Create thermal spectral using the SPEX CIE model ( The same underlying machinery as the APEC model is used, as the SPEX model has been converted to the APEC table format using the code at Note that the default abundance table is Anders & Grevasse (1989), which can be changed using the abund_table keyword argument. Parameters ---------- emin : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The minimum energy for the spectral model. emax : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The maximum energy for the spectral model. nbins : integer The number of bins in the spectral model. binscale : string, optional The scale of the energy binning: "linear" or "log". Default: "linear" var_elem : list of strings, optional The names of elements to allow to vary freely from the single abundance parameter. These must be strings like ["O", "N", "He"]. Default: None spex_root : string, optional The directory root where the SPEX model files are stored. If not provided, the default is to grab them from the tables stored with SOXS. spex_vers : string, optional The version identifier string for the SPEX files. Default is set in the SOXS configuration file, the default for which is "3.07.03". broadening : boolean, optional Whether the spectral lines should be thermally and velocity broadened. Default: True nolines : boolean, optional Turn off lines entirely for generating spectra. Default: False abund_table : string or array_like, optional The abundance table to be used for solar abundances. Either a string corresponding to a built-in table or an array of 30 floats corresponding to the abundances of each element relative to the abundance of H. Default is set in the SOXS configuration file, the default for which is "angr". Built-in options are: "angr" : from Anders E. & Grevesse N. (1989, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, 197) "aspl" : from Asplund M., Grevesse N., Sauval A.J. & Scott P. (2009, ARAA, 47, 481) "feld" : from Feldman U. (1992, Physica Scripta, 46, 202) "wilm" : from Wilms, Allen & McCray (2000, ApJ 542, 914 except for elements not listed which are given zero abundance) "lodd" : from Lodders, K (2003, ApJ 591, 1220) "cl17.03" : the abundance table used in Cloudy v17.03. Examples -------- >>> spex_model = SpexGenerator(0.05, 50.0, 1000, broadening=True) """ def __init__( self, emin, emax, nbins, binscale="linear", var_elem=None, spex_vers=None, spex_root=None, broadening=True, nolines=False, abund_table=None, ): super().__init__( "spex", emin, emax, nbins, binscale=binscale, var_elem=var_elem, model_root=spex_root, model_vers=spex_vers, broadening=broadening, nolines=nolines, abund_table=abund_table, nei=False, )
[docs] def get_nei_spectrum(self, kT, elem_abund, redshift, norm, velocity=0.0): raise RuntimeError( "SPEX NEI spectra are not supported in this " "version of SOXS!" )
metal_tab_names = { "C": "c", "N": "n", "O": "ox", "Ne": "ne", "Mg": "mg", "Si": "si", "S": "su", "Ca": "ca", "Fe": "fe", } class AtableGenerator: _available_elem = [] def __init__( self, emin, emax, nbins, cosmic_table, metal_tables, var_tables, var_elem, binscale, ): self.emin = parse_value(emin, "keV") self.emax = parse_value(emax, "keV") self.cosmic_table = cosmic_table self.metal_tables = metal_tables self.var_tables = var_tables if var_elem is None: var_elem = [] else: sorted(var_elem, key=lambda symbol: elem_names.index(symbol)) extra_elem = set(var_elem).difference(set(self._available_elem)) if extra_elem: raise ValueError( f"The elements {extra_elem} are not available for " f"variation in the {type(self).__name__} model!" ) self.var_elem = var_elem self.nvar_elem = len(self.var_elem) self.binscale = binscale self.nbins = nbins if binscale == "linear": self.ebins = np.linspace(self.emin, self.emax, nbins + 1) elif binscale == "log": self.ebins = np.logspace( np.log10(self.emin), np.log10(self.emax), nbins + 1 ) = np.diff(self.ebins) self.emid = 0.5 * (self.ebins[1:] + self.ebins[:-1]) self.n_D = 1 self.n_T = 1 with as f: self.elo = f["ENERGIES"].data["ENERG_LO"].astype("float64") self.ehi = f["ENERGIES"].data["ENERG_HI"].astype("float64") def _get_energies(self, redshift): scale_factor = 1.0 / (1.0 + redshift) elo = self.elo * scale_factor ehi = self.ehi * scale_factor idx_min = max(np.searchsorted(elo, self.emin) - 1, 0) idx_max = min(np.searchsorted(ehi, self.emax), self.ehi.size - 1) ebins = np.append(elo[idx_min : idx_max + 1], ehi[idx_max]) ne = ebins.size - 1 emid = 0.5 * (ebins[1:] + ebins[:-1]) de = np.diff(ebins) return (idx_min, idx_max + 1), ne, ebins, emid, de def _get_table(self, ne, eidxs, redshift): scale_factor = 1.0 / (1.0 + redshift) metal_spec = np.zeros((self.n_T * self.n_D, ne)) mylog.debug("Opening %s.", self.cosmic_table) with as f: cosmic_spec = ( f["SPECTRA"].data["INTPSPEC"][:, eidxs[0] : eidxs[1]].astype("float64") * self.norm_fac[0] ) for j, mfile in enumerate(self.metal_tables): mylog.debug("Opening %s.", mfile) with as f: metal_spec += ( f["SPECTRA"] .data["INTPSPEC"][:, eidxs[0] : eidxs[1]] .astype("float64") * self.norm_fac[j] ) var_spec = ( np.zeros((self.nvar_elem, self.n_T * self.n_D, ne)) if self.nvar_elem > 0 else None ) for i, el in enumerate(self._available_elem): for j, vfile in enumerate(self.var_tables[i]): mylog.debug("Opening %s.", vfile) with as f: data = ( f["SPECTRA"] .data["INTPSPEC"][:, eidxs[0] : eidxs[1]] .astype("float64") * self.norm_fac[j] ) if el in self.var_elem: k = self.var_elem.index(el) var_spec[k, :, :] += data else: metal_spec += data cosmic_spec *= scale_factor metal_spec *= scale_factor if var_spec is not None: var_spec *= scale_factor return cosmic_spec, metal_spec, var_spec class Atable1DGenerator(AtableGenerator): def __init__( self, emin, emax, nbins, cosmic_table, metal_tables, var_tables, var_elem, binscale, ): super().__init__( emin, emax, nbins, cosmic_table, metal_tables, var_tables, var_elem, binscale, ) with as f: self.n_T = f["PARAMETERS"].data["NUMBVALS"][0] self.Tvals = convert_endian(f["PARAMETERS"].data["VALUE"][0]) self.dTvals = np.diff(self.Tvals) self.norm_fac = np.ones(max(1, len(metal_tables))) self.var_elem_names = self.var_elem.copy() def get_spectrum(self, kT, abund, redshift, norm, elem_abund=None): """ Get a thermal emission spectrum from a 1-D XSPEC atable-based model. Parameters ---------- kT : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The temperature in keV. abund : float The metal abundance in solar units. redshift : float The redshift. norm : float The normalization of the model, in the standard Xspec units of 1.0e-14*EM/(4*pi*(1+z)**2*D_A**2). elem_abund : dict of element name, float pairs, optional A dictionary of elemental abundances in solar units to vary freely of the abund parameter, e.g. {"O": 0.4, "Ne": 0.3, "Fe": 0.9}. Default: None """ from soxs.spectra import Spectrum if elem_abund is None: elem_abund = {} if set(elem_abund.keys()) != set(self.var_elem_names): msg = ( "The supplied set of abundances is not the same as " "that which was originally set!\nFree elements: " f"{set(elem_abund.keys())}\n" f"Abundances: {set(self.var_elem_names)}" ) raise RuntimeError(msg) kT = parse_value(kT, "keV") lkT = np.atleast_1d(np.log10(kT * K_per_keV)) tidx = np.searchsorted(self.Tvals, lkT) - 1 eidxs, ne, ebins, emid, de = self._get_energies(redshift) if tidx >= self.Tvals.size - 1 or tidx < 0: return Spectrum(self.ebins, np.zeros(self.nbins), binscale=self.binscale) cspec, mspec, vspec = self._get_table(ne, eidxs, redshift) dT = (lkT - self.Tvals[tidx]) / self.dTvals[tidx] cosmic_spec = cspec[tidx, :] * (1.0 - dT) + cspec[tidx + 1, :] * dT metal_spec = mspec[tidx, :] * (1.0 - dT) + mspec[tidx + 1, :] * dT spec = cosmic_spec + abund * metal_spec if vspec is not None: for elem, eabund in elem_abund.items(): j = self.var_elem_names.index(elem) spec += eabund * ( vspec[j, tidx, :] * (1.0 - dT) + vspec[j, tidx + 1, :] * dT ) np.clip(spec, 0.0, None, out=spec) spec = norm * regrid_spectrum(self.ebins, ebins, spec[0, :]) / return Spectrum(self.ebins, spec, binscale=self.binscale) class Atable2DGenerator(AtableGenerator): _scale_nH = True def __init__( self, emin, emax, nbins, cosmic_table, metal_tables, var_tables, var_elem, binscale, ): super().__init__( emin, emax, nbins, cosmic_table, metal_tables, var_tables, var_elem, binscale, ) with as f: self.n_D = f["PARAMETERS"].data["NUMBVALS"][0] self.Dvals = convert_endian(f["PARAMETERS"].data["VALUE"][0][: self.n_D]) self.n_T = f["PARAMETERS"].data["NUMBVALS"][1] self.Tvals = convert_endian(f["PARAMETERS"].data["VALUE"][1][: self.n_T]) self.dDvals = np.diff(self.Dvals) self.dTvals = np.diff(self.Tvals) self.norm_fac = np.ones(len(metal_tables)) def get_spectrum(self, kT, nH, abund, redshift, norm, elem_abund=None): """ Get a thermal emission spectrum from a 2-D XSPEC atable-based model. Parameters ---------- kT : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The temperature in keV. nH : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The hydrogen number density in cm**-3. abund : float The metal abundance in solar units. redshift : float The redshift. norm : float The normalization of the model, in the standard Xspec units of 1.0e-14*EM/(4*pi*(1+z)**2*D_A**2). elem_abund : dict of element name, float pairs, optional A dictionary of elemental abundances in solar units to vary freely of the abund parameter, e.g. {"O": 0.4, "Ne": 0.3, "Fe": 0.9}. Default: None """ from soxs.spectra import Spectrum if elem_abund is None: elem_abund = {} if set(elem_abund.keys()) != set(self.var_elem): msg = ( "The supplied set of abundances is not the same as " "that which was originally set!\nFree elements: " f"{set(elem_abund.keys())}\n" f"Abundances: {set(self.var_elem)}" ) raise RuntimeError(msg) kT = parse_value(kT, "keV") nH = parse_value(nH, "cm**-3") lkT = np.atleast_1d(np.log10(kT * K_per_keV)) lnH = np.atleast_1d(np.log10(nH)) tidx = np.searchsorted(self.Tvals, lkT) - 1 didx = np.searchsorted(self.Dvals, lnH) - 1 if tidx >= self.Tvals.size - 1 or tidx < 0: return Spectrum(self.ebins, np.zeros(self.nbins), binscale=self.binscale) if didx >= self.Dvals.size - 1 or didx < 0: return Spectrum(self.ebins, np.zeros(self.nbins), binscale=self.binscale) eidxs, ne, ebins, emid, de = self._get_energies(redshift) cspec, mspec, vspec = self._get_table(ne, eidxs, redshift) dT = (lkT - self.Tvals[tidx]) / self.dTvals[tidx] dn = (lnH - self.Dvals[didx]) / self.dDvals[didx] idx1 = np.ravel_multi_index((didx + 1, tidx + 1), (self.n_D, self.n_T)) idx2 = np.ravel_multi_index((didx + 1, tidx), (self.n_D, self.n_T)) idx3 = np.ravel_multi_index((didx, tidx + 1), (self.n_D, self.n_T)) idx4 = np.ravel_multi_index((didx, tidx), (self.n_D, self.n_T)) dx1 = dT * dn dx2 = dn - dx1 dx3 = dT - dx1 dx4 = 1.0 + dx1 - dT - dn cosmic_spec = dx1 * cspec[idx1, :] cosmic_spec += dx2 * cspec[idx2, :] cosmic_spec += dx3 * cspec[idx3, :] cosmic_spec += dx4 * cspec[idx4, :] metal_spec = dx1 * mspec[idx1, :] metal_spec += dx2 * mspec[idx2, :] metal_spec += dx3 * mspec[idx3, :] metal_spec += dx4 * mspec[idx4, :] spec = cosmic_spec + abund * metal_spec if vspec is not None: for elem, eabund in elem_abund.items(): j = self.var_elem.index(elem) spec += eabund * dx1 * vspec[j, idx1, :] spec += eabund * dx2 * vspec[j, idx2, :] spec += eabund * dx3 * vspec[j, idx3, :] spec += eabund * dx4 * vspec[j, idx4, :] np.clip(spec, 0.0, None, out=spec) spec = norm * regrid_spectrum(self.ebins, ebins, spec[0, :]) / if self._scale_nH: spec /= nH return Spectrum(self.ebins, spec, binscale=self.binscale)
[docs] class MekalGenerator(Atable1DGenerator): _available_elem = [ "He", "C", "N", "O", "Ne", "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "S", "Ar", "Ca", "Fe", "Ni", ] """ Initialize an emission model for a thermal plasma assuming CIE generated from the MeKaL model. Relevant references are: Parameters ---------- emin : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The minimum energy for the spectral model. emax : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The maximum energy for the spectral model. nbins : integer The number of bins in the spectral model. binscale : string, optional The scale of the energy binning: "linear" or "log". Default: "linear" var_elem : list of strings, optional The names of elements to allow to vary freely from the single abundance parameter. These must be strings like ["O", "N", "He"]. Variable abundances available for the MeKaL model are ["He", "C", "N", "O", "Ne", "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "S", "Ar", "Ca", "Fe", "Ni"]. Default: None abund_table : string or array_like, optional The abundance table to be used for solar abundances. Either a string corresponding to a built-in table or an array of 30 floats corresponding to the abundances of each element relative to the abundance of H. Default is set in the SOXS configuration file, the default for which is "angr". Built-in options are: "angr" : from Anders E. & Grevesse N. (1989, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, 197) "aspl" : from Asplund M., Grevesse N., Sauval A.J. & Scott P. (2009, ARAA, 47, 481) "feld" : from Feldman U. (1992, Physica Scripta, 46, 202) "wilm" : from Wilms, Allen & McCray (2000, ApJ 542, 914 except for elements not listed which are given zero abundance) "lodd" : from Lodders, K (2003, ApJ 591, 1220) "cl17.03" : the abundance table used in Cloudy v17.03. """ def __init__( self, emin, emax, nbins, binscale="linear", var_elem=None, abund_table="angr" ): mekal_table = get_data_file("mekal.mod") metal_tables = tuple() var_tables = tuple() if var_elem is None: var_elem = [] super().__init__( emin, emax, nbins, mekal_table, metal_tables, var_tables, var_elem, binscale ) # Hack to convert to what we usually expect self.Tvals = np.log10(self.Tvals * K_per_keV) self.dTvals = np.diff(self.Tvals) if abund_table is None: abund_table = soxs_cfg.get("soxs", "abund_table") if not isinstance(abund_table, str): if len(abund_table) != 30: raise RuntimeError( "User-supplied abundance tables " "must be 30 elements long!" ) self.atable = np.concatenate([[0.0], np.array(abund_table)]) else: self.atable = abund_tables[abund_table].copy() self._atable = self.atable.copy() self._atable[1:] /= abund_tables["angr"][1:] def _get_table(self, ne, eidxs, redshift): scale_factor = 1.0 / (1.0 + redshift) metal_spec = np.zeros((self.n_T, ne)) var_spec = ( np.zeros((self.nvar_elem, self.n_T, ne)) if self.nvar_elem > 0 else None ) mylog.debug("Opening %s.", self.cosmic_table) with as f: cosmic_spec = ( f["SPECTRA"].data["INTPSPEC"][:, eidxs[0] : eidxs[1]].astype("float64") ) k = 0 for i in range(14): j = elem_names.index(self._available_elem[i]) data = self._atable[j] * f["SPECTRA"].data[f"ADDSP0{i+1:02d}"][ :, eidxs[0] : eidxs[1] ].astype("float64") if self._available_elem[i] in self.var_elem: var_spec[k, ...] = data k += 1 elif j != 2: # this is a metal (not helium) metal_spec += data else: # this is helium cosmic_spec += data cosmic_spec *= scale_factor metal_spec *= scale_factor if var_spec is not None: var_spec *= scale_factor return cosmic_spec, metal_spec, var_spec
[docs] class CloudyCIEGenerator(Atable1DGenerator): _available_elem = ["C", "N", "O", "Ne", "Mg", "Si", "S", "Ca", "Fe"] """ Initialize an emission model for a thermal plasma assuming CIE generated from Cloudy. The sequence of Cloudy commands used to generate the XSPEC atable are as follows: ######### title cie_hi_z1 database chianti level MAX no molecules no grain physics set phfit 1996 abundances "./feld.abn" metals 0.0 hden 0 coronal equil 5 vary set continuum resolution 0.1 grid range 4.0 to 9.0 in 0.025 dex steps sequential stop column density 1.5032e+18 linear iterate to convergence save xspec atable reflected spectrum "cie_hi_z1.fits" range 0.05 10. ######### This sequence of commands is repeated for solar and low abundances so that the abundance parameter can be taken into account via a linear combination of two tables. For the individual abundances, they are obtained by setting e.g. "element neon off" in the run and doing the appropriate arithmetic. The energy range of the generated table at a redshift of 0 is 0.05-10.0 keV. The default resolution of Cloudy in this range is dE/E = 0.005 for E < 8.16 keV, and dE/E = 0.03 for higher energies. SOXS provides two different spectral resolutions for the Cloudy CIE tables, the lower of which is 10 times finer than the above and the higher is 40 times finer. Which is used can be controlled by the *model_vers* argument as described below. Assumes the abundance tables from Feldman 1992. Parameters ---------- emin : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The minimum energy for the spectral model. emax : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The maximum energy for the spectral model. nbins : integer The number of bins in the spectral model. binscale : string, optional The scale of the energy binning: "linear" or "log". Default: "linear" var_elem : list of strings, optional The names of elements to allow to vary freely from the single abundance parameter. These must be strings, like ["C", "N", "O"]. Variable abundances available for the Cloudy CIE model are ["C", "N", "O", "Ne", "Mg", "Si", "S", "Ca", "Fe"]. Default: None model_vers : string, optional The version of the Cloudy CIE tables to use in the calculations. Options are: "4_lo": Tables computed from Cloudy using a continuum resolution of 0.1 with a range of 0.05 to 10 keV. "4_hi": Tables computed from Cloudy using enhanced continuum resolution of 0.025 with a range of 0.05 to 10 keV. Excellent energy resolution, but may be expensive to evaluate. Default: "4_lo" """ def __init__( self, emin, emax, nbins, binscale="linear", var_elem=None, model_vers=None, ): if model_vers is None: model_vers = "4_lo" self.model_vers = model_vers cosmic_table = get_data_file(f"cie_v{model_vers}_nome.fits") metal_tables = (get_data_file(f"cie_v{model_vers}_mxxx.fits"),) var_tables = [ (get_data_file(f"cie_v{model_vers}_{metal_tab_names[el]}.fits"),) for el in self._available_elem ] super().__init__( emin, emax, nbins, cosmic_table, metal_tables, var_tables, var_elem, binscale, ) self.norm_fac = 5.50964e-5 * np.array([1.0]) self.atable = abund_tables["feld"].copy()
[docs] class IGMGenerator(Atable2DGenerator): _available_elem = ["C", "N", "O", "Ne", "Mg", "Si", "S", "Ca", "Fe"] """ Initialize an emission model for a thermal plasma including photoionization and resonant scattering from the CXB based on Khabibullin & Churazov 2019 ( and Churazov et al. 2001 ( The energy range of the generated table at a redshift of 0 is 0.05-10.0 keV. The default resolution of Cloudy in this range is dE/E = 0.005 for E < 8.16 keV, and dE/E = 0.03 for higher energies. SOXS provides two different spectral resolutions for the Cloudy CIE tables, the lower of which is 10 times finer than the above and the higher is 40 times finer. Which is used can be controlled by the *model_vers* as described below. Assumes the abundance tables from Feldman 1992. Parameters ---------- emin : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The minimum energy for the spectral model. emax : float, (value, unit) tuple, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The maximum energy for the spectral model. nbins : integer The number of bins in the spectral model. binscale : string, optional The scale of the energy binning: "linear" or "log". Default: "linear" resonant_scattering : boolean, optional Whether or not to include the effects of resonant scattering from CXB photons. Default: False cxb_factor : float, optional The fraction of the CXB photons that are resonant scattered to enhance the lines. Default: 0.5 var_elem : list of strings, optional The names of elements to allow to vary freely from the single abundance parameter. These must be strings like ["C", "N", "O"]. Variable abundances available for the IGM model are ["C", "N", "O", "Ne", "Mg", "Si", "S", "Ca", "Fe"]. Default: None model_vers : string, optional The version of the IGM tables to use in the calculations. Options are: "4_lo": Tables computed from Cloudy using a continuum resolution of 0.1 with a range of 0.05 to 10 keV. "4_hi": Tables computed from Cloudy using enhanced continuum resolution of 0.025 with a range of 0.05 to 10 keV. Excellent energy resolution, but may be expensive to evaluate. Default: "4_lo" """ def __init__( self, emin, emax, nbins, binscale="linear", resonant_scattering=False, cxb_factor=0.5, var_elem=None, model_vers=None, ): if model_vers is None: model_vers = "4_lo" self.model_vers = model_vers vers, res = model_vers.split("_") self.resonant_scattering = resonant_scattering cosmic_table = get_data_file(f"igm_v{vers}ph_{res}_nome.fits") if resonant_scattering: metal_tables = ( get_data_file(f"igm_v{vers}ph_{res}_mxxx.fits"), get_data_file(f"igm_v{vers}sc_{res}_mxxx.fits"), ) var_tables = [ ( get_data_file(f"igm_v{vers}ph_{res}_{metal_tab_names[el]}.fits"), get_data_file(f"igm_v{vers}sc_{res}_{metal_tab_names[el]}.fits"), ) for el in self._available_elem ] else: metal_tables = (get_data_file(f"igm_v{vers}ph_{res}_mxxx.fits"),) var_tables = [ (get_data_file(f"igm_v{vers}ph_{res}_{metal_tab_names[el]}.fits"),) for el in self._available_elem ] self.cxb_factor = cxb_factor super().__init__( emin, emax, nbins, cosmic_table, metal_tables, var_tables, var_elem, binscale, ) self.norm_fac = 5.50964e-5 * np.array([1.0, self.cxb_factor]) self.atable = abund_tables["feld"].copy()
[docs] def download_spectrum_tables(model, model_vers=None, loc=None): """ Download thermal model spectrum tables used for the various models supported by SOXS. Parameters ---------- model : string Model string to specify which model files to download. Options are: "cie", "igm", "apec", "spex", "mekal" model_vers : string The version of the model to download. If not specified, the default for the given model will be assumed, which are detailed in the docstrings for the various models. loc : string or Path object, optional The path to download the files to. If not specified, it will download them to the current working directory. """ from soxs.utils import PoochHandle if loc is None: loc = os.getcwd() elems = list(metal_tab_names.values()) + ["nome", "mxxx"] fns = None try: if model == "cie": if model_vers is None: model_vers = "4_lo" fns = [f"{model}_v{model_vers}_{elem}.fits" for elem in elems] elif model == "igm": if model_vers is None: model_vers = "4_lo" vers, res = model_vers.split("_") fns = [f"{model}_v{vers}ph_{res}_{elem}.fits" for elem in elems] + [ f"{model}_v{vers}sc_{res}_{elem}.fits" for elem in elems ] elif model in ["apec", "spex"]: if model_vers is None: model_vers = soxs_cfg.get("soxs", f"{model.lower()}_vers") if model_vers.endswith("_nei"): cfile = f"{model}_v{model_vers}_comp.fits" else: cfile = f"{model}_v{model_vers}_coco.fits" fns = [f"{model}_v{model_vers}_line.fits", cfile] elif model == "mekal": fns = ["mekal.mod"] dog = PoochHandle(cache_dir=loc) for fn in fns: dog.fetch(fn) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid model specification '{model}'.")