International CHASC Astro-Statistics Collaboration
This page lists resources of specific interest to astronomers.
For detailed descriptions and reports of C-BAS/ICHASC activities, see
- BEHR: Bayesian estimation of Hardness Ratios
- BEHR github repository
- Park, T., Kashyap, V.L., Siemiginowska, A., van Dyk, D., Zezas, A., Heinke, C., & Wargelin, B.J., 2006, ApJ, 652, 610
- LIRA: Image reconstruction with error estimates (nee EMC2)
- github repository for PyLIRA
- github repository for original R and C code (not being updated)
- Connors, A., Stein, N.M., van Dyk, D., Kashyap, V., & Siemiginowska, A., ADASS XX, ASPC (Eds. Ian N. Evans, Alberto Accomazzi, Douglas J. Mink, and Arnold H. Rots), v442, p463 (2011ASPC..442..463C)
- Connors, A. & van Dyk, D.A., 2007, SCMA IV, ASPC (Eds. G.J.Babu and E.D.Feigelson), v371, p101 (2007ASPC..371..101C)
- Esch, D.N., Connors, A., Karovska, M., & van Dyk, D.A., 2004, ApJ, 610, 1213
- jolideco : Joint Likelihood Deconvolution
- PyPI repository for jolideco
- Donath, A., Siemiginowska, A., Kashyap, V.L., van Dyk, D.A., & Burke, D., 2024, AJ, accepted (arXiv:2403.13933)
- BLoCXS: Bayesian low-Counts X-ray spectral analysis
- pyBLoCXS: python version of BLoCXS, optimized for use in Sherpa
- github repository
- Protassov, R., van Dyk, D.A., Connors, A., Kashyap, V.L., & Siemiginowska, A., 2002, ApJ, 571, 545
- van Dyk, D.A., Connors, A., Kashyap, V.L., & Siemiginowska, A., 2001, ApJ, 548, 224
- Documentation for early standalone version (v0.0.3):
- Documentation for Sherpa implementation (get_draws()):
- BRoaDem: Bayesian reconstruction of a Differential Emission Measure
- Kang, H., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., & Connors, A., 2005, in ``X-Ray Diagnostics of Astrophysical Plasmas: Theory, Experiment, and Observation'', AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 774, p.373
- see also MCMC_DEM: Differential Emission Measure reconstruction using Markov-Chain Monte Carlo
- Kashyap, V. & Drake, J.J., 1998, ApJ, 503, 450
- bayesstack: stacks counts from many weak sources to infer the intrinsic flux or luminosity distribution
- Automark: Changepoint detection in marked Poisson Processes
- github repository
- Wong, R.K.W., Kashyap, V.L., Lee, T.C.M., & van Dyk, D.A., 2016, Annals of Applied Statistics, v10, p1107 (AOAS933)
- Xu, C., Guenther, H.M., Kashyap, V.L., Lee, T.C.M., & Zezas, A., 2021, AJ, 161, 184
- manuscript [.pdf]
- arXiv:1508.07083 [url]
- 2016ascl.soft02001W [url]
- XAP: X-ray Aperture Photometry
- github repository
- Primini, F.A., and Kashyap, V.L., 2014, ApJ, 796, 24
- BASCS: Bayesian Separation of Close Sources
- github repository
- Jones, D.E., Kashyap, V.L., & van Dyk, D.A., 2015, ApJ, 808, 137
- Meyer, A.D., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., Campos, L.F., Jones, D.E., Siemiginowska, A., & Zezas, A., 2021, MNRAS, 506, 6160
- timedelay: Time Delay Estimation for Stochastic Time Series of Gravitationally Lensed Quasars
- CRAN package
- Tak, H., Mandel, K., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., Meng, X.L., and Siemiginowska, A., 2017, AoAS 11, 1309
- SoDDA: Soft Data Driven Allocation classification
- Stampoulis, V., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., & Zezas, A., 2019, MNRAS, accepted
- SRGonG: Seeded Region Growing on Graph
- Fan, M., Wang, J., Kashyap, V.L., Lee, T.C.M., van Dyk, D.A., & Zezas, A., 2023, AJ 165, 66
- Stat 310 / Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2024-2025)
- Talks and seminars arranged as part of CHASC activities
- Lectures on Bayesian Statistics for Astronomy (2025 Feb 12, 13, 27)
- by David van Dyk (Imperial)
- at Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
- JSM 2024
- Sessions with CHASC involvement at JSM 2024
- [Mon Aug 5 at 8:30am PDT] Astrostatistics Interest Group: Student Paper Award (Organizer K. Mandel, Speaker M. Autenrieth)
- [Mon Aug 5 at 2:00pm PDT] Computationally Tractable Solutions for Signal Detection in Searches for New Physics (Organizer and Chair S. Algeri, Discussant V. Kashyap, Speakers G. Eadie, X. Zhang, H. Sun)
- [Tue Aug 6 at 10:30am PDT] Opportunities and Challenges in Data Sciences with Diverse Imaging Technology (Speaker Y. Chen)
- [Tue Aug 6 at 2:00pm PDT] Section on Statistics in Imaging Student Paper Award Winners (Speaker J. Wang)
- [Wed Aug 7 at 10:30am PDT] The Promises and Perils of Long Time: Recent Advances in Astronomical Time Series (Organizers V. Kashyap and A. Siemiginowska, Chair Y. Chen, several speakers)
- Stat 310 / Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2023-2024)
- Talks and seminars arranged as part of CHASC activities
- JSM 2023
- Sessions organized by CHASC collaborators at JSM 2023
- [7 Aug at 8:30am EDT] IOL: Astronomers Speak Statistic (Organizer H. Tak)
- [7 Aug at 2:00pm EDT] Uncertainty Quantification in Astronomy (Organizer A. Siemiginowska and G. Eadie, Chair A. Siemiginowska, Discussant D. van Dyk)
- [8 Aug at 10:30am EDT] True North Strong and... Amazing at Astrostatistics! (Organizer D. Stenning, Chair G. Eadie, Discussant D. Stenning)
- [8 Aug at 10:30am EDT] Pulling Signal out of Noise for Data-Driven Discoveries in Astronomy (Organizer H. Tak, Chair S. Algeri, Discussant A. Siemiginowska)
- [9 Aug at 10:30am EDT] Best Student-led Astrostatistics Papers of 2022 (Organizer H. Tak)
- Talks by CHASC collaborators at JSM 2023
- [7 Aug at 8:30am EDT] Hyungsuk Tak on Incorporating Measurement Error in Astronomical Object Classification (Modeling techniques for astrostatistical datasets)
- [7 Aug at 8:30am EDT] Kaisey Mandel on Astronomers Speak Statistics: Statistical Challenges of Supernova Cosmology (IOL: Astronomers Speak Statistics)
- [7 Aug at 8:30am EDT] Vinay Kashyap on Pragmatic Approaches to Modeling Multi-Dimensional Astronomical Data (Modeling techniques for astrostatistical datasets)
- [7 Aug at 8:30am EDT] Yang Chen on Model fitting and goodness-of-fit in astrophysics (Modeling techniques for astrostatistical datasets)
- [7 Aug at 2:00pm EDT] Sara Algeri on On computationally efficient methods for testing multivariate distributions with unknown parameters (Uncertainty Quantification in Astronomy)
- [9 Aug at 10:30am EDT] Antoine Meyer on TD-CARMA: Painless, accurate, and scalable estimates of gravitational-lens time delays with flexible CARMA processes (Best Student-led Astrostatistics Papers of 2022)
- Stat 310 / Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2022-2023)
- Talks and seminars arranged as part of CHASC activities
- Statistics for Astronomy
- Session IPS-266 at the International Statistical Institute World Statistical Congress 2023 at Ottawa, Canada
- 19 Jul 2023, 10am-Noon EDT, Room 211
- Stat 310 / Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2021-2022)
- Talks and seminars arranged as part of CHASC activities
- A hybrid workshop for CHASC and RISE-ASTROSTAT collaborators to discuss current projects and future directions
- Tue Aug 2 - Wed Aug 3
- Unaccounted Uncertainties: The Role of Systematics in Astrophysics
- Special Session 107 at AAS 238
- 7 June 2021, Noon-1:30pm EDT
- Stat 310 / Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2020-2021)
- Talks and seminars arranged as part of CHASC activities
- Ask-an-Astro/Statistician at AAS 237
- One-on-one discussions with statisticians and astrostatisticians at the Chandra Booth in the Interactive Exhibit Hall
- Jan 11-15, 2020
- Astronomical(ly) Big Data for Statisticians
- Invited Session at JSM 2020
- Thu Aug 6 2020, 10am-11:50am EDT
- Innovations in AstroStatistics on Exploring Large Public Data
- Topic-Contributed Session at JSM 2020
- Thu Aug 6 2020, 1pm-2:50pm EDT
- Ask-an-Astro/Statistician at AAS 236
- One-on-one discussions with statisticians and astrostatisticians at the Chandra Booth in the Interactive Exhibit Hall
- June 1-3, 2020
- Stat 310 / Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2019-2020)
- Talks and seminars arranged as part of CHASC activities
- CANCELED Unaccounted Uncertainties: The Role of Systematics in Astrophysics
- Special Session at AAS 236, Madison WI, May 31 - Jun 4, 2020
- Monday June 1 2020
- into the 2020s
- Splinter Session of the Working Group on Astrostatistics and Astroinformatics at AAS 235
- Sunday Jan 5 2020, 9:30am-11:30am HST, Room 303 B, Convention Center, Honolulu, HI
- Ask-a-Statistician Table
- Discussion Table at AAS 235
- Jan 5,6,7,8 afternoons, Chandra Booth at CfA Street, Exhibit Hall, Convention Center, Honolulu, HI
- Sign-up sheet:
- 2nd RISE-ASTROSTAT Collaboration Meeting
- 2019 July 18-19, at Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, Cambridge, MA
- Stat 310 / Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2018-2019)
- Talks and seminars arranged as part of CHASC activities
- 126. Machine Learning in Data Analysis
- Special Session at AAS 233 focusing on ML techniques in astronomy
- Monday, 2019 Jan 7, 2:00-3:30pm, at Room 607, Washington State Convention & Trade Center, Seattle WA
- Astroinformatics and Astrostatistics in the Age of Big Data
- Splinter Meeting at AAS 233 focusing on technologies for Big Data analysis
- Monday, 2019 Jan 7, 4:00-6:00pm, at Room 4C-2, Washington State Convention & Trade Center, Seattle WA
- Applied Statistical Methods in Astronomy: Gaussian Processes and Machine Learning
- A Special Session at the 231st AAS meeting in Washington, DC. January 10, 2018.
- Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2017-2018)
- Talks and seminars arranged as part of CHASC activities
- AstroStat Day
- A forum for astronomers at the CfA to discuss AstroStatistics
- Advances in Bayesian Astrostatistics: Applications to High-Energy Astrophysics
- AAS/HEAD 2017 Special Session
- Monday, 2017 August 21, 7:30pm-9:00pm, at Limelight B
- Sun Valley, ID
- 1st RISE-ASTROSTAT Collaboration Meeting
- 2017 June 26-28 June, at University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete
- AAS 230 Special Session: Topics in AstroStatistics
- Monday, 2017 June 5, 10am-11:30am at the JW Austin
- Courses and seminars of interest for 2016-2017:
- Stat 310 and Stat 281: Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2016-2017)
- Astro 193 (Spring Semester 2016-2017)
- AAS 229 Special session:
- Special Session: 409. Statistical, Mathematical, and Computational Methods for Astronomy. SAMSI 2016-1017 (Jan 7, 2017)
- Courses and seminars of interest for 2015-2016:
- Stat 310 and Stat 281: Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2015-2016)
- CfA/ITC Pizza Lunch Talk series on AstroStatistics (2016)
- AAS 227 sessions of interest:
- Special Session: 213. Lectures in AstroStatistics (Jan 6, 2016)
- Splinter Session: Topics in AstroStatistics (Jan 6, 2016)
- Special Session: 310. Time-Domain and Applicable Methodologies (Jan 7, 2016)
- Courses of interest for 2014-2015:
- Astro 193: Noise and Data Analysis in Astrophysics (Spring 2014-2015)
- Stat 310 and Stat 281: Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2014-2015)
- AAS 224 Special Session : Topics in AstroStatistics (Jun 2, 2014)
- Courses of interest for 2013-2014:
- Stat 310 and Stat 281: Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2013-2014)
- Seminar course for CfA/Harvard/UCI/UCD/ICL astrostatistical collaborative projects
- Tutorial on AstroStatistics & R, by Eric Feigelson (Jan 29 and 31, 2014)
- Special Session on Astrostatistics in High Energy Astrophysics in memory of Alanna Connors
- AAS/HEAD Monterey, 7:30pm-9pm, 8 Apr 2013
- Courses of interest for 2012-2013:
- Stat 310 and Stat 281: Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2012-2013)
- Seminar course for CfA/Harvard/UCI/UCD/ICL astrostatistical collaborative projects
- mini-Workshop on Solar Statistics: Feb 16-17 2011
- Courses of interest for 2011-2012:
- Stat 310 and Stat 281: Topics in AstroStatistics (AY 2011-2012)
- Seminar course for CfA/Harvard/UCI/ICL astrostatistical collaborative projects
- Applied Mathematics 207: Advanced Scientific Computing: Stochastic Optimization Methods (requires Harvard ID to view)
- To develop skills for computational research with focus on stochastic approaches.
- Special Session on Time Series in High Energy Astrophysics: Techniques Applicable to Multi-Dimensional Analysis at AAS-HEAD, 2011-Sep-07, 7:30am-9:10pm
- Talks
- [06.01] Joseph Richards, New Techniques in Light Curve Analysis [.pdf]
- [06.02] Pavlos Protopapas, Period Estimation in Astronomical Time Series [.pptx]
- [06.03] Ashish Mahabal, Classification with Sparse Timeseries [.pdf]
- [06.04] Eric Gotthelf, Optimized Timing Searches for Gamma-ray Pulsars Using New Technology [.key]
- Brandon Kelly, Commentary [.pptx]
- Posters
- [17.01] Alanna Connors et al., Incorporating Spectra Into Periodic Timing: Bayesian Energy Quantiles [.pdf]
- Courses of interest for 2010-2011:
- Applied Mathematics 205b: Advanced Scientific Computing: Stochastic Optimization Methods
- Pavlos Protopapas and Efthimios Kaxiras
- Talks schedule for 2010-2011
- Unofficial seminar course for CfA-Harvard-UCI astrostatistical collaborative projects
- mini-Workshop on Computational Astrostatistiscs
- Aug 24-25, 2010, at CfA
- AstroStatistics Special Session AAS 215 (2:00pm - 3:30pm, 17 Jan 2010, Washington, DC)
- Beyond simple models-New methods for complex data
- Description
- Presentations from the special session:
- Meng [.ppt]
- Kelly [.ppt]
- Pesenson [.ppt]
- Heitman [.ppt]
- Djorgovski [.ppt]
- Schafer [.pdf]
- Courses of interest for 2009-2010:
- Stat 310: Topics in Astrostatistics (Fall/Winter 2009/2010)
- Seminar course in Astrostatistics taught by Prof. Xiao-li Meng with assistance from CHASC members
- AstroStatistics Special Session AAS 2009 (2:00pm - 3:30pm, 5 Jan 2009, Long Beach, CA)
- Meaning from Surveys and Population Studies: BYOQ*
- AAS abstract
- Courses of interest for 2008-2009:
- Stat 310: Topics in Astrostatistics (Fall/Winter 2008/2009)
- Seminar course in Astrostatistics taught by Prof. Xiao-li Meng with assistance from CHASC members
- AstroStatistics Special Session HEAD 2008 (31 March 2008, Los Angeles, CA)
- Courses of interest for 2007-2008:
- Stat 310: Topics in Astrostatistics (Fall/Winter 2007/2008)
- Seminar course in Astrostatistics taught by Prof. Xiao-li Meng with assistance from CHASC members
- Special Session at GLAST Symposium
- Courses of interest for 2006-2007:
- Stat 310: Topics in Astrostatistics (Fall/Winter 2006/2007)
- Seminar course in Astrostatistics taught by Prof. Xiao-li Meng with assistance from CHASC members
- Astronomy 97hf. Introductory Tutorial
- Christopher Stubbs and members of the Department
- Astronomical optics, to detectors, signal to noise considerations, and image analysis.
- CHASC members are also involved in
the SAMSI Workshops on AstroStatistics and
the Banff Challenge
- Courses of interest for 2005-2006:
- Stat 310: Topics in Astrostatistics
- ES 251: Signal and Image processing and inference using wavelets (course description)
- joint course by the Statistics and Engineering departments, taught by Profs. Patrick Wolfe, Xiao-Li Meng, and Thomas Lee
- ES 255: Detection and Estimation Theory & Applications (course description)
- joint course by the Statistics and Engineering departments
- Incorporating Calibration Uncertainties into Data Analysis (Nov 1, 2005; special Session at the Chandra Calibration Workshop)
- Stat 310: Astro-Statistics Seminar (Fall/Winter 2004/2005, Harvard University)
- AstroStatistics Workshop at HEAD 2004 (September 2004, New Orleans, LA)
- AstroStatistics Session at Case Studies in Bayesian Analysis, Penn State, September 2003
- Data Analysis Challenges in Solar and Stellar Astrophysics at AAS/SPD 2003 (April 2003, College Park, MD)
- Current Challenges in Poisson Multi-Scale Deconvolution Methods (January 2003, Cambridge, MA)
- Making it Work: Principled ``Model Free Deconvolution" via Multiscale Methods at AAS 2003 (January 2003, Seattle, WA)
- Data Analysis Challenges in Solar and Stellar Coronal Astrophysics at AAS 199 (January 2002, Washington, DC)
- New Results From 'Back-to-Basics' Data Analysis: Special Tutorials on Timing and Fitting at AAS 197 (January 2001)
- On Beyond Chi^2 (and Bevington): Making the Most of Your Poisson Data at HEAD 2000 (November 2000, Honolulu, HI)
- New Statistics for New Missions: Progress and Opportunities for Breakthrough Thinking at AAS 196 (June 2000, Rochester, NY)
- Recent Revolutions in Bayesian and Related Likelihood Techniques: Progress at the Boundaries of Astronomy and Statistics at AAS 194 (June 1999, Chicago, IL)
- Bayesian Analysis Workshop at HEAD 1997 (August 1997, Estes Park, CO)
- Tak, H., Kashyap, V.L., Mandel, K., Meng, X.-L., Siemiginowska, A., & van Dyk D., Statistical Maxims for Sound Astronomical Data Analysis, 2024, ApJ, under review
- arXiv:2409.16179
- Zimmerman, R., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., & Siemiginowska, A., Separating States in Astronomical Sources Using Hidden Markov Models: With a Case Study of Flaring and Quiescence on EVLac, 2024, MNRAS, under review
- arXiv:2405.06540
- Donath, A., Siemiginowska, A., Kashyap, V.L., van Dyk, D.A., & Burke, D., Joint Deconvolution of Astronomical Images in the Presence of Poisson Noise, 2024, AJ, accepted
- arXiv:2403.13933
- Autenrieth, M., Wright, A.H., Trotta, R., van Dyk, D.A., Stenning, D.S., & Joachimi, B., Improved Weak Lensing Photometric Redshift Calibration via StratLearn and Hierarchical Modeling, 2024, MNRAS, under review
- arXiv:2401.04687
- Zimmerman, R., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., & Siemiginowska, A., Separating States in Astronomical Sources Using Hidden Markov Models: With a Case Study of Flaring and Quiescence on EV Lac, 2024, submitted to MNRAS
- arXiv:2405.06540
- Sottosanti, A. Bernardi, M., Brazzale, A.R., Geringer-Sameth, A., Stenning, D.C., Trotta, R., & van Dyk, D.A., Identification of High-Energy Astrophysical Point Sources via Hierarchical Bayesian Nonparametric Clustering, 2024, Annals of Applied Statistics, under review
- arXiv:2104.11492
- Yu, X., Kashyap, V.L., Del Zanna, G., van Dyk, D.A., Stenning, D.C., Ballance, C.P., & Warren, H.P., Effect of Systematic Uncertainties on Density and Temperature Estimates in Coronae of Capella, 2024, ApJ 968, 73
- DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/ad4108
- arXiv:2404.10427
- Autenrieth, M., van Dyk, D.A., Trotta, R., & Stenning D., Stratified Learning: A General-Purpose Statistical Method for Improved Learning Under Covariate Shift, 2024, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining - The ASA Data Science Journal, 17, 1-16.
- doi:10.1002/sam.11643
- Meyer, A.D., van Dyk, D.A., Tak, H., & Siemiginowska, A., TD-CARMA: Painless, Accurate, and Scalable Estimates of Gravitational Lens Time Delays with Flexible CARMA Processes, 2023, ApJ 950, 37
- DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/acbea1 [IOP]
- Zhang, X., Algeri, S., Kashyap, V., & Karovska, M., A novel approach to detect line emission under high background in high-resolution X-ray spectra, 2023, MNRA, 521, 969
- 2023MNRAS.521..969Z
- Fan, M., Wang, J., Kashyap, V.L., Lee, T.C.M., van Dyk, D.A., & Zezas, A., Identifying Diffuse Spatial Structures in High-energy Photon Lists, 2023, AJ 165, 66
- [doi]
- Baines, P.D., Meng, X.-L., Zezas, A., & Kashyap, V., Bayesian Analysis of Stellar Populations, in Statistics in the Public Interest: In Memory of Stephen Fienberg, eds. A.L.Carriquiry, W.Eddy, J.M.Tanur, Springer Nature, New York
- Marshall, H.L., Chen, Y., Drake, J.J., Guainazzi, M., Kashyap, V.L., Meng, X.-L., Plucinsky, P.P., Ratzlaff, P., van Dyk, D.A., & Wang, X., Concordance: In-flight Calibration of X-Ray Telescopes without Absolute References, 2021, AJ 162, 254
- article [AJ]
- 2021AJ....162..254M [ADS]
- Algeri, S. & van Dyk, D.A., Testing One Hypothesis Multiple Times, 2021, Statistica Sinica, 31, 959
- doi:10.5705/ss.202018.0027
- arXiv:1701.06820
- Meyer, A.D., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., Campos, L.F., Jones, D.E., Siemiginowska, A., & Zezas, A., eBASCS: Disentangling overlapping astronomical sources II, using spatial, spectral, and temporal information, 2021, MNRAS, 506, 6160
- 2021MNRAS.506.6160M [ADS]
- Yan, Y., Stenning, D.C., Kashyap, V.L., & Yu, Y., Forecasting Solar Cycle 25 with a Principled Bayesian Two-stage Statistical Model, 2021, Res. Notes of AAS, 5, 192
- 2021RNAAS...5..192Y [ADS]
- Xu, C., Guenther, H.M., Kashyap, V.L., Lee, T.C.M., & Zezas, A., Change point detection and image segmentation for time series of astrophysical images, 2021, AJ, 161, 184
- 2021AJ....161..184X [ADS]
- Publisher [IOP/pdf]
- manuscript
- Algeri, S., Detecting new signals under background mismodeling, 2020, Phys.Rev.D. 101, 015003
- Publisher [APS]
- Stampoulis, V., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., & Zezas, A., MNRAS, Multidimensional Data Driven Classification of Emission-line Galaxies, 2019, MNRAS, 485, 1085
- Manuscript [.pdf]
- arXiv:1802.02133 [url]
- Chen, Y., Meng, X.-L., Wang, X., van Dyk, D.A., Marshall, H.L., & Kashyap, V.L., Calibration Concordance for Astronomical Instruments via Multiplicative Shrinkage, 2019, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114:527, 1018
- [citation]
- 1711.09429 [arXiv preprint]
- Manuscript [.pdf]
- BibTex [.bib]
- Yu, X., Del Zanna, G., Stenning, D.C., Cisewski-Kehe, J., Kashyap, V.L., Stein, N., van Dyk, D.A., Warren, H.P., & Weber, M., Incorporating Uncertainties in Atomic Data into the Analysis of Solar and Stellar Observations: A Case Study in FeXIII, 2018, ApJ, 866, 146
- DOI:10.3847/1538-4357/aadfdd [url]
- manuscript [.pdf]
- Tak, H., Mandel, K., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., Meng, X.-L., & Siemiginowska, A., Bayesian Estimates of Astronomical Time Delays between Gravitationally Lensed Stochastic Light Curves, 2017, Annals of Applied Statistics, v11, p1309 to AoAS
- arXiv:1602.01462 [arXiv]
- [Euclid]
- bibTeX [.bib]
- reprint [.pdf]
- McKeough, K., Siemiginowska, A., Cheung, C.C., Lukasz, S., Kashyap, V.L., Stein, N., Stampoulis, V., van Dyk, D.A., Wardle, J.F.C., Lee, N.P., Harris, D.E., Schwartz, D.A., Donato, D., Maraschi, L., & Tavecchio, F., Detecting Relativistic X-ray Jets in High-Redshift Quasars, 2016, ApJ, 833, 123
- arXiv:1609.03425
- 2016ApJ...833..123M [ADS]
- Manuscript [.pdf]
- Stein, N.M., van Dyk, D.A., & Kashyap, V.L., Preprocessing Solar Images while Preserving their Latent Structure, 2016, in Statistical and Computational Theory and Methodology for Big Data, Statistics and Its Interface, 9, 535
- arXiv:1512.04273
- preprint
- Wong, R.K.W., Kashyap, V.L., Lee, T.C.M., & van Dyk, D.A., Detecting Abrupt Changes in the Spectra of High-Energy Astrophysical Sources, 2016, Annals of Applied Statistics, v10, p1107
- arXiv:1508.07083
- manuscript [.pdf]
- Automark on github [.url]
- Stenning, D.C., van Dyk, D.A., Yu, Y., & Kashyap, V., A Bayesian Analysis of the Solar Cycle Using Multiple Proxy Variables, 2015, in Current Trends in Bayesian Methodology with Applications,
- ISBN 9780429172373 [Taylor&Francis]
- manuscript [.pdf]
- Stein, N.M., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., & Siemiginowska, A., Detecting Unspecified Structure in Low-Count Images, 2015, ApJ, 813, 66
- Manuscript [.pdf]
- Gopalan, G., Vrtilek, S.D., & Bornn, L., Classifying X-Ray Binaries: A Probabilistic Approach, 2015, ApJ, 809, 40
- 2015ApJ...809...40G [ADS]
- Jones, D., Kashyap, V.L., & van Dyk, D.A., Disentangling Overlapping Astronomical Sources using Spatial and Spectral Information, 2015, ApJ, 808, 137
- arXiv:1411.7447 [arXiv]
- 2015ApJ...808..137J [ADS]
- IOP [url]
- eprint [.pdf]
- McKeough, K., Kashyap, V., McKillop, S., van Dyk, D., & Stein, N., Quantifying the Likelihood of Substructure in Coronal Loops, 2014, AGU, SH13C-4127
- poster [.pdf]
- Wong, R., Baines, P., Aue, A., Lee, T.C.M., & Kashyap, V.L., Automatic Estimation of Flux Distributions of
Astrophysical Source Populations, 2014, Annals of Appl. Stats., v8, 1690
- manuscript [.pdf] ; @imstat
- (Euclid)
- arXiv:1305.0979 (arXiv)
- Primini, F., & Kashyap, V.L., Determining X-Ray Source Intensity and Confidence Bounds in Crowded Fields, 2014, ApJ, 796, 24
- arXiv:1410.2564
- 2014 ApJ 796, 24 (IOPScience)
- [.pdf]
- Xu, J., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., Siemiginowska, A., Connors, A., Drake, J., Meng, X.-L., Ratzlaff, P., & Yu, Y., A Fully Bayesian Method to Simultaneously Fit Calibration Products and Model Parameters in X-ray Spectral Analyses, 2014, ApJ, 794, 97
- manuscript [.pdf]
- Stenning, D.C., van Dyk, D.A., Yu, Y., & Kashyap, V., A Bayesian Analysis of the Solar Cycle Using Multiple Proxy Variables,, 2014, in Current Trends in Bayesian Methodology with Applications, Editors: S. Upadhyay, D.K. Dey, U. Singh and A. Loganathan, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2014. To appear.
- Kashyap, V.L., pyBLoCXS: Strategy to deal with known errors in effective areas and Demo, 2014, IACHEC 2014, 12 May 2014
- Slides [.pdf]
- Demo walkthrough
- Stenning, D.C., Lee, T.C.M., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V., Sandell, J., & Young, C.A., Morphological feature extraction for statistical learning with applications to solar image data, 2013, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, Vol. 6, Issue 4, p329
- Abstract
- manuscript [.pdf]
- Blocker, A.W., & Protopapas, P., Semi-parametric Robust Event Detection for Massive Time-Domain Databases, 2013, SCMA V
- arXiv:1301.3027
- Yu, Y., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., & Young, C.A., A Bayesian Analysis of the Correlations Among Sunspot Cycles, 2012, Solar Physics, 281, 847
- manuscript [.pdf]
- Connors, A., Hong, J.S., Protopapas, P., Kashyap, V., Incorporating Spectra Into Periodic Timing: Bayesian Energy Quantiles,
2011, AAS-HEAD, 17.01, 7-8 Sep 2011, Newport, RI
- Poster [.pdf]
- Presented at SCMA V (June 13-17 2011):
- Baines, P., Udaltsova, I., Zezas, A., & Kashyap, V., log(N)-log(S): A Measuring Stick for the Universe
- Blocker, A., et al., Semi-Parametric robust event detection for massive time-domain databases
- Kashyap, V., et al., Systematic Errors in High-Energy Astrophysics
- Kelly, B., Measurement error models in astronomy
- Lee, T., Stenning, D., van Dyk, D., Young, A., & Kashyap, V., Automatic Detection and Classification of Sunspot Images
- Stein, N., von Hippel, T., van Dyk, D., DeGennaro, S., Jeffery, E., & Jefferys, B., Bayesian flux reconstruction in one and two bands
- Xu, J., et al., Using pyBLoCXS for a Fully Bayesian Analysis of Calibration Uncertainty in High Energy Spectral Analysis
- Lee, H., Kashyap, V.L., van Dyk, D.A., Connors, A., Drake, J.J., Izem, R., Meng, X.-L., Min, S., Park, T., Ratzlaff, P., Siemiginowska, A., & Zezas, A., Accounting for Calibration Uncertainties in X-ray Analysis: Effective Areas in Spectral Fitting 2011, ApJ, 731, 126
- ArXiv: arxiv/1102.4610
- Paper [.pdf]
- Connors, A., van Dyk, D., Stein, N.M., Kashyap, V., & Siemiginowska, A., LIRA - the Low-count Image Restoration and Analysis Package: A Teaching Version via `R', 2010, ADASS XX, 7-11 Nov, Boston, MA
- [.pdf]
- Siemiginowska, A., Kashyap, V., Refsdal, B., van Dyk, D., Connors, A., Park, T., et al., pyblocxs: Bayesian Low-Counts X-ray Spectral Analysis in Sherpa, 2010, ADASS XX, 7-11 Nov, Boston, MA
- poster [.pdf]
- proceedings [.pdf]
- Kashyap, V.L., van Dyk, D.A., Connors, A., Freeman, P.E., Siemiginowska, A., Xu, J., & Zezas, A., On Computing Upper Limits to Source Intensities, 2010, ApJ, 719, 900
- [.pdf]
- ArXiV: arxiv/1006.4334
- Kashyap, V., Lee, H., Siemiginowska, A., van Dyk, D., Drake, J., Connors, A., Zezas, A., Park, T., Min, S., McDowell, J., Rots, A.,
Ratzlaff, P., Kramer, J., Burke, D., & Refsdal, B., 2010, IACHEC, Woods Hole
- presentation: [.pdf]
- Drake, J., Ratzlaff, P., Kashyap, V., Jerius, D., Grant, C., Edgar, D., Marshall, H., Vikhlinin, A., et al., Monte Carlo Grand Prix: Parameter Estimation Including Calibration Uncertainties, 2010, IACHEC, Woods Hole
- presentation: [.pdf]
- Blocker, A.W., Protopapas, P., & Alcock, C.R., A Bayesian Approach to the Analysis of Time Symmetry in Light Curves: Reconsidering Scorpius X-1 Occultations, 2009, ApJ, 701, 1742
- abstract: @ApJ
- Lee, H., Kashyap, V., Drake, J., Ratzlaff, P., Siemiginowska, A., Zezas, A., Connors, A., van Dyk, D., Park, T., & Izem, R., 2009, A Semiparametric Approach to Incorporating Systematic Uncertainties into Bayesian X-Ray Spectral Fitting, at the Workshop o n Semiparametric Methodology, Jan. 8-10, 2009, U of Florida, FL
- abstract: [ascii]
- poster: [.pdf]
- Park, T., van Dyk, D.A., & Siemiginowska, A., 2008, Searching for Narrow Emission Lines in X-ray Spectra: Computation and Methods, ApJ, 688, 807
- manuscript: [.pdf]
- ADS: 2008ApJ...688..807P [.url]
- Kashyap, V., Lee, H., Siemiginowska, A., MacDowell, J., Rots, A., Drake, J., Ratzlaff, P., Zezas, A., Izem, R., Connors,
A., van Dyk, D., \& Park, T., How to handle calibration uncertainties in high-energy Astrophysics, 2008, SPIE 7016, 7016OP
- manuscript: [.pdf]
- presentation:
[.ppt] ;
- Lee, H., Kashyap, V., Drake, J., Ratzlaff, P., Siemiginowska, A., Zezas, A., Connors, A., van Dyk, D., Park, T., Izem, R., Incorporating Effective Area Uncertainties Into Spectral Fitting, AAS-HEAD, #10, #41.15
- abstract
- 2008HEAD...10.4115L
- Kashyap, V., van Dyk, D., Connors, A., Freeman, P., Siemiginowska, A., Zezas, A., & the SAMSI-SaFeDe Collaboration, What Is An Upper Limit?, AAS-HEAD, #10, #03.02
- abstract
- 2008HEAD...10.0302C
- Connors, A., van Dyk, D., & Chiang, J., Quantifying Doubt and Confidence in Image "Deconvolution", AAS-HEAD, #10, #03.01
- abstract
- 2008HEAD...10.0301C
- Kashyap, V., Lee, H., Drake, J.J., Ratzlaff, P., Siemiginowska, A., Zezas, A., Connors, A., van Dyk, D., Park, T., & Izem, R., 2007, Incorporating Effective Area Uncertainties in Spectral Fitting, Chandra Calibration Workshop, #117, 25 Oct 2007, Huntsville, AL
- [.pdf]
- Drake, J.J., Ratzlaff, P., Kashyap, V., Edgar, R., Izem, R., Jerius, D., Marshall, H., Siemiginowska, A., & Vikhlinin, A., 2007, Monte Carlo methods for including correlated systematic calibration uncertainties in astrophysical analysis: Chandra ACIS, Chandra Calibration Workshop, #109, 25 Oct 2007, Huntsville, AL
- [.pdf]
- Connors, A. & van Dyk, D.A., 2007, How to Win With Non-Gaussian Data: Poisson Goodness-of-Fit, in Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy IV (Eds. G.J.Babu and E.D.Feigelson), Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, San Francisco, in press
- [.pdf]
- Talks presented by CHASC collaborators at the AstroStat sessions of the Joint Statistical Meeting 2007, July 29 - Aug 2, 2007, Salt Lake City, UT
- 367: Bayesian Applications in Astronomy and Physics (Chair: David van Dyk)
* Paul Edlefsen, A Dempster-Shafer Bayesian Solution to the Banff A1 Challenge
* Jingchen Liu, An Exploratory Statistical Study of the Measured Motion of the Guide Star Used in a New Test of Einstein's Universe
* Paul Baines, Probability Matching Priors in LHC Physics: A Pragmatic Approach
* Hyunsook Lee, A Statistical Approach to Stellar Archaeology
- 411: Image Analysis in Solar- and Astro-physics (Chairs: Yaming Yu & Thomas Lee)
* James Chiang, stronomical Imaging Using the GLAST Large-Area Telescope
* David van Dyk, Fully Bayesian Analysis of Low-Count Astronomical Images
* Alex Young, Multiscale Solar Image Processing
* Thomas Lee, Automatic Detection and Classification of Sunspot Images
* Vinay Kashyap, How to Find Loops in the Solar Corona
- Kashyap, V., Lee, H., Westbrook, O., Wolk, S., Evans, N., Nichols, J., Mendygral, P., Slavin, J., & Waldron, W., 2007,
Summarizing Coronal Spectra, at X-Ray Grating Spectroscopy, July 11-13, 2007, Cambridge, MA
- Abstract
- [.pdf]
- Park, T., Kashyap, V.L., Siemiginowska, A., van Dyk, D., Zezas, A., Heinke, C., & Wargelin, B.J., 2006, Bayesian Estimation of Hardness Ratios, ApJ, 652, 610
- [.pdf]
- van Dyk, D., Park, T., & Siemiginowska, A., 2007, Fitting narrow spectral lines in high-energy astrophysics using incompatible Gibbs samplers, in Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy IV (Eds. G.J.Babu and E.D.Feigelson), Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, San Francisco, in press
- Drake, J.J., Ratzlaff, P., Kashyap, V., Edgar, R., Izem, R., Jerius, D., Siemiginowska, A., & Vikhlinin, A., 2006, Monte Carlo Processes for Including Chandra Instrument Response Uncertainties in Parameter Estimation Studies, Proc. SPIE, v6270, p49
- 2006SPIE.6270E..49D
- [.ps]
- van Dyk, D.A., 2006, at Statistical Inference in High Energy Physics and Astrophysics, Banff International Research Station Workshop, Jul 15-20, 2006, Banff, BC
- presentation [.pdf]
- Park, T., van Dyk, D.A., & Siemiginowska, A., 2006, SAMSI Opening Workshop, Jan 23-25, 2006, Raleigh, NC
- poster [.pdf]
- van Dyk, D.A., 2006, SAMSI Opening Workshop, Jan 23-25, 2006, Raleigh, NC
- poster [.pdf]
- Drake, J., Ratzlaff, P., Edgar, R., Izem, R., Jerius, D., Kashyap, V., & Siemiginowska, A., 2005, in Proc. of 4th Chandra Calibration Workshop, Oct 31-Nov 1, 2005, Cambridge, MA
- presentation
- Izem, R., in Proc. of 4th Chandra Calibration Workshop, Oct 31-Nov 1, 2005, Cambridge, MA
- presentation
- Kang, H., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V.L., & Connors, A., 2005, in ``X-Ray Diagnostics of Astrophysical Plasmas: Theory, Experiment, and Observation'', AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 774, p.373
- 2005AIPC..774..373K
- manuscript [.pdf]
- Kang, H., van Dyk, D., Kashyap, V., & Connors, A., 2004, HEAD, 5.01
- 2004HEAD....8.0501K
- poster : [.ps] ; [.pdf]
- van Dyk, D.A., Park, T., Kashyap, V.L., & Zezas, A., 2004, HEAD, 16.27
- 2004HEAD....8.1627V
- poster [.pdf]
- Yu, Y., Meng, X.L., van Dyk, D.A., Kashyap, V., & Zezas, A., 2004, HEAD, 16.31
- 2004HEAD....8.1631Y
- poster [.ps]
- Sourlas, E., Kashyap, V., Zezas, A., & van Dyk, D., 2004, HEAD, 16.32
- 2004HEAD....8.1632S
- poster : [.pdf] ; [.ps]
- Park, T., van Dyk, D., & Siemiginowska, A., 2004, HEAD, 16.33
- 2004HEAD....8.1633P
- poster [.pdf]
- Yu, Y., van Dyk, D., Siemiginowska, A., Freeman, P., Zezas, A., Kashyap, V., & Connors, A., 2004, HEAD, 16.35
- 2004HEAD....8.1635Y
- Poster [.ps]
- Esch, D.N., Connors, A., Karovska, M., & van Dyk, D.A., 2004, ApJ, 610, 1213
- 2004ApJ...610.1213E
- Kang, H., et al., 2003, SPD 34, 02.01
- 2003SPD....34.0201K
- Karovska, M., Esch, D., & van Dyk, D., 2003, HEAD 35, 22.29
- 2003HEAD...35.2229K
- Sourlas, N., et al., 2001, SCMA III, Eds. Eric D. Feigelson, G. Jogesh Babu, New York: Springer, ISBN 0-387-95546-1, 2003, p.489
- Kashyap, V., et al., 2001, SCMA III, Eds. Eric D. Feigelson, G. Jogesh Babu, New York: Springer, ISBN 0-387-95546-1, 2003, p.451
- Kang, H., et al., 2001, SCMA III, Eds. Eric D. Feigelson, G. Jogesh Babu, New York: Springer, ISBN 0-387-95546-1, 2003, p.449
- Hans, C., & van Dyk, D.A., 2001, SCMA III, Eds. Eric D. Feigelson, G. Jogesh Babu, New York: Springer, ISBN 0-387-95546-1, 2003, p.429
- Freeman, P.E, et al., 2001, SCMA III, Eds. Eric D. Feigelson, G. Jogesh Babu, New York: Springer, ISBN 0-387-95546-1, 2003, p.365
- van Dyk, D.A., 2001, SCMA III, Eds. Eric D. Feigelson, G. Jogesh Babu, New York: Springer, ISBN 0-387-95546-1, 2003, p.124
- van Dyk, D.A., 2001, SCMA III, Eds. Eric D. Feigelson, G. Jogesh Babu, New York: Springer, ISBN 0-387-95546-1, 2003, p.70
- van Dyk, D.A., 2001, SCMA III, Eds. Eric D. Feigelson, G. Jogesh Babu, New York: Springer, ISBN 0-387-95546-1, 2003, p.41
- Kashyap, V.L., & Siemiginowska, A., 2003, Chandra Newsletter, Vol. 10, p.16
- 2003ChNew..10...16K;
Lies, True Lies and Astrostatistics
- Kashyap, V.L., Drake, J.J., Guedel, M., & Audard, M., 2002, ApJ, 580, 1118
- 2002ApJ...580.1118K
- Protassov, R., van Dyk, D.A., Connors, A., Kashyap, V.L., & Siemiginowska, A., 2002, ApJ, 571, 545
- 2002ApJ...571..545P
- van Dyk, D.A., et al., 2001, AAS 199, 112.01
- 2001AAS...19911201V
- van Dyk, D.A., Connors, A., Kashyap, V.L., & Siemiginowska, A., 2001, ApJ, 548, 224
- 2001ApJ...548..224V
- Protassov, R., et al., 2000, AAS 197, 16.04
- 2000AAS...197.1604P
- Yu, Y., et al., 2000, HEAD 32, 16.10
- 2000HEAD...32.1610Y
- Yu, Y., et al., 2000, HEAD 32, 16.03
- 2000HEAD...32.1603Y
- Protassov, R.S, et al., 2000, AAS 196, 60.04
- 2000AAS...196.6004P
- Sourlas, E., et al., 2000, AAS 196, 54.02
- 2000AAS...196.5402S
- Protassov, R.S., & van Dyk, D.A., 1999, AAS 196, 54.01
- 2000AAS...196.5401P
- van Dyk, D.A., et al., 1999, AAS 194, 26.04
- 1999AAS...194.2604V
- van Dyk, D.A., et al., 1999, HEAD 31, 33.06
- 1999HEAD...31.3306V
- Esch, D., et al., 1999, HEAD 31, 33.05
- 1999HEAD...31.3305E
- Kashyap, V., & Drake, J.J., 1998, ApJ, 503, 450
- 1998ApJ...503..450K
- Siemiginowska, A., Elvis, M., Connors, A., Freeman, P., Kashyap, V., & Feigelson, E., 1997, SCMA II, Eds. C.J.Babu, E.Feigelson, p241
- 1997scma.conf..241S
- manuscript [.pdf]
This material is based upon work
partially supported by NASA AISR grant NCC2-1206, and
National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. DSM 01-04129,
04-38240, and 04-06085 and by NASA Contract NAS8-39073 (CXC).
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science