Chandra SNR Chandra SNR
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SNR J0535.7-6918

  • Common Name: Honeycomb Nebula
  • Distance: 50kpc(distance to LMC, Westerlund(1990) )
  • Center of X-ray emission (J2000): ( 05 35 45.2, -69 18 06.0 )
  • X-ray size: 1.2x1.6
  • Description: irregular, no shell
Not available1967/work/tr2.jpg

Summary of Chandra Observations

SequenceObs. IDDetectors UsedExposure uf
Exposure f
Aimpoint (J2000)
(RA, Dec)
500144 1967 "ACIS-235678" 101.0 101.0 2000-12-07 ( 05 35 28.0, -69 16 11.1 )

Exposureuf => Exposure time of unfiltered event file
Exposuref => Exposure time of filtered event file
  • The whole remnant is covered by chip ACIS-S3(CCD_ID=7)
  • SNR is 2' off-axis

Chandra Event File

Click left mouse button on hyperlink below to download file
Obs. IDEvent 2 FITS File
Event 2 FITS File
AUX file
(asol, badpix etc.)
1967 49.4 MB 8.7 MB 26.1 MB

Chandra Counts and Fluxes

RegionEnergy Range
(counts s-1)
(ergs cm-2s-1)
(ergs cm-2s-1)
(ergs s-1)
0.3 - 10.0 5.470e+03 5.417e-02 1.79e-13 7.43e-13 2.21e+35
0.3 - 2.1 5.552e+03 5.499e-02 1.79e-13 7.43e-13 2.21e+35
2.1 - 10.0 -8.114e+01 -8.036e-04 2.00e-16 2.12e-16 6.32e+31

NH = 0.2(1022 cm-2) Assumed distance: 50kpc (distance to LMC, Westerlund(1990) )

Chandra Images

Chandra Spectra

Other Wavelengths

Compact Sources

Obs. IDPosition (J2000)SizeNet CountCount rateNote

  1. This list is not complete. Sources are obvious and usually within or close to the remnant. The size refers to the appearance of the source and can be larger for off-axis sources.


Chandra Supernova Remnant Catalog
Main Page | Galactic SNR | Magellanic Cloud SNR
True Color Image Gallery: Galactic SNR | Magellanic Cloud SNR