ESA's Planck Mission has provided a
large, statistically representative sample of massive
clusters, detected over the full sky (|b| > 15°)
through their Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. The Planck ESZ clusters
are sufficiently X-ray bright that for all 165 z <
0.35 clusters, the proposed Chandra observations
will collect 10,000 source counts that will be used
to characterize each cluster's dynamical state including
merger properties, to measure cluster masses and
mass proxies, and to define local cluster mass and
temperature functions. Chandra observations will
provide a benchmark at low redshifts for comparison
to high redshift clusters and to cosmological N-body
The large size and nearly unbiased mass-limited selection of the Planck ESZ clusters will allow the determination of the accurate scaling relations between cluster mass and mass proxies and the integrated Compton y that are required for future large surveys, where detailed information on individual clusters will not be possible. In addition to the X-ray and SZ observations, the rich multiwavelength observations of this sample, including weak and strong lensing, radio observations, and galaxy spectroscopy will allow us to characterize the full sample, as well as to use subsets of the sample to assess biases in X-ray mass determinations, due to non-thermal pressure support and test both acceleration scenarios by low Mach number shocks and diffusive shock acceleration models, in merging clusters that host radio halos and relics. Our team is expert in the analysis of X-ray and SZ observations and in theory and simulations, weak and strong lensing analysis, and radio studies of clusters. To help enable research by others and to further the legacy value of this Chandra-Planck program, we make our cluster analysis products available here.
The large size and nearly unbiased mass-limited selection of the Planck ESZ clusters will allow the determination of the accurate scaling relations between cluster mass and mass proxies and the integrated Compton y that are required for future large surveys, where detailed information on individual clusters will not be possible. In addition to the X-ray and SZ observations, the rich multiwavelength observations of this sample, including weak and strong lensing, radio observations, and galaxy spectroscopy will allow us to characterize the full sample, as well as to use subsets of the sample to assess biases in X-ray mass determinations, due to non-thermal pressure support and test both acceleration scenarios by low Mach number shocks and diffusive shock acceleration models, in merging clusters that host radio halos and relics. Our team is expert in the analysis of X-ray and SZ observations and in theory and simulations, weak and strong lensing analysis, and radio studies of clusters. To help enable research by others and to further the legacy value of this Chandra-Planck program, we make our cluster analysis products available here.

The Chandra-Planck Team
We have assembled
an international team of observers and theorists
with expertise in Chandra and XMM-Newton analysis
and interpretation, Planck SZ analysis, weak and
strong lensing, galaxy spectroscopy, radio sources in
clusters, and theory and simulations:
- Christine Jones (PI)
- William Forman
- Alexey Vikhlinin
- Larry David
- Ralph Kraft
- Stephen Murray
- Pasquale Mazzotta
- Nabila Aghanim
- Monique Arnaud
- James Bartlett
- Hans Bohringer
- Eugene Churazov
- Marian Douspis
- Charles Lawrence
- Jukka Nevalainen
- Etienne Pointecouteau
- Gabriel Pratt
- Iacopo Bartalucci
- Jessica Democles
- Jean-Baptiste Melin
- Elena Pierpaoli
- Simona Giacintucci
- Reinout Van Weeren
- Shea Brown
- Chiara Ferrari
- Giulia Macario
- Tracy Clarke
- Hakon Dahle
- Daniel Eisenstein
- Marceau Limousin
- Gayoung Chon
- Stefano Borgani
- Rashid Sunyaev
- Felipe Andrade-Santos
- Lorenzo Lovisari
List of Targets
Click here for the list of clusters
that have been observed in this program.
Useful Links
- Astro-Ph
- Chandra
- Chandra Webchaser
- XMM-Newton
- Planck Misson
- Planck 2013 data and results
- Planck 2013 publications
- This website is maintained by
Felipe Andrade-Santos