Links to Ethics Statements

Here are links to the official ethics statements and case studies from:

AAS Ethics Policy

AAS Journals(Astrophysical Journal, Astronomical Journal)

Ethics Case Studies prepared by the American Physical Society

A list of resources on various ethics and work-life balance issues
in astronomy and science in general has been compiled by the
AAS Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (CSWA) .

Some areas of concern that you might want to think about and that
we will address in our discussion are:

1. Obtaining and giving proper credit for work and ideas:
Who should be a co-author on papers/presentations?
How can you make sure your work is acknowledged?
Are you properly acknowledging the contributions of others?
What is plagiarism? Is it just using the same words as another,
or does it include adopting, but not acknowledging, the ideas of others?

2. Data reliability and analysis:
How much can you trust the data?
How do you know that the result (your own or others) is correct?
How do you weigh the rush to publish a new result vs making sure that it is correct?

3. Confidentiality of data; collaborations and intellectual property:
If you are part of a large collaboration, what can you tell those
outside the collaboration about your work?
What about ideas? What can be shared?

4. Teaching: As graduate students, you will likely be teaching fellows
and you will be addressing students with different backgrounds.
Pre-conceptions about student abilities?
How will you be a good mentor?

What do you do if you see a suspected ethics violation?
What if the person is senior to you, i.e. adviser or supervisor?