Tom's POVRay Disc Magnet
The picture above was made with this
demo POV file and
this magnet object POV file
About this Object
This is two objects, one is the magnet, and the other is the paint around
the magnet. This allows you to chip the paint (by subtracting out a sphere
or other shape) to show the unerlying magnet. The real magnets I based
this on had thick paint, and several of them had chips around the edges.
I even modelled the little divet on the underside of the magnet. The
colors used in the image are also close to the real magnet colors.
The magnet is oriented to stick to a wall in the X-Y plane at Z=0, protruding
out in the -Z direction, and is centered around the Z axis. This is shown
in the top magnet in the picture above. The magnet body is 0.75 units in
diameter, and protrudes 0.22 units in the -Z direction from the "wall".
The paint extends beyond this 0.005 units, past both the top and the sides.
Problems and Future Work
I suppose I could make the chipping automatic and random, with a way
to turn it off or on, and to make it a little or a lot.
This web page, the associated image(s), and POV files are all copyright
2004 by Thomas A. Fine (that's me!). I hereby grant free distribution
rights, including for-profit uses, in full or in part, provided only
that copyright notices are preserved and due credit is given.
WARNING: This POV object is based on a real object. I'm not aware of
any legal issues related to the design of that real object. It is the
user's responsibility to cover your ass.