20:00UT, 28Jan98 - 11:00UT, 29Jan98

The following is the first data collection shift report from week II of the January98 HXDS FPC calibrations at BESSY. Operator shifts will cover a nominal 12 hours at the workstation. Ian and Tim will cover the 12:00UT to 00:00UT shift, Ed and Bill will cover the other.

I. Background Run

Run ID CMDB ID Fpc Collect Comments
501499 N-IXF-BG-0.900 both 10x300sec none

II. FPC Centering. After delays by BESSY which were required by them to finish beamline maintenance, we were given first light on this beamline around midnight and spent much time (Run ID's 501500 thru 501515) finding the beam with our 1.5 mm apertured fpc's. New beam center locations were determined and recorded.

Ian and Tim leave, Ed and Bill take over.

III. Gain checks and voltage adjustments. The following runid's were used to check gains and make voltage adjustments.

IV. Data collection, Count RateLinearity (CR designation in CMDB ID) and Absolute Quantum Efficiency (AB designation in CMDB ID) measurements.

computer time check: Bessy = 06:26:11, SAO = 05:25:51

Changed to Beryllium filter. Note current reading change to electrons.

Changed to Titanium filter.

Changed to Fe filter.

Changed to Be filter.

Changed to Chromium filter.

Changed to Beryllium filter.

FINISHED SHIFT. Look for the next shift report .... coming soon.

Edited 28Jan98.