BESSY Field Report
Tuesday 01/27 07:30-11:30 UT Ian Evans, Tim Norton, Bill Brymer
At first, we could not set the shaping times and coarse gains from either the Sun or the PC. Changing the FPC_X2 shaping time did not appear to work at all (no motor motion inside the shaping amplifier box), but the motor seemed to work for FPC_HN, although the PC did not think that the operation completed successfully. We swapped out the '175s and after that both FPC_X2 and _HN appeared mechanically to work but the PC did not detect proper completion for the 0.5, 2, 6 us shaping time settings, but worked OK for 1, 3, 10 us shaping times (same symptoms for both detectors). We rechecked all cables and determined that one of the ribbon connectors inside the PC was loose. Reseating the connector resolved the problem.