We (Tim Norton, Bill Brymer, Brad Wargelin) arrived Sunday afternoon. This morning (Monday), we arrived at BESSY and started setting up. PTB has now removed their equipment from the KMC beam and we are moving ours into position. First thing up was the computer system, which is obviously working. Because of the rather kludgey repair to the KMC beam shutter/bellows assembly, BESSY is allowing only 3 days of testing and then the KMC beamline will be permanently shut down. Depending on how quickly we can set up and get the vacuum pressure down, we will run our test either Tues-Thurs or Wed-Fri. Tests will be prioritized in case the kludge fix gives out before our three days are up, but we are not expecting trouble. More later. ---Brad
Ugggh. We've been here for 14 hours now. There have been a few problems mostly related to cables not being labelled adequately and various connections residing in nearly inaccessible spots, but things are looking pretty good now. We've closed up the chamber and have been pumping for about half an hour. The pressure is coming down nicely and we will soon turn on a getter pump. Regarding today's earlier report, there was some confusion among PTB personnel about our allotted run time. It now appears we can run thru Friday even if we start tomorrow, so we should be in good shape. Ack--injection now. gotta go. ---Brad
We waited a few hours this morning to let the pressure come down a little more, and for PTB to align their diodes and apertures. During this time we also fixed a bug in the SRF procedures.
The next several hours were spent trying to center the FPCs on the beam, which was made rather difficult since, when we used the positions from the previous run on the SX700 beam as first guesses, we ended up on a very faint ghost beam. When we tried to scan the FPCs, we would suddenly get blasted by the main beam. Once we figured this out all went well. Accurate positons have been found for both FPCs, and two Spectral Response Function runs (short ones) were completed. Tomorrow we can only run until 5 p.m. because of facility maintenance activities. If I get around to ftp'ing files over, I'll put them in /pool14/bradw. Please note that the positioning runs at 1900 eV were actually done at 2100 eV, the lower limit of the Si crystal.