Priority: Normal
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 05:50:18 EST
From: Mike McDermott <>
Reply-To: Mike McDermott <>
Subject: BESSY Report 10/16/97

BESSY Report 10/16/97

We finished the response function measurements with the InSb crystal around 2:00 pm cet. These measurements were made at the following energies:

1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1 keV.

At 2:00 pm we switched to the Si crystals to measure the response function from 2.1 keV to 5.9 keV in steps of 200 eV. We collected data until about 8:30 pm. We were able to do the response function measurements from 5.9 down to 3.3 keV during this time frame. The remainder are going to be completed today Friday Oct 17th.

We will break down the equipment this afternoon and start the transition to the PTB Radiometry Lab. Some new fixtures were required to mount a translatable aperture in front of the detector. We anticipate this will be completed this afternoon.


This morning there was some trouble with the first injection of the day. After the beam was up and operational, there was a beam dump which required about 1 hour to fix.

Mike McDermott
Ian Evans
Tim Norton

NOTE: This page copied from the email posted and edited in format only.