Calibration Test Run #2 PLAN

The test plan presented below was prepared by Brad Wargelin and last updated 25November1997.


SX700 beam (Dec 3-8, Wed 10 pm - Mon 6 am, 80 hours)

SX700 beam (Dec 9-12, Tue 8 am - Fri 4 pm?)  
Detailed Notes

SX700 beam Using SAO end chamber with FPC detector

Pre-pumpdown setup

Post-pumpdown setup  

Find window(let) centers of FPCs  Detector fpc_x2, fpc_hn

Anode Wire Aging/Gain Uniformity

A check of the focal plane FPC (fpc_x2) will be conducted to look for signs of anode aging.  We will also scan fpc_hn for more info on the spatial gain curve. After scans are complete, use a script/program to extract peak and FWHM for each spectrum.  Then plot up peak channel vs. horiz position, and FWHM/peak-ch vs. position, to look for signs of aging.  If any are seen, decide whether or not to avoid the bad spot(s), which may require modification of the test procedures.

 Beam profile/fpc_x2 blocking plate aperture size

Use the edges of the FPC blocking plate aperture(s) to map out the beam profile (vertically and horizontally).  This must be done near the center of a windowlet so window-bowing effects are minimal, i.e., so the only position-dependent effect is beam w.r.t. the aperture edge.

QE mapping

We will measure the relative QE as a function of position on two FPCs, moving the FPCs behind a fixed aperture, 0.5 mm in diameter.  The effect of window bowing is the primary subject of these tests, and the mapping will be conducted at three energies where window transmission is relatively low.  The supporting wires will be avoided.

Note that complete scans of both FPCs (223 points) at one energy take ~5 hours; the 1/e decay time for the ring current is ~4 hours (although Frank thinks it is more like 20 hours at the lower currents we will use).  Begin the map for each energy at ~6000 Hz and integrate for 60 seconds (plus 20 overhead).

Spectral Response Function

Spectra will be collected from monochromatic beams at several energies ranging from <100 eV to 1.7 keV.  Particular attention will be paid to the Ar-L, C-K, N-K, O-K, and Al-K absorption edges.  These tests also give us info on the (relative) QE of the FPC as a function of energy so we need good beam intensity calibration. Also, these tests give us info on pileup---be sure to compare the pileup --- peak with the expected fraction of (0.8e-6)x(rate).  At the least, the pileup fraction should be ~independent of energy (at a given rate).

 Counting Rate Linearity
At a few energies, data will be collected for each energy at several widely varying counting rates to determine the accuracy of the pulser deadtime correction method and equations (to ~0.2%).  These tests CANNOT be done on the KMC beam (because relative beam intensity calibration is not accurate enough), but will be done on the white beam with filters. Also, these tests will also give us info on pileup---be sure to plot them up on the spot to see if we need to do more testing.

 Gas Opacity

This test is best conducted on the KMC beam at higher energies, but if we have extra time we may do it on the SX700 at 1.7 keV.  Spectra will be collected at two or more gas pressures (e.g., 400 and 200 torr) and the counting rates (and thus detector QE) compared.

Wire Reflections

There may be nonnegligible reflections off the window support wires, and this may depend upon energy.  We don't have the proper setup for this on the SX700, however...It is done by measuring relative rates with a wire (no polyimide) in and out of the beam, moving behind a fixed aperture.
SX700 beam Using PTB reflectometer with photodiode detector

Window Transmission

The transmission of two demounted FPC windows will be measured at a few points and many energies between 100 and 1800 eV.  The windows will be mounted on a two-axis translation stage in the PTB reflectometer on the SX700 beamline.  Transmission will be measured using in/out tests with a calibrated PTB photodiode as the detector.

Relative Aperture Sizes

The relative sizes of FPC Aperture Plate apertures up to 70 (TBR ###) microns in diameter will be measured by inserting each aperture into the beam and measuring the signal from a PTB photodiode.  Apertures will be selected by moving them on a two-axis translation stage.  The beam profile will be measured using a 2dscan of the 10-um aperture.  Each aperture must
be "peaked up" = centered on the beam.


Filter Transmission

The transmission of filters to be used during the Absolute QE/White. Beam tests will be measured at several energies.


UV/Ion Shield Transmission

The transmission of the HSI uv/ion shield will be measured at several energies.


Unstretched aluminized polyimide window material Transmission

The transmission of an unstretched FPC window be measured at several energies.  (maybe?)

This page last updated April 07, 2000