.. _simput: Working with SIMPUT Catalogs ============================ The default storage format for creating 2D models of X-ray sources in SOXS is `SIMPUT `_, which is fast becoming a standard for making mock X-ray observations. SOXS provides three classes to handle SIMPUT I/O: :class:`~soxs.simput.SimputSpectrum`, :class:`~soxs.simput.SimputPhotonList`, and :class:`~soxs.simput.SimputCatalog`. These utilize the spectral and spatial model classes described in the :ref:`spectra` and :ref:`spatial` sections of the SOXS documentation. .. _simput-spectra: SIMPUT Spectral Models ---------------------- The simplest SIMPUT source model in SOXS is that of a point-source located at a particular location on the sky, with a given energy spectrum. A :class:`~soxs.simput.SimputSpectrum` can be created using the :meth:`~soxs.simput.SimputSpectrum.from_spectrum` method, using a :class:`~soxs.spectra.Spectrum` object: .. code-block:: python import soxs # Create a thermal Spectrum agen = soxs.ApecGenerator(0.1, 10.0, 1000) spec1 = agen.get_spectrum(6.0, 0.3, 0.01, 1.0e-3) spec1.apply_foreground_absorption(0.02) # Pick some coordinates ra1 = 22.0 # degrees dec1 = -30.0 # degrees name1 = "ptsrc" # name of source # Create a SimputSpectrum src1 = soxs.SimputSpectrum.from_spectrum(name1, spec1, ra1, dec1) An extended source can be created from a FITS image if you have one. Note that the image must have a header with some coordinate information, where :math:`n \in {1,2}`: * ``"CRPIXn"``: reference pixel x,y coordinates, usually the image center * ``"CUNITn"``: both should contain ``"deg"`` * ``"CDELTn"``: width of each pixel in the x and y directions in units of ``"CUNITn"``, ``"CDELT1"`` should be negative * ``"CRVALn"``: reference celestial x,y coordinates--required, but these will generally not be used. * ``"CTYPEn"``: must be a projection type, typically ``"RA---TAN"`` and ``"DEC--TAN"`` are used. .. code-block:: python from astropy.io import fits # Create a thermal Spectrum spec2 = agen.get_spectrum(5.0, 1.0, 0.03, 1.0e-4) spec2.apply_foreground_absorption(0.02) # Pick some coordinates ra2 = 22.01 # degrees dec2 = -29.98 # degrees imhdu "cluster_image.fits[0]" # this specifies the name and extension of the # image name2 = "cluster1" # name of source # Create a thermal SimputSpectrum src2 = soxs.SimputSpectrum.from_spectrum(name2, spec2, ra2, dec2, imhdu=imhdu) Note in this case that the entire extended source will have the same spectrum. Alternatively, if you have a :class:`~soxs.spatial.SpatialModel`, you can use the :meth:`~soxs.simput.SimputSpectrum.from_models` method to create an extended source, where you use the :class:`~soxs.spatial.SpatialModel` to create an image with a specific ``width`` and resolution ``nx``: .. code-block:: python from astropy.io import fits # Create a Spectrum spec3 = agen.get_spectrum(2.2, 0.5, 0.05, 2.0e-2) spec3.apply_foreground_absorption(0.02) # Create an AnnulusModel ra3 = 22.03 # degrees dec3 = -30.03 # degrees r_in = 5.0 # arcseconds r_out = 20.0 # arcseconds ann = soxs.AnnulusModel(ra3, dec3, r_in, r_out) width = 20.0 # of the image, in arcminutes nx = 4000 # resolution of the image name3 = "cluster2" # name of source # Create a SimputSpectrum src3 = soxs.SimputSpectrum.from_models(name3, spec3, ann, width, nx) In this case the whole extended source has the same spectrum as well. .. _photon-lists: SIMPUT Photon List Models ------------------------- Spectral and spatial models for X-ray sources can be combined to produce a list of photon coordinates and energies using the :class:`~soxs.simput.SimputPhotonList` class. Specifically, one can generate a :class:`~soxs.simput.SimputPhotonList` using the :meth:`~soxs.simput.SimputPhotonList.from_models` method. This requires a :class:`~soxs.spectra.Spectrum` for the spectral model, a :class:`~soxs.spatial.SpatialModel` for modeling the spatial extent of the source, an exposure time, and a flat effective area. .. code-block:: python import soxs # Create the spectral model spec4 = soxs.Spectrum.from_powerlaw(1.0, 0.01, 1.0e-2, 0.1, 10.0, 100000) spec4.apply_foreground_absorption(0.04) # Create a RectangleModel ra4 = 21.97 # degrees dec4 = -30.0 # degrees width = 100.0 # in arcseconds height = 4.0 # in arcseconds theta = 30.0 rect = soxs.RectangleSource(ra4, dec4, width, height, theta=theta) # Set the parameters exp_time = (500.0, "ks") area = (3.0, "m**2") name4 = "jet" # name of source # Create the photon list src4 = soxs.SimputPhotonList.from_models(name4, spec4, rect, exp_time, area) Plotting Photon Lists +++++++++++++++++++++ The event positions from a :class:`~soxs.simput.SimputPhotonList` can be plotted using the :meth:`~soxs.simput.SimputPhotonList.plot` method. This will make a scatter plot of the photon RA and Dec on the sky, optionally filtered within an energy band. For an example of how to use this method, see the `"Two Clusters" cookbook example <../cookbook/Two_Clusters.html>`_. .. _simput-catalogs: SIMPUT Catalogs --------------- A SIMPUT catalog can be worked with using the :class:`~soxs.simput.SimputCatalog` class. A :class:`~soxs.simput.SimputCatalog` object associated with a single :class:`~soxs.simput.SimputSource` can be created using the :meth:`~soxs.simput.SimputCatalog.from_source` method: .. code-block:: python import soxs # Create the SIMPUT catalog sim_cat = SimputCatalog.from_source("my_sources.simput", src1, overwrite=True) which writes both the catalog and the source to the same file ``"my_sources.simput"``. If you want to write the :class:`~soxs.simput.SimputSource` to a separate file, use the ``src_filename`` keyword argument: .. code-block:: python import soxs # Create the SIMPUT catalog sim_cat = SimputCatalog.from_source("my_sources.simput", src1, src_filename="ptsrc.fits", overwrite=True) To add more sources to an existing :class:`~soxs.simput.SimputCatalog`, use the :meth:`~soxs.simput.SimputCatalog.append` method: .. code-block:: python # This adds src2 to the catalog in "my_sources.simput" and the same file sim_cat.append(src2) # This adds src3 to the catalog in "my_sources.simput" and the file # cluster1.fits sim_cat.append(src3, src_filename="cluster1.fits", overwrite=True) An existing SIMPUT catalog can be read in from disk using :meth:`~soxs.simput.SimputCatalog.from_file`: .. code-block:: python import soxs sim_cat = soxs.SimputCatalog.from_file("my_sources_simput.fits") An empty SIMPUT catalog with no sources can be created using :meth:`~soxs.simput.SimputCatalog.make_empty`, and then you can append sources to it in the usual way: .. code-block:: python import soxs sim_cat = soxs.SimputCatalog.make_empty("my_simput.fits") # This adds src2 to the catalog in "my_simput.fits" and the same file sim_cat.append(src2) # This adds src3 to the catalog in "my_simput.fits" and the file # cluster1.fits sim_cat.append(src3, src_filename="cluster1.fits", overwrite=True) .. _bkgnd-simput: Creating Background Model SIMPUT Catalogs ----------------------------------------- SOXS has the ability to model astrophysical background and foreground components (see :ref:`background` for more details). This modeling is typically carried out automatically during instrument simulation in SOXS (see :ref:`bkgnds`). However, as SIMPUT catalogs can be used in conjunction with other instrument simulators (such as `SIXTE `_, `SIMX `_, and `MARX `_), SOXS provides the ability to generate background and foreground models and write them to a SIMPUT catalog for reading in by these packages. This capability is provided by the :func:`~soxs.simput.make_bkgnd_simput` function. It generates a galactic foreground model spectrum (see :ref:`foreground` for how to tune its parameters) uniformly over a square field of view between the energies of 0.05 and 10 keV, and for the same field of view generates a photon-list realization of the cosmic X-ray background (CXB, see :ref:`ptsrc-bkgnd`). Both of these are stored to the same SIMPUT catalog. Because the CXB component requires a photon-list realization, an exposure time and collecting area must be specified, so make sure that these are at least somewhat larger than the exposure time and effective area that will be used in the instrument simulation. A simple invocation of :func:`~soxs.simput.make_bkgnd_simput` is shown here: .. code-block:: python import soxs t_exp = (100.0, "ks") area = (3.0, "m**2") fov = (1.0, "deg") sky_center = (30.0, 45.0) soxs.make_bkgnd_simput("bkgnd.simput", t_exp, area, fov, sky_center, overwrite=True) A number of optional customizations are possible. For example, the model for Galactic absorption and the value of the hydrogen column can be changed: .. code-block:: python import soxs t_exp = (100.0, "ks") area = (3.0, "m**2") fov = (1.0, "deg") sky_center = (30.0, 45.0) soxs.make_bkgnd_simput("bkgnd.simput", t_exp, area, fov, sky_center, overwrite=True, absorb_model="wabs", nH=0.02) The foreground model can be switched between ``"default"`` or ``"halosat"``: .. code-block:: python import soxs t_exp = (100.0, "ks") area = (3.0, "m**2") fov = (1.0, "deg") sky_center = (30.0, 45.0) soxs.make_bkgnd_simput("bkgnd.simput", t_exp, area, fov, sky_center, overwrite=True, frgnd_spec_model="halosat") If you generate a pre-existing set of point sources for the CXB using :func:`~soxs.background.point_sources.make_point_source_list`, you can input them here: .. code-block:: python import soxs t_exp = (100.0, "ks") area = (3.0, "m**2") fov = (1.0, "deg") sky_center = (30.0, 45.0) soxs.make_bkgnd_simput("bkgnd.simput", t_exp, area, fov, sky_center, overwrite=True, input_sources="my_srcs.dat") or you can let the function generate the sources for you and output them for later use: .. code-block:: python import soxs t_exp = (100.0, "ks") area = (3.0, "m**2") fov = (1.0, "deg") sky_center = (30.0, 45.0) soxs.make_bkgnd_simput("bkgnd.simput", t_exp, area, fov, sky_center, overwrite=True, output_sources="my_srcs.dat") Other customizations are detailed in the API docs, see :func:`~soxs.simput.make_bkgnd_simput`.