.. _make-multiple-sources: Make Multiple Sources ===================== This script shows how to create two sources with two different spectra and combine them into a single SIMPUT catalog, which is then used to make a single event file. .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/sh # We will use this script to illustrate how to combine multiple sources into # a single simput catalog from the command line. # First, make an absorbed thermal spectrum, which will be for an annulus source. make_cie_spectrum 6.0 0.3 0.05 1.0e-4 thermal_spec.dat 0.1 10.0 10000 --absorb_model=wabs --nH_abs 0.04 --overwrite # Second, make an absorbed power-law spectrum, which will be for a point source. make_powerlaw_spectrum 1.1 0.05 1.0e-4 powerlaw_spec.dat 0.1 10.0 10000 --absorb_model=wabs --nH_abs 0.04 --overwrite # Take this spectrum and make a SIMPUT catalog with a point source photon list make_point_source my_cat.simput point_source 30.0 45.0 thermal_spec.dat --overwrite # Add an annulus source to the SIMPUT catalog, with the same center. make_annulus_source my_cat.simput annulus 30.0 45.0 10.0 30.0 thermal_spec.dat 25.0 3000 --append --overwrite # Take the SIMPUT catalog and make an event file instrument_simulator my_cat.simput evt.fits 50.0,ks lynx_hdxi 30.0,45.0 --overwrite Download this script here: `make_multiple_sources.sh <../make_multiple_sources.sh>`_ The result of this script is an observation of an annulus with a point source in the center, which looks like this in ds9: .. image:: ../images/multiple_source.png :width: 800px