.. _cmd-instrument: Command Line Scripts for the Instrument Simulator ================================================= These command-line scripts allow one to run and modify the instrument simulator. For details on what's going on under the hood, see :ref:`instrument`. ``instrument_simulator`` ------------------------ The ``instrument_simulator`` script takes a SIMPUT catalog and generates a simulated observation in a standard event file format which can then be processed by standard tools such as CIAO, HEATOOLS, XSPEC, etc. .. code-block:: text usage: instrument_simulator [-h] [--overwrite] [--roll_angle ROLL_ANGLE] [--bkgnd_file BKGND_FILE] [--subpixel_res] [--no_dither] [--dither_params DITHER_PARAMS] [--aimpt_shift AIMPT_SHIFT] [--input_pt_sources INPUT_PT_SOURCES] [--no_diffuse_unresolved] [--drop_brightest DROP_BRIGHTEST] [--random_seed RANDOM_SEED] [--ptsrc_bkgnd | --no_ptsrc_bkgnd] [--instr_bkgnd | --no_instr_bkgnd] [--foreground | --no_foreground] [--instr_bkgnd_scale INSTR_BKGND_SCALE] simput_file out_file exp_time instrument sky_center Run the instrument simulator and produce a simulated event file. positional arguments: simput_file The SIMPUT file to be used as input, or "None" if you only want to simulate backgrounds. out_file The name of the event file to be written. exp_time The exposure time to use, in seconds. instrument The name of the instrument to use, or alternatively the name of a JSON file which contains an instrument specification. sky_center The center RA, Dec coordinates of the observation, in degrees, comma-separated options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --overwrite Overwrite an existing file with the same name. --roll_angle ROLL_ANGLE The roll angle in degrees. Default: 0.0 --bkgnd_file BKGND_FILE Use background stored in a file instead of generating one. --subpixel_res Don't uniformly distribute event positions within pixels. --no_dither Turn dithering off entirely. --dither_params DITHER_PARAMS The parameters controlling the size and period of dither. Four floats joined by commas, in the form of x_amp,y_amp,x_period,y_period. The first two numbers are in arcseconds and the second are in seconds. Default: 8.0,8.0,1000.0,707.0 --aimpt_shift AIMPT_SHIFT The shift of the aimpoint on the detector in both directions from the nominal aimpoint in arcseconds. Default: [0.0, 0.0] --input_pt_sources INPUT_PT_SOURCES Use a previously written table of point sources as input for the background instead of generating them. --no_diffuse_unresolved If set, the diffuse component across the entire field of view to represent the unresolved flux from sources at very small fluxes will be turned off. --drop_brightest DROP_BRIGHTEST This many brightest sources will be dropped from the point sources. --random_seed RANDOM_SEED A constant integer random seed to produce a consistent set of random numbers. --ptsrc_bkgnd Turn the point-source background on. --no_ptsrc_bkgnd Turn the point-source background off. --instr_bkgnd Turn the instrumental background on. --no_instr_bkgnd Turn the instrumental background off. --foreground Turn the galactic foreground on. --no_foreground Turn the galactic foreground off. --instr_bkgnd_scale INSTR_BKGND_SCALE A scaling factor for the instrumental background. Default: 1.0. Examples ++++++++ Changing Instrument Specification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This example uses the pre-built HDXI instrument specification, assuming a 50 ks observation with the pointing (RA, Dec) = (30, 45) degrees. .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --overwrite The same, but use the HDXI specification with mirror diameter of :math:`d` = 3 m and focal length of :math:`f` = 20 m: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi_3x20 30.,45. --overwrite See :ref:`instrument-arg` for details on the options for the ``instrument`` argument. This example uses a JSON file created by the user, which contains a custom instrument specification. See :ref:`instrument-registry` for details on how to do this. .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks my_inst.json 30.,45. --overwrite The following details how to change the other options, for more info see :ref:`other-mods`. Changing Roll Angle, Dither, and Aimpoint Shift ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change the roll angle to 45 degrees: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --roll_angle=45.0 --overwrite Change the dither amplitudes to 32 arcseconds and the periods to 707 and 1200 seconds: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --dither_params=32.,32.,707.,1200. --overwrite Turn dither off entirely: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --no_dither --overwrite Shift the aimpoint (units are in arcseconds): .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --aimpt_shift=10.0,-15.0 --overwrite Customizing Backgrounds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turn off the instrumental background: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --no_instr_bkgnd --overwrite Turn off the Galactic foreground: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --no_foreground --overwrite Turn off the point-source background: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --no_ptsrc_bkgnd --overwrite Any combination of these may be used to turn multiple components off or all of them. Turn off the diffuse unresolved CXB: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --no_diffuse_unresolved --overwrite Drop the 50 brightest point sources: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --drop_brightest=50 --overwrite To use a background stored in an event file: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ instrument_simulator sloshing_simput.fits evt.fits 50.0,ks hdxi 30.,45. --bkgnd_file="bkg_evt.fits" --overwrite .. note:: If you use a background stored in an event file, the background will be entirely determined from the contents of this file and any of the above background flags will be ignored. .. _cmd-simulate-spectrum: ``simulate_spectrum`` --------------------- Generate a PI or PHA spectrum from a spectrum in an ASCII table (such as one made by one of the commands detailed in :ref:`cmd-spectra`) by convolving it with responses. To be used if one wants to create a spectrum without worrying about spatial response, or if the underlying instrument supports only simulating spectra. Similar to XSPEC's "fakeit". .. code-block:: bash usage: simulate_spectrum [-h] [--overwrite] [--bkgnd_area BKGND_AREA] [--random_seed RANDOM_SEED] [--ptsrc_bkgnd | --no_ptsrc_bkgnd] [--instr_bkgnd | --no_instr_bkgnd] [--foreground | --no_foreground] [--no_noise] spec_file instrument exp_time out_file Convolve a spectrum with an ARF and RMF and produce a PHA or PI spectrum. positional arguments: spec_file The file containing the spectrum to be used. If None, then only a simulated background may be generated if they are turned on. instrument The name of the instrument to use, or alternatively the name of a JSON file which contains an instrument specification. exp_time The exposure time to use, in seconds. out_file The file to write the convolved spectrum to. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --overwrite Overwrite an existing file with the same name. --bkgnd_area BKGND_AREA The area on the sky for the background components, in square arcminutes. Default: None. Must be specified if any of the background components are turned on. --random_seed RANDOM_SEED A constant integer random seed to produce a consistent set of random numbers. --ptsrc_bkgnd Turn the unresolved point-source background on. --no_ptsrc_bkgnd Turn the unresolved point-source background off. --instr_bkgnd Turn the instrumental background on. --no_instr_bkgnd Turn the instrumental background off. --foreground Turn the galactic foreground on. --no_foreground Turn the galactic foreground off. --no_noise If set, no noise will be included in the spectrum. This cannot be set if backgrounds are included. Examples ++++++++ Simulate a Lynx microcalorimeter spectrum. .. code-block:: bash [~]$ simulate_spectrum power_law_spec.dat lynx_lxm 300.0,ks plaw_spec.pha The same spectrum, but with point-source, foreground, and instrumental backgrounds added. Two square arcminutes of background assumed. .. code-block:: bash [~]$ simulate_spectrum power_law_spec.dat lynx_lxm 300.0,ks plaw_spec.pha --bkgnd_area 2.0 --ptsrc_bkgnd --foreground --instr_bkgnd Simulate backgrounds only. .. code-block:: bash [~]$ simulate_spectrum None lynx_lxm 300.0,ks plaw_spec.pha --bkgnd_area 2.0 --ptsrc_bkgnd --foreground --instr_bkgnd Simulate a spectrum without noise: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ simulate_spectrum power_law_spec.dat lynx_lxm 300.0,ks plaw_spec.pha --no_noise .. _cmd-get-instrument-data: ``get_instrument_data`` ----------------------- Download the files needed for a particular instrument to a location of one's choosing. .. code-block:: bash usage: get_instrument_data [-h] [--loc LOC] instrument Download files associated with a particular instrument model. positional arguments: instrument The name of the instrument to download files for. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --loc LOC The path to download the files to. Defaults to the current working directory. Examples ++++++++ Get the instrument files for the ``"lynx_hdxi"`` instrument model, saved to the current working directory. .. code-block:: bash [~]$ get_instrument_data lynx_hdxi Get the instrument files for the ``"xrism_resolve"`` instrument model, saved to a particular directory. .. code-block:: bash [~]$ get_instrument_data lynx_hdxi --loc /Users/jzuhone/Data/soxs