.. _cmd-general-info: General Information Regarding the Command-Line Interface to SOXS ================================================================ .. _cmd-response-path: Path to the Response Files -------------------------- To use either the ``instrument_simulator`` or ``simulate_spectrum`` command-line scripts, data files such as the instrumental responses, background models, and PSF models are required. In versions of SOXS previous to v3.0.0, it was necessary to download these files on your own and place them either in the current working directory, or in a location specified by the :ref:`config`. Now, whenever an instrument is used, SOXS will first check the current working directory for the necessary files, and then will check the location specified by the ``soxs_data_dir`` entry in the configuration file. If the files are not found in either location, they will be downloaded automatically. See :ref:`config` for more information about the location of the configuration file and how to set its parameters. .. _cmd-units: Special Argument Handling for Quantities with Units --------------------------------------------------- Many arguments in the command line scripts which have units can take a special format which allows one to specify that particular quantity in the units desired by the user. For example, the :ref:`cmd-make-cosmo-sources` script has the arguments ``exp_time`` and ``area``, which assume the default units of seconds and :math:`\rm{cm^2}`, respectively, if one supplies floating-point numbers: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ make_cosmological_sources halos.simput halos 100000.0 10.0 22.0,-12.0 --area=30000.0 --overwrite but can take other units, like ks and :math:`\rm{m^2}`, in this format: .. code-block:: bash [~]$ make_cosmological_sources halos.simput halos 100.0,ks 10.0 22.0,-12.0 --area==3.0,m**2 --overwrite Since the quantities are the same but in different units, these two calls would be equivalent. The following arguments used in the command line scripts accept values with a unit specification: Parameters Used in Many Scripts +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * ``exp_time``: Exposure time, default units of seconds * ``area``: Collecting area, default units of :math:`\rm{cm}^2` * ``fov``: Field of view, default units of arcminutes * ``emin``: Minimum energy, default units of keV * ``emax``: Minimum energy, default units of keV * ``nH_abs``: Foreground galactic absorption column, default units of :math:`10^{22} \rm{atoms/cm^2}` Parameters Used in :ref:`cmd-spatial` +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * ``ra0``: Central right ascension, default units of degrees * ``dec0``: Central right ascension, default units of degrees * ``theta``: Rotation angle, default units of degrees Parameters Used in :ref:`cmd-make-cie-spectrum` +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * ``kT``: Temperature, default units of keV * ``velocity``: Velocity broadening parameter, default units of km/s Parameters Used in :ref:`cmd-make-igm-spectrum` +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * ``kT``: Temperature, default units of keV * ``nH``: Hydrogen number density, default units of :math:`\rm{cm}^{-3}` Parameters Used in :ref:`cmd-make-annulus-source` +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * ``r_in``: Inner radius of annulus, default units of arcseconds * ``r_out``: Inner radius of annulus, default units of arcseconds Parameters Used in :ref:`cmd-make-beta-model-source` ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * ``r_c``: Core radius parameter, default units of arcseconds Parameters Used in :ref:`cmd-make-double-beta-model-source` +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * ``r_c1``, ``r_c2``: Core radii parameters, default units of arcseconds Parameters Used in :ref:`cmd-make-rectangle-source` +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * ``width``: Width of rectangle, default units of arcseconds * ``height``: Width of rectangle, default units of arcseconds Random Number Generation ------------------------ Many routines in SOXS require generating random numbers for energies, sky positions, spectral channels, etc. By default, for every SOXS run this will be a different set of random numbers. It is often the case, however, that one wants to use a consistent, repeatable set of random numbers to reproduce results exactly. For this, many of the command-line scripts in SOXS take a ``random_seed`` optional argument, which has a default of ``None``, but if set to an integer will use this value as a random seed. For example, to use a consistent random seed in generating positions and energies for an annulus source, one would set the random seed like this: .. code-block:: bash make_annulus_source my_cat annulus 30.0 45.0 10.0 30.0 thermal_spec.dat 100.0,ks --random_seed=24 Check the documentation for the various command line scripts to see which functions have the ``random_seed`` argument. Astrophysical Background Parameters ----------------------------------- To change parameters for the astrophysical background, including the APEC model used for the thermal foreground components, and the absorption model as well as the value of the neutral hydrogen column, make edits to the :ref:`config`.