Title | Presenter |
"Welcome" | Harvey Tananbaum |
"Beginnings of X-ray Astronomy" | George Clark |
"From the 1963 White Paper to the start of SAS-A/Uhuru" | Harvey Tananbaum |
"Uhuru Concept, Design, and Construction" | Ed Kellogg |
"Launch and First Several Weeks of Mission" | Harvey Tananbaum |
"A Philosophy for Scientific Discovery, the Uhuru Spirit and the Search for Secrets of the Hoary Deep" | Wallace Tucker |
"Cyg X-1 and Cen X-3 - X-ray Binaries with Black Holes and Neutron Stars" | Ethan Schreier |
"The First Uhuru Guest Investigator" | Martin Weisskopf |
"X-ray Binaries - Uhuru, Optical, & Radio" | Christine Jones |
"The First X-ray Log-N Log-S Analysis" | Terry Matilsky |
"The 4U Catalog and Clusters as Extended X-ray Sources" | Bill Forman |
"Uhuru and the Diffuse X-ray Background" | Dan Schwartz |
"How Uhuru Changed My Life" | Lynn Cominsky |
"Impacts of Uhuru Discoveries on all of Astrophysics" | Rashid Sunyaev | OPEN SESSION | - - - |