The PROS distribution files are stored under an anonftp subdirectory at SAO. They are available through the links below, or by using the normal anonymous-FTP procedure.
The current PROS Release is 2.5_p1, and a full set of Sun4 and Solaris binaries are available under the 2.5_p1 directory. You must install source code from 2.5 first, and then install the patch code.
The following is a list of tar files needed for the installation. If you have problems because of the size of the tar files, you can retrieve split and compressed tar files via the normal anonymous-FTP procedure.
If problems are encountered with the file distribution, use the CHECKSUMS file to verify that any files already transferred are correct. Delete any partially transferred files and restart the transfer. Both BSD (Sun) and SYS5 checksums are given. The SunOS command "sum" will compute the checksum of a file.
A listing of the contents of each distribution file is provided in the file FILES.
xsrc_gen.tar.gz (source code, 4.4 Mb, compressed)
proscal_gen.tar.gz (calibration data, 8.8 Mb, compressed)
./proscalrosfits_gen.tar.gz (ROSAT data, 2.6 Mb, compressed)
./rosfitseinfits_gen.tar.gz (Einstein demo data, 4.8 Mb, compressed)
- See pros_2.5_p1 for binary files.
xcalr_sos_gen.tar.gz (rosat prf calibration data, 23.6 Mb, compressed)
./xray/caldata/rosatxcale_sos_gen.tar.gz (einstein prf calibration data, 2.6 Mb, compressed)
xrcalfits_gen.tar.gz (rosat prf calibration fits files, 19.5 Mb, compressed)
./roscalfitsxecalfits_gen.tar.gz (einstein prf calibration fits files, 2.4 Mb, compressed)
edemo_sos_gen.tar.gz (5.5 Mb, compressed) ./xray/xdataio/eincdrom/demo ./xray/xdataio/eincdrom/data