pro skypos,ra,dec,out1,out2,verbose=verbose,i24=i24,osxg=osxg,$ hrs=hrs,idnum=idnum,idpre=idpre,idform=idform,PM=PM,$ chop=chop,osep=osep, _extra=e ;+ ;procedure skypos ; process input RA and Dec and produce the appropriate output ; ;syntax ; skypos,ra,dec,out1,out2,/i24,/osxg,/hrs,/idnum,idpre=idpre,$ ; idform=idform,/PM,chop=chop,osep=osep,verbose=verbose ; ;parameters ; ra [INPUT; required] Right Ascension ; * may be a real or string array ; * if real, assumed to be decimal degrees unless ; the keyword I24 is set ; * if string, will check whether decimal or sexagesimal ; -- sexagesimal if ':' or ' ' exist, decimal otherwise ; dec [INPUT; required] Declination ; * size _must_ match RA ; * may be real or string array ; * if string, will check whether decimal or sexagesimal ; -- sexagesimal if ':' or ' ' or ' ' exist, decimal otherwise ; NOTE: all calculations are performed in double precision ; out1 [OUTPUT; required] output, depends on keyword (see below) ; out2 [OUTPUT; optional] output, depends on keyword (see below) ; * by default, ; OUT1 = RA [decimal deg] and OUT2 = Dec [decimal deg] ; * if keyword IDNUM is set, then ; OUT1 = IAU style ID number = OUT2 ; -- in addition, keyword IDFORM overrides keywords ; OSXG and HRS (see below) ; * if keyword OSXG is set, then ; OUT1 = RA [h:m:s] and OUT2 = Dec [d:m:s] ; * if keyword HRS is set, then ; OUT1 = RA [decimal hours] and OUT2 = Dec [decimal deg] ; ;keywords ; i24 [INPUT] set this to indicate whether the input RA is ; in decimal hours, not degrees ; osxg [INPUT] if set, output RA and Dec will be in sexagesimal ; units, not decimal ; hrs [INPUT] if set, output RA will be in hours ; (in sexagesimal if OSXG is set, in decimal otherwise) ; * if neither OSXG nor HRS is set, then RA will be ; in decimal degrees ; idnum [INPUT] if set, an IAU style name is constructed and ; returned as a string in OUT1 ; idpre [INPUT] a uniform prefix to prepend to IDNUM ; * default is "J" ; idform [INPUT] a string denoting the format for how IDNUM ; is written out ; * default is 'HMS.sXDMS' ; * ignored if IDNUM is not set ; * format rules: ; -- always has RA first and Dec next ; -- X denotes the sign of the declination (optional) ; -- RA is specified either as ; "R.r" [deg] or "HMS.s" [sexagesimal] ; -- Dec is specified either as ; "D.d" [deg] or "DMS.s" [sexagesimal] ; -- repetions of small letters after the period denote the ; number of digits, e.g., "R.rrr" is written as f7.3 ; -- repetitions of capital letters before the period has ; no effect unless they are greater than the minimum ; required, e.g., ; "R.r" == f5.1 == "RR.r" == "RRR.r", but "RRRR.r" == f6.1 ; PM [INPUT] if set, replaces "+/-" with "P/M" in the sign of Dec ; chop [INPUT] chops off the specified number of digits off the ; right hand end of the IDFORMatted output ; osep [INPUT] set the separator between fields in a sexagesimal ; output (see keyword OSXG) to OSEP rather than ":" ; verbose [INPUT] controls chatter ; _extra [JUNK] here only to prevent crashing the program ; ;subroutines ; DEG2HRS ; STR_2_ARR ; SYZE ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Jul03) ; bug correction when output was R.rrr, and added keyword PM (VK; Dec03) ; added keyword OSEP (VK; May04) ; updated RA and Dec outputs to ss.ssss by default and changed ; all internal calcs to double precision (VK; Aug15) ;- ; usage ok='ok' & np=n_params() & nra=n_elements(ra) & ndec=n_elements(dec) if np lt 3 then ok='Insufficient parameters' else $ if nra eq 0 then ok='RA: undefined' else $ if ndec eq 0 then ok='Dec: undefined' else $ if nra ne ndec then ok='RA and Dec are incompatible' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: skypos,ra,dec,out1,out2,/i24,/osxg,/hrs,$' print,' /idnum,idpre=idpre,idform=idform,/pm,chop=chop,$' print,' osep=osep,verbose=verbose' print,' convert input (RA,Dec) to [degrees,degrees] or:' print,' if OSXG: [h:m:s,d:m:s]' print,' if HRS: [hours,degrees]' print,' if IDNUM: IDPRE+RA+Dec' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/informational return endif ; keywords vv=0 & if keyword_set(verbose) then vv=long(verbose[0])>1 ; ss=':' & if keyword_set(osep) then ss=string(osep[0]) ; what is the input like? szra=size(ra,/type) if szra ne 7 then begin ;(all numbers xra = [double(ra)] endif else begin ;RA)(string xra = dblarr(nra) for i=0L,nra-1L do begin ;{for each entry rsep='' ;default is to assume degrees icol=where([strpos(ra[i],':',0)] ge 0,micol) if micol eq 0 then begin ;(no ":" present isp=where([strpos(ra[i],' ',0)] ge 0,misp) if misp eq 0 then begin ;(no " " present itab=where([strpos(ra[i],' ',0)] ge 0,mitab) if mitab ne 0 then rsep=' ' ;"" present endif else rsep=' ' ;MISP) endif else rsep=':' ;MICOL) if keyword_set(rsep) then begin cc=strsplit(ra[i],rsep,/extract) & ncc=n_elements(cc) rh=cc[0] & rm=0. & rs=0. if ncc gt 1 then rm=cc[1] if ncc gt 2 then rs=cc[2] xra[i]=rh+(rm+(rs/60.D))/60.D if rsep eq ':' then i24=1 ;assume RA is in hours endif else begin xra[i]=float(ra[i]) endelse endfor ;I=0,NRA-1} endelse ;SZRA=7) if keyword_set(i24) then begin xra = xra*15.D oo=where(xra gt 360.,moo) if moo gt 0 then begin message,'Some RA were already input in [degrees]; keyword I24',/informational message,'appears to have been set, incorrectly. Ignoring.',/informational xra = xra/15.D endif endif ; szdec=size(dec,/type) if szdec ne 7 then begin ;(all numbers xdec = [double(dec)] endif else begin ;DEC)(string xdec = dblarr(ndec) for i=0L,ndec-1L do begin ;{for each entry dsep='' ;default is to assume degrees icol=where([strpos(dec[i],':',0)] ge 0,micol) if micol eq 0 then begin ;(no ":" present isp=where([strpos(dec[i],' ',0)] ge 0,misp) if misp eq 0 then begin ;(no " " present itab=where([strpos(dec[i],' ',0)] ge 0,mitab) if mitab ne 0 then dsep=' ' ;"" present endif else dsep=' ' ;MISP) endif else dsep=':' ;MICOL) if keyword_set(dsep) then begin cc=strsplit(dec[i],dsep,/extract) & ncc=n_elements(cc) sd=1 & if long(cc[0]) lt 0 then sd=-1 dd=abs(long(cc[0])) & dm=0.D & ds=0.D if ncc gt 1 then dm=long(cc[1]) if ncc gt 2 then ds=double(cc[2]) xdec[i]=sd*(dd+(dm+(ds/60.D))/60.D) endif else begin xdec[i]=double(dec[i]) endelse endfor ;I=0,NDEC-1} endelse ;SZDEC=7) ; decode IDFORM runit='deg' & dunit='deg' ;the output formats rrform='f6.2' & rhform='i2.2' & rmform='i2.2' & rsform='f8.4' ddform='f6.2' & dmform='i2.2' & dsform='f8.4' if keyword_set(osxg) then ddform='i2.2' if keyword_set(idnum) then begin prefixID = 'J' & if keyword_set(idpre) then prefixID=strtrim(idpre[0],2) idf='HMS.sXDMS.s' & if keyword_set(idform) then idf=strtrim(idform[0],2) if strpos(idf,'R',0) ge 0 then runit='deg' else $ if strpos(idf,'H',0) ge 0 then runit='hms' else begin message,'IDFORM cannot be understood',/informational runit='junk' endelse if strpos(idf,'D',0) ge 0 then begin if strpos(idf,'M',0) ge 0 then dunit='dms' else dunit='deg' endif else begin message,'IDFORM cannot be understood',/informational dunit='junk' endelse if runit ne 'junk' and dunit ne 'junk' then begin ;(go ahead and decode ; possible formats if runit eq 'deg' then rexpr='(R+)(\.*)(r*)' else rexpr='(H+)(M*)(S*)(\.*)(s*)' if dunit eq 'deg' then dexpr='(X*)(D+)(\.*)(d*)' else dexpr='(X*)(D+)(M*)(S*)(\.*)(s*)' pos=stregex(idf,rexpr+dexpr,length=len,/subex) kk=0L if runit eq 'deg' then begin ;(R.r Ir0=pos[kk+1] & Ir1=pos[kk+2] & Ir2=pos[kk+3] Lr0=len[kk+1] & Lr1=len[kk+2] & Lr2=len[kk+3] kk=3 rlen=Lr0 > 3 rrform='i'+strtrim(rlen,2)+'.'+strtrim(rlen,2) ;RRR if Lr1 gt 0 then begin rlen=rlen+1 rrform='f'+strtrim(rlen,2)+'.0' ;RRR. endif if Lr2 gt 0 then begin rlen=rlen+Lr2 rrform='f'+strtrim(rlen,2)+'.'+strtrim(Lr2,2) ;RRR.rrr endif rform = rrform endif else begin ;R.r)(HMS.s Ir0=pos[kk+1L] & Ir1=pos[kk+2] & Ir2=pos[kk+3] & Ir3=pos[kk+4] & Ir4=pos[kk+5] Lr0=len[kk+1L] & Lr1=len[kk+2] & Lr2=len[kk+3] & Lr3=len[kk+4] & Lr4=len[kk+5] kk=5 rhlen=Lr0 > 2 rhform='i'+strtrim(rhlen,2)+'.'+strtrim(rhlen,2) ;HH if Lr1 gt 0 then begin rmlen=Lr1 > 2 rmform='i'+strtrim(rmlen,2)+'.'+strtrim(rmlen,2) ;MM if Lr2 gt 0 then begin rslen=Lr2 > 2 rsform='i'+strtrim(rslen,2)+'.'+strtrim(rslen,2) ;SS endif if Lr3 gt 0 then begin rslen=rslen+1 rsform='f'+strtrim(rslen,2)+'.0' ;SS. endif if Lr4 gt 0 then begin rslen=rslen+Lr4 rsform='f'+strtrim(rslen,2)+'.'+strtrim(Lr4,2) ; endif rform = rhform+','+rmform+','+rsform endif endelse ;HMS.s) ; the sign of the Dec Ix=pos[kk] & Lx=len[kk] & sform='a1' if Lx gt 1 then sform='a'+strtrim(Lx,2) kk=kk+1L ; Dec if dunit eq 'deg' then begin ;(D.d Id0=pos[kk+1] & Id1=pos[kk+2] & Id2=pos[kk+3] Ld0=len[kk+1] & Ld1=len[kk+2] & Ld2=len[kk+3] dlen=Ld0 > 2 ddform='i'+strtrim(dlen,2)+'.'+strtrim(dlen,2) ;DD if Ld1 gt 0 then begin dlen=dlen+1 ddform='f'+strtrim(dlen,2)+'.0' ;DD. endif if Ld2 gt 0 then begin dlen=dlen+Ld2 ddform='f'+strtrim(dlen,2)+'.'+strtrim(Ld2,2) endif dform = ddform endif else begin ;D.d)(DMS.s Id0=pos[kk+1L] & Id1=pos[kk+2] & Id2=pos[kk+3] & Id3=pos[kk+4] & Id4=pos[kk+5] Ld0=len[kk+1L] & Ld1=len[kk+2] & Ld2=len[kk+3] & Ld3=len[kk+4] & Ld4=len[kk+5] ddlen=Ld0 > 2 ddform='i'+strtrim(ddlen,2)+'.'+strtrim(ddlen,2) if Ld1 gt 0 then begin dmlen=Ld1 > 2 dmform='i'+strtrim(dmlen,2)+'.'+strtrim(dmlen,2) if Ld2 gt 0 then begin dslen=Ld2 > 2 dsform='i'+strtrim(dslen,2)+'.'+strtrim(dslen,2) endif if Ld3 gt 0 then begin dslen=dslen+1 dsform='f'+strtrim(dslen,2)+'.0' endif if Ld4 gt 0 then begin dslen=dslen+Ld4 dsform='f'+strtrim(dslen,2)+'.'+strtrim(Ld4,2) endif dform = ddform+','+dmform+','+dsform endif endelse ;DMS.s) if vv gt 1 then begin print,'IDFORM : '+idf print,'format : ('+rform+','+sform+','+dform+')' endif endif ;no 'junk') endif if keyword_set(hrs) or keyword_set(osxg) then runit='hms' if keyword_set(osxg) then dunit='dms' ; figure out the output out1 = xra & out2 = xdec ;the default, in [degrees] ; RA in [hours] if runit eq 'hms' then begin xra = xra/15. out1 = xra endif ; fancier output if runit eq 'hms' then begin rh=fix(xra) & rm=fix((xra-rh)*60.) & rs=double( (xra-rh-(rm/60.))*3600. ) crh=strtrim(string(rh,'('+rhform+')'),2) crm=strtrim(string(rm,'('+rmform+')'),2) crs=strtrim(string(rs,'('+rsform+')'),2) o1=where(rs lt 10,mo1) if mo1 gt 0 and strpos(rsform,'i',0) lt 0 then crs[o1]='0'+crs[o1] out1=crh+ss+crm+ss+crs if keyword_set(idnum) then out1=prefixID+crh+crm+crs if vv gt 100 then for i=0,nra-1 do print,xra[i],' ',out1[i],' ',(deg2hrs(15.*xra[i]))[0] endif else begin crr=strtrim(string(xra,'('+rrform+')'),2) o1=where(xra lt 100,mo1) & if mo1 gt 0 then crr[o1]='0'+crr[o1] o2=where(xra lt 10,mo2) & if mo2 gt 0 then crr[o2]='0'+crr[o2] if keyword_set(idnum) then out1=prefixID+crr if keyword_set(chop) then begin out1=strmid(out1,0,strlen(out1)-chop[0]) endif endelse ; sdec='+'+strarr(ndec) om=where(xdec lt 0,mom) & if mom gt 0 then sdec[om]='-' if keyword_set(PM) then begin sdec='P'+strarr(ndec) & if mom gt 0 then sdec[om]='M' endif if dunit eq 'dms' then begin xdec=abs(xdec) & dd=fix(xdec) & dm=fix((xdec-dd)*60.) & ds=double( (xdec-dd-(dm/60.))*3600. ) cdd=strtrim(string(dd,'('+ddform+')'),2) cdm=strtrim(string(dm,'('+dmform+')'),2) cds=strtrim(string(ds,'('+dsform+')'),2) o1=where(ds lt 10,mo1) if mo1 gt 0 and strpos(dsform,'i',0) lt 0 then cds[o1]='0'+cds[o1] out2=sdec+cdd+ss+cdm+ss+cds if keyword_set(idnum) then out1=out1+sdec+cdd+cdm+cds if vv gt 100 then for i=0,ndec-1 do print,xdec[i],' ',out2[i],' ',(deg2hrs(xdec[i],/dec))[0] endif else begin cdd=strtrim(string(abs(xdec),'('+ddform+')'),2) o1=where(abs(xdec) lt 10,mo1) & if mo1 gt 0 then cdd[o1]='0'+cdd[o1] ;o2=where(abs(xdec) lt 10,mo2) & if mo2 gt 0 then cdd[o2]='0'+cdd[o2] if keyword_set(idnum) then out1=out1+sdec+cdd if keyword_set(chop) then begin out1=strmid(out1,0,strlen(out1)-chop[0]) endif endelse return end