pro setkolor,colors,icols,ocols,rgbfil=rgbfil,oldr=oldr,oldg=oldg,oldb=oldb,$ _ref_extra=ex ;+ ;procedure setkolor ; loads specified colors into color table in specified indices ; (this used to be called "setcolor" but the name was changed to ; avoid a clash with JHUAPL's procedure of the same name) ; ;syntax ; setkolor,colors,icols,ocols,rgbfil=rgbfil,oldr=oldr,oldg=oldg,oldb=oldb ; ;parameters ; colors [INPUT; required] string array containing the names ; of the colors to be loaded ; icols [INPUT] integer array specifying into which index ; each color goes to ; * if size does not match COLORS, ignored ; * default is to go from 0:255 ; ocols [OUTPUT] byte array of size [3,N(COLORS)] containing ; the hexadecimal values determined for each COLORS, as an ; rgb triplet ; ;keywords ; rgbfil [INPUT] name of file containing (r,g,b) color values ; and corresponding names in same format as:- ; * the default, /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt ; * note: some new linux systems don't seem to have this file. ; those users can copy over this file from another system, or ; use the copy provided in !ARDB+'/rgb.txt' ; oldr [OUTPUT] the old R colors ; oldg [OUTPUT] the old G colors ; oldb [OUTPUT] the old B colors ; * NOTE: to undo the setting, just do ; TVLCT,OLDR,OLDG,OLDB ; _ref_extra [JUNK] here only to prevent crashing the program ; ;example ; plot,findgen(10)/10.,color=1 & setkolor,'green',1 ; oplot,sin(findgen(10.)),color=2 & setkolor,'#ff0000',2 ; ;restrictions ; * requires subroutine NARY2DEC ; * RGBFIL bit works only on UNIX ; * messes with the current color table ; * feature, not a bug: if !D.N_COLORS < 256, and a SETKOLOR ; command is issued before a plot window is opened, a color ; table is loaded in which gets lopped off at !D.N_COLORS, ; and all subsequent plots appear dim. ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (99Jul) ; bug correction for ICOLS=!D.N_COLORS ; STRMID must have 3 args for back-compatibility (VK FebMMI/A.Maggio) ; changed name from SETCOLOR to SETKOLOR (VK FebMMI) ; added optional output OCOLS and check for UNIX (VK; Jun02) ; added checks to find rgb.txt in !ARDB if, as in some linux ; distributions, /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt doesn't exist (VK; Mar07) ; bug correction: local copy was trying to override RGBFIL (JJD; May08) ; added switch to choose file_search() instead of findfile() ; for IDL 7+ (JJD/VK; Apr14) ;- forward_function findfile,file_search ; usage ncol=n_elements(colors) if ncol eq 0 then begin print,'Usage: setkolor,colors,icols,ocols,rgbfil=rgbfil,$' print,' oldr=oldr,oldg=oldg,oldb=oldb' print,' loads specified colors into color table' print,' [see also: PEASECOLR] return endif ; check inputs nic=n_elements(icols) & jcols=lindgen(ncol)+1 if not keyword_set(rgbfil) then rgbfil='/usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt' ; should we use findfile or file_search? idlversion=float(strmid(!version.release,0,1)) ; does RGBFIL exist? if not, look in !ARDB if idlversion le 6 then fil=findfile(rgbfil,count=nfil) else $ fil=file_search(rgbfil,count=nfil) if nfil eq 0 then begin zTOPDIR='/data/fubar/SCAR/' ivar=0 & defsysv,'!TOPDIR',exists=ivar ;if !TOPDIR exists if ivar ne 0 then setsysval,'TOPDIR',zTOPDIR,/getval else begin tmp=routine_info('SETKOLOR',/source) & scardir=tmp.PATH jvar=strpos(scardir,'pro/misc/') ;we know where SETKOLOR is if jvar[0] lt 0 then $ jvar=strpos(scardir,'pro/util/') ;we DO know where it is too zTOPDIR=strmid(scardir,0,jvar-1) endelse rgbfil=filepath('rgb.txt',root_dir=zTOPDIR,subdirectory='ardb') endif ; initialize color table tvlct,rr,gg,bb,/get & mcol=n_elements(rr) ; optional outputs oldr=rr & oldg=gg & oldb=bb ocols=bytarr(3,ncol) ; stupid user tricks szc=size(colors) & nszc=n_elements(szc) if szc(nszc-2) ne 7 then begin message,'returning: input colors must be strings',/info & return endif if nic gt 0 and nic ne ncol then message,$ 'mismatch: ignoring color indices',/info else $ if nic gt 0 then jcols=icols if ncol ge mcol then begin message,'too many colors; ignoring past '+strtrim(mcol,2),/info cols=colors(0:mcol-1L) jcols=jcols(0:mcol-1L) ncol=mcol endif else cols=colors ; translate each color into RGB components using RGBFIL if needed rc=rr & gc=gg & bc=bb for i=1L,ncol do begin ;{for each color cc=strlowcase(strtrim(cols(i-1L),2)) & ii=jcols(i-1L) if ii ge mcol then begin message,'Color '+strtrim(ii,2)+' currently unavailable (max:'+$ strtrim(mcol-1L,2)+')',/info goto,nextcol ;{yeah, a goto endif c1=strmid(cc,0,1) if c1 eq '#' then begin ;(decode color from hex lcol=strlen(cc)-1 case lcol of 3: begin ;{of the form #rgb cr0=strmid(cc,1,1) & cg0=strmid(cc,2,1) & cb0=strmid(cc,3,1) nary2dec,cr0,r0,/hex & nary2dec,cg0,g0,/hex & nary2dec,cb0,b0,/hex rc(ii)=r0*17 & gc(ii)=g0*17 & bc(ii)=b0*17 end ;#rgb} 6: begin ;{of the form #rrggbb cr0=strmid(cc,1,2) & cg0=strmid(cc,3,2) & cb0=strmid(cc,5,2) nary2dec,cr0,r0,/hex & nary2dec,cg0,g0,/hex & nary2dec,cb0,b0,/hex rc(ii)=r0 & gc(ii)=g0 & bc(ii)=b0 end ;#rrggbb} else: message,'cannot understand color: '+cc,/info ;do nothing endcase endif else begin ;)(decode color from RGBFIL if !version.OS_FAMILY eq 'unix' then begin ;(only on UNIX cmd='grep -i "'+cc+'" '+rgbfil spawn,cmd,cmtch & nmtch=n_elements(cmtch) if not keyword_set(cmtch) then nmtch=0 case nmtch of 0: message,'no matches found for color: '+cc,/info ;do nothing else: begin k=0L & norm0=total(fix(byte(cc))) & dnorm=norm0 for j=0L,nmtch-1L do begin c1=strtrim(strlowcase(strmid(cmtch(j),11,strlen(cmtch(j))-11)),2) norm=total(fix(byte(c1))) if abs(norm-norm0) lt dnorm then begin k=j & dnorm=abs(norm-norm0) endif endfor message,'choosing color: '+cmtch(k),/info rc(ii)=long(strmid(cmtch(k),0,3)) gc(ii)=long(strmid(cmtch(k),4,3)) bc(ii)=long(strmid(cmtch(k),8,3)) end endcase endif else begin ;UNIX)(not UNIX message,'cannot decode color name on non-UNIX platform',/info endelse ;not UNIX) endelse ;decode color) message,'setting COL='+strtrim(ii,2)+' to ['+$ strtrim(long(rc(ii)),2)+','+$ strtrim(long(gc(ii)),2)+','+$ strtrim(long(bc(ii)),2)+']',/info ocols[0,i-1]=rc[ii] & ocols[1,i-1]=gc[ii] & ocols[2,i-1]=bc[ii] nextcol: ;the goto came here} endfor ;I=1,NCOL} ; load new colors tvlct,rc,gc,bc return end