function rd_ogip_rmf,rmfile,effar=effar,eqvar=eqvar,spcar=spcar,$ rmfimg=rmfimg,fchcol=fchcol,shift1=shift1,verbose=verbose,$ _extra=e ;+ ;function rd_ogip_rmf ; reads in the response matrix and associated axes from OGIP-compliant ; response file and returns everything in a structure of the form: ; ; {NNRG, ELO, EHI, NCHAN, EMN, EMX, N_GRP, F_CHAN, N_CHAN, MATRIX, FIRSTCHAN} ; ; where ELO and EHI refer to range of photon energies at which the ; response is valid, EMN and EMX refer to bin boundaries for each ; channel, N_GRP refers to number of groups of non-zero data, F_CHAN ; refer to beginning indices of channels, N_CHAN are the number of ; channels in each group, and the output response MATRIX excludes ; zeros to save space. The value of FIRSTCHAN indicates whether F_CHAN ; indices are 0-based or 1-based. ; ; ; for a description of the format ; ; WARNING: the EBOUNDS extension of RMFs, which defines EMN and EMX, ; should never be used directly for scientific purposes. They ; contain the nominal energy boundaries for the PHA, PI, or pixel ; bins that define the MATRIX. They are never exact values, and ; are useful only for plotting purposes. It is the detector bins ; and their indices that are the be-all and end-all of RMFs. ; ;syntax ; rmstr=rd_ogip_rmf(rmfile,effar=effar,eqvar=eqvar,spcar=spcar,$ ; rmfimg=rmfimg,fchcol=fchcol,/shift1,verbose=verbose) ; ;parameters ; rmfile [INPUT; required] response matrix file ; ;keywords ; effar [OUTPUT] returns the effective area as a function of ELO ; * if an RMF file is read instead of an RSP file, EFFAR are ; uniformly 1, unless it is ASCA in which case it is the QEs ; * EFFAR are calculated ONLY if needed. i.e., the keyword ; must be present in call (IDL5+) or defined on input (IDL5-) ; eqvar [OUTPUT] returns an equivalent effective area in each ; detector channel, measuring the contribution to that ; channel from all photon energies. ; spcar [OUTPUT] a variation on EQVAR, the convolution of a really ; flat intensity spectrum [ph/.../keV] with the RSP. ; In other words, what a flat spectrum would look like. ; * BEWARE: EQVAR and SPCAR are _not_ true effective area. ; EFFAR are in _energy_ bins. EQVAR and SPCAR are in ; _channel_ bins. ; * CAVEAT VSVATOR! ; * I will deny ever having said this, but if you _must_ ; use one of these fake effective areas, use SPCAR. ; rmfimg [OUTPUT] returns the RMF matrix as an image of size ; N(CHANNEL) x N(ENERGY) ; * computed only if this keyword is present (must also ; be defined to be non-zero in IDL versions prior to 5.0) ; shift1 [SEMI OBSOLETE] some RMFs have position indices that are ; 0-based and some are 1-based. this keyword used to specify ; which was what. however, this information should be in the ; FITS header in the keyword TLMIN{FCHCOL}, and that is where ; the program takes its value from. ; * BEWARE: if SHIFT1 is set _and_ TLMIN{FCHCOL} comes out as 0 ; (usually if it is not defined, or perhaps it really is 0) ; then FIRSTCHAN is taken to be 1, and vice versa. ; * in other words, if set, overrides whatever the file ; itself is saying ; fchcol [INPUT] column number of F_CHAN in RMFILE ; * default is 4 ; _extra [JUNK] here only to prevent crashing the program ; ;restrictions ; requires IDLASTRO library routine MRDFITS ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Apr99; modified from RDRESP.PRO) ; added keyword SHIFT1 (VK; JanMMI) ; slight modification in defining IDL version (VK; FebMMI) ; added keyword FCHCOL, overrode SHIFT1, added FIRSTCHAN to output ; structure (VK; Nov2001) ; commented out the "L5_MATRIX" lines (VK; Dec2001) ; added keywords EQVAR, SPCAR, and VERBOSE (VK; Jul02) ; bug correction: rspfil variable changed to RMFILE (LL/VK;Aug04) ; added ability to handle non-OGIP Astro-E2 XIS rmf file (LL/VK:Aug04) ; tweaked to speed up calculation of effar (VK; Dec04) ; added keyword RMFIMG (VK; May06) ;- ; usage ok='ok' & nrmf=n_elements(rmfile) & szr=size(rmfile) & nszr=n_elements(szr) if nrmf eq 0 then ok='Name of Response Matrix File required' else $ if nrmf gt 1 then ok='Cannot handle multiple RMFs!' else $ if szr(nszr-2) ne 7 then ok='input must be filename' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: rmstr=rd_ogip_rmf(rmfile,effar=effar,rmfimg=rmfimg,eqvar=eqvar,$' print,' spcar=spcar,fchcol=fchcol,/shift1,verbose=verbose)' print,' read OGIP-compliant RMF and return response matrix' if nrmf ne 0 then message,' '+ok,/info return,{NNRG:0, ELO:0, EHI:0, NCHAN:0, EMN:0, EMX:0, N_GRP:0, F_CHAN:0,$ N_CHAN:0, MATRIX:0, FIRSTCHAN:0} endif ; which column contains the first channel info? fcol=4 & if n_elements(fchcol) ne 0 then fcol=fix(fchcol[0]) if fcol le 0 then begin message,'FCHCOL not understandable; ignoring and assuming =4',/info fcol=4 endif ; verbosity vv=0L & if keyword_set(verbose) then vv=long(verbose(0))>1 ; read from response matrix if vv ge 5 then message,'reading extension 1 from file '+rmfile(0),/info r1=mrdfits(rmfile(0),1,h1) if vv ge 5 then message,'reading extension 2 from file '+rmfile(0),/info r2=mrdfits(rmfile(0),2,h2) x1=strtrim(sxpar(h1,'EXTNAME'),2) & x2=strtrim(sxpar(h2,'EXTNAME'),2) x3=strtrim(sxpar(h2,'INSTRUME',2)) if x3 eq 'XIS' then begin message,'reading from non-OGIP compliant XIS RMF',/informational x2 = 'EBOUNDS' endif ; decode the structures r1 and r2 if x1 eq 'EBOUNDS' then begin ;x2=SPECRESP MATRIX/MATRIX CHANNEL=r1.CHANNEL ;channel index EMN=r1.E_MIN ;channel bin minimum energy EMX=r1.E_MAX ;channel bin maximum energy ELO=r2.ENERG_LO ;minimum photon energy EHI=r2.ENERG_HI ;maximum photon energy N_GRP=r2.N_GRP ;number of groups of non-zero data F_CHAN=r2.F_CHAN ;beginning channel numbers of each group N_CHAN=r2.N_CHAN ;number of channels in each group MATRIX=r2.MATRIX ;non-zero elements of response ;L5_MATRIX=r2.L5_MATRIX ; FIRSTCHAN=sxpar(h2,'TLMIN'+strtrim(fcol,2)) ;first channel index -- 0-based or 1-based endif else if x2 eq 'EBOUNDS' then begin ;x1=SPECRESP MATRIX/MATRIX CHANNEL=r2.CHANNEL ;channel index EMN=r2.E_MIN ;channel bin minimum energy EMX=r2.E_MAX ;channel bin maximum energy ELO=r1.ENERG_LO ;minimum photon energy EHI=r1.ENERG_HI ;maximum photon energy N_GRP=r1.N_GRP ;number of groups of non-zero data F_CHAN=r1.F_CHAN ;beginning channel numbers of each group N_CHAN=r1.N_CHAN ;number of channels in each group MATRIX=r1.MATRIX ;non-zero elements of response ;L5_MATRIX=r1.L5_MATRIX ;number of non-zero elements of MATRIX in row FIRSTCHAN=sxpar(h1,'TLMIN'+strtrim(fcol,2)) ;first channel index -- 0-based or 1-based endif else begin message,' cannot understand input file: '+rmfil,/info return,0. endelse if FIRSTCHAN eq 0 and keyword_set(shift1) then begin message,'FIRSTCHAN was 0, but SHIFT1 is forcing 1',/info FIRSTCHAN=1L endif if FIRSTCHAN eq 1 and n_elements(shift1) ne 0 then begin if shift1(0) eq 0 then begin message,'FIRSTCHAN was 1, but SHIFT1 is forcing 0',/info FIRSTCHAN=0L endif endif ; compatibility error checks nchan=n_elements(channel) & nnrg=n_elements(elo) & szf=size(f_chan) szn=size(n_chan) & szr=size(matrix) ok='' ;assume everything is fine if nchan ne n_elements(emn) then ok='CHANNEL x E_MIN' else $ if nchan ne n_elements(emx) then ok='CHANNEL x E_MAX' else $ if n_elements(emn) ne n_elements(emx) then ok='E_MIN x E_MAX' if nnrg ne n_elements(ehi) then ok='ENERG_LO x ENERG_HI' else $ if nnrg ne n_elements(n_grp) then ok='N_GRP x ENERG_LO' else $ if n_elements(ehi) ne n_elements(n_grp) then ok='N_GRP x ENERG_HI' else $ if nnrg ne szr(2) then ok='ENERG_LO x MATRIX' if max(n_grp) gt 1 then begin if szf(1) ne max(n_grp) then ok='N_GRP x F_CHAN' else $ if szf(2) ne nnrg then ok='ENERG_LO x F_CHAN' else $ if szn(1) ne max(n_grp) then ok='N_GRP x N_CHAN' else $ if szn(2) ne nnrg then ok='ENERG_LO x N_CHAN' tmp=intarr(nnrg) & for i=0,szn(1)-1 do tmp=tmp+n_chan(i,*) if max(tmp) ne szr(1) then ok='N_GRP x MATRIX' endif if ok ne '' then begin message,ok,/info & return,0. endif ; create output structure rmstr=create_struct('NNRG',nnrg,'ELO',elo,'EHI',ehi,$ 'NCHAN',nchan,'EMN',emn,'EMX',emx,$ 'N_GRP',n_grp,'F_CHAN',f_chan,'N_CHAN',n_chan,$ 'MATRIX',matrix,'FIRSTCHAN',firstchan) if keyword_set(shift1) then message,$ 'assuming that input RMF is 1-based, not 0-based',/info ; figure out effective area effar=total(matrix,1) getea=0 & getimg=0 & idlver=float(strmid(!version.RELEASE,0,3)) if idlver gt 5 then begin if arg_present(eqvar) or arg_present(spcar) then getea=1 if arg_present(rmfimg) then getimg=1 endif else begin if keyword_set(eqvar) or keyword_set(spcar) then getea=1 if keyword_set(rmfimg) then getimg=1 endelse if getimg eq 1 then rmfimg=fltarr(nchan,nnrg) ; if getea eq 1 then begin if vv gt 5 then message,'extracting effective equivalent areas',/info ;effar=fltarr(nnrg) eqvar=fltarr(nchan) & spcar=fltarr(nchan) dbin=ehi-elo ;normspcar=fltarr(nchan) & numspcar=fltarr(nchan) cc='% completed: ' & bb='' & for i=1,5 do bb=bb+string(8b) print,cc+string(100.*0/float(nnrg),'(f5.1)'),bb,form='($,a18,a)' for inrg=0L,nnrg-1L do begin ngrp=n_grp(inrg) & jbeg=0 for ig=0,ngrp-1 do begin if szn(0) gt 1 then begin ibeg=f_chan(ig,inrg) & iw=n_chan(ig,inrg) endif else begin ibeg=f_chan(inrg) & iw=n_chan(inrg) endelse if keyword_set(firstchan) then ibeg=ibeg-1 ;IDL index correction if iw gt 0 then begin ;effar(inrg)=effar(inrg)+total(matrix(jbeg:jbeg+iw-1,inrg)) eqvar(ibeg:ibeg+iw-1)=eqvar(ibeg:ibeg+iw-1)+$ matrix(jbeg:jbeg+iw-1,inrg) spcar(ibeg:ibeg+iw-1)=spcar(ibeg:ibeg+iw-1)+$ matrix(jbeg:jbeg+iw-1,inrg)*dbin(inrg) ;normspcar(ibeg:ibeg+iw-1)=normspcar(ibeg:ibeg+iw-1)+$ ; dbin(inrg) ;numspcar(ibeg:ibeg+iw-1)=numspcar(ibeg:ibeg+iw-1)+1 if getimg gt 1 then rmfimg[ibeg:ibeg+iw-1,inrg]=matrix[jbeg:jbeg+iw-1,inrg] endif jbeg=jbeg+iw endfor if vv ge 10 and inrg eq 128L*long(inrg/128L) then print,$ string(100.*inrg/float(nnrg),'(f5.1)'),bb,form='($,a5,a)' endfor ;ok=where(normspcar gt 0,mok) ;if mok gt 0 then spcar(ok)=spcar(ok)/normspcar(ok) dee=emx-emn & spcar=spcar/dee if vv ge 10 then print,'100.0' if vv gt 100 then stop,'HALTing. type .CON to continue' endif ; if getea eq 0 and getimg eq 1 then begin for inrg=0L,nnrg-1L do begin ngrp=n_grp(inrg) & jbeg=0 for ig=0,ngrp-1 do begin if szn(0) gt 1 then begin ibeg=f_chan(ig,inrg) & iw=n_chan(ig,inrg) endif else begin ibeg=f_chan(inrg) & iw=n_chan(inrg) endelse if keyword_set(firstchan) then ibeg=ibeg-1 ;IDL index correction if iw gt 0 then rmfimg[ibeg:ibeg+iw-1,inrg]=matrix[jbeg:jbeg+iw-1,inrg] jbeg=jbeg+iw endfor endfor endif return,rmstr end