function ionabs,w,abund=abund,ionfrac=ionfrac,vfkydir=vfkydir,ikev=ikev,$ nconsec=nconsec,DEM=DEM,logt=logt,verbose=verbose,noHeH=noHeH,$ icrstr=icrstr, _extra=e ;+ ;function ionabs ; returns the photoelectric absorption cross-sections for a given ; photon energy for specified chemical composition, and ion fractions. ; Uses ground state photoionisation cross-sections computed using the ; fortran code of Verner, D.A., Ferland, G.J., Korista, K.T., & Yakovlev, ; D.G., 1996, ApJ, 465, 487 and is supplemented with high resolution ; cross-sections in the vicinity of 1s-2p resonances for ; O (from Garcia et al., 2005, ApJS, 158, 68), ; Ne (from Juett et al., 2006, ApJ, 648, 1066), and ; C (from Hasogle et al, 2010, ApJ, 724, 1296). ; ;syntax ; sigabs=ionabs(w,abund=abund,ionfrac=ionfrac,vfkydir=vfkydir,/ikeV,$ ; nconsec=nconsec,DEM=DEM,logt=logt,verbose=verbose,noHeH=noHeH,$ ; icrstr=icrstr,chidir=chidir,eqfile=eqfile) ; ;parameters ; w [INPUT; required] photon energy values at which to compute ; the absorption cross-section ; * default units are [Ang], unless IKEV is set, when they are ; assumed to be [keV] ; ;keywords ; abund [INPUT] abundances relative to H=1 ; * default is to use Grevesse & Sauval ; ionfrac [I/O] the ion fraction for all elements ; * must be a 2D array of size (NZ,NION), where ; NION=NZ+1 and usually NZ=30 ; * note that in normal cases, total(IONFRAC,2) ; is an array of 1s. ; * if not given, assumed to be all neutral, IONFRAC[*,0]=1 ; - unless DEM is given, see below ; * if non-zero scalar, assumed to be all neutral ; - DEM is ignored ; * if given as an array of size NZ, each element ; is assumed to have a total of that fraction, ; and all the ions have the same fraction ; - this is clearly an artificial case, to be used mainly ; for debugging and the like ; - DEM is studiously ignored ; * if given as a 1D array of size not matching NZ, ; is ignored with a warning and the default is used ; - unless DEM is given, see below ; * if given as a 2D array of size not matching (NZ,NZ+1), ; program quits with an error ; - unless DEM is given, see below ; * if DEM (see below) is given, is read in as a 3D array ; of size (NT,NZ+1,NZ1) from the database (using the PINTofALE ; function RD_IONEQ(), which calls the CHIANTI procedure ; READ_IONEQ), weights the fractions according to the DEM ; and is converted into a 2D array of size (NZ,NZ+1) ; vfkydir [INPUT] where to find the save files that contain the ; cross-sections calculated for each ionization state ; * default is '$ARDB' ; * NOTE: the cross-sections are not read in if the keyword ; ICRSTR is properly defined ; ikeV [INPUT] if set, assumes that W are in units of keV ; nconsec [INPUT] number of grid points that define the cross-sections ; that must fall within one bin of the user defined grid before ; the switch from averaging to interpolating occurs ; * default=1 ; DEM [INPUT] the Differential Emission Measure that will be ; used to weight the different temperatures to compute the ; ionization fraction ; * looked at only if IONFRAC is not supplied as input ; * size must match LOGT, otherwise ignored ; logT [INPUT] the temperature grid over which DEM is defined ; * size must match DEM, otherwise DEM is ignored ; noHeH [INPUT] if set to any number other than 1 or 2, excludes ; H and He from the cross-sections ; * if set to 1, only excludes H ; * if set to 2, only excludes He ; icrstr [I/O] the cross-sections calculated for each ionization ; state, stored in a structure of structures of the form ; ICRSTR.(Z) = {EVSPLAC, CROSSI} ; * if given on input, will use these numbers ; * if the structure does not contain enough tags, or if ; any one of the substructures does not contain enough ; tags, will be read in using the data in VFKYDIR ; verbose [INPUT] controls chatter ; _extra [INPUT ONLY] pass defined variables to subroutines ; -- RD_IONEQ : CHIDIR, EQFILE ; ;subroutines ; GETABUND() ; RD_IONEQ() ; READ_IONEQ ; INICON ; GETPOADEF() ; ;history ; written as IONTAU by Jeremy Drake (Apr07) ; further shoehorned into PoA format by Vinay Kashyap (Apr07) ; bug fixes and corrections and changed behavior of IONFRAC ; (VK; May09) ; updated references (JJD; Aug11) ; BUG: DEM was not being normalized when weighting IONFRAC (JJD; Nov11) ; added call to GETPOADEF (VK; Aug15) ;- ; usage ok='ok' & np=n_params() & nw=n_elements(w) if np eq 0 then ok='Insufficient parameters' else $ if nw eq 0 then ok='energy/wavelength grid is undefined' else $ if nw eq 1 then ok='energy/wavelength grid must be an array' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: sigabs=ionabs(w,abund=abund,ionfrac=ionfrac,vfkydir=vfkydir,$' print,' /ikeV,nconsec=nconsec,logt=logt,verbose=verbose,noHeH=noHeH,$' print,' icrstr=icrstr,chidir=chidir,eqfile=eqfile)' print,' compute absorption cross-section given abundance and ion fractions' print,' based on Verner et al. (1996) calculations' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/informational return,0. endif ;message,'*** MEN AT WORK *** DO NOT USE ***' ; need this inicon,atom=atom,aname=aname ; check keywords ;VERBOSE vv=0L & if keyword_set(verbose) then vv=long(verbose[0])>1 ;ABUND abun=getabund('Grevesse & Sauval') if n_elements(abund) gt 2 then abun=abund & nab=n_elements(abun) atom=strlowcase(atom[0L:nab-1L]) & Z=indgen(nab)+1 & nZ=n_elements(Z) ;VFKYDIR ;vdir='/data/letg10/gorczyca/iontau' ;if size(vfkydir,/type) eq 7 then vdir=vfkydir[0] ;NCONSEC mconsec=1 & if keyword_set(nconsec) then mconsec=fix(nconsec) ;IONFRAC, DEM(LOGT) ; if IONFRAC not given and DEM not given: neutral ; if IONFRAC not given and DEM is given: read in ; if IONFRAC is non-zero scalar: neutral, and always ignore DEM ; if IONFRAC is array of size NZ: flat across ions, and ignore DEM ; if IONFRAC is array of size !NZ: neutral, but read in if DEM given ; if IONFRAC is 2D array of size [NZ,NION]: use as is and ignore DEM ; if IONFRAC is 2D but ![NZ,NION]: quit with error, but read if DEM given ; anything else: read if DEM is given, quit with error otherwise ok='neutral' & nion=n_elements(ionfrac) & szion=size(ionfrac) aye='nay' & nDEM=n_elements(DEM) & nT=n_elements(logT) if nDEM ne 0 and nT ne 0 and nDEM eq nT then aye='aye' if not keyword_set(ionfrac) and aye eq 'aye' then ok='read' if keyword_set(ionfrac) and nion eq 1 then ok='neutral' if szion[0] eq 1 then begin if nion eq nZ then ok='flat' else begin if aye eq 'aye' then ok='read' else ok='neutral' endelse endif if szion[0] eq 2 then begin if szion[1] eq nZ and szion[2] eq nZ+1 then ok='ok' else begin if aye eq 'aye' then ok='read' else ok='quit' endelse endif if szion[0] gt 2 then begin if aye eq 'aye' then ok='read' else ok='quit' endif ; case ok of 'ok': ifraction=ionfrac 'neutral': begin ;(default ifraction=fltarr(nZ,nZ+1) & ifraction[*,0]=1. end ;NEUTRAL) 'flat': begin ;(same for all ions tmp=fltarr(nZ,nZ+1) for iab=0,nZ-1 do tmp[i,0:i]=ionfrac[i]/(i+1.) ifraction=tmp end ;FLAT) 'read': begin ;(read in from database and fold in DEM ionfrac=rd_ioneq(indgen(nZ)+1,logT, _extra=e) tmp=ionfrac for i=0L,nT-1L do tmp[i,*,*]=DEM[i]*ionfrac[i,*,*]/total(DEM) ;had to divide by total(DEM) to ensure proper fractional weighting ifraction=total(tmp,1);/nT ;this division by nT seems to be a residue of previous attempts to normalize for the DEM, and so, given above correction by total(DEM), has now been commented out ; the output of RD_IONEQ is in [NT,NION,NZ], ; so the remaining axes must be transposed ifraction=transpose(ifraction) end ;READ) else: begin ;(whatchewtakinaboot, willis? message,'IONFRAC is not understandable; quitting',/informational return,-1L end ;QUIT) endcase ionfrac=ifraction ;ok='ok' & nion=n_elements(ionfrac) & szion=size(ionfrac) ;aye='flatDEM' & nDEM=n_elements(DEM) & nT=n_elements(logT) ;if nDEM eq 0 then aye='flatDEM' else $ ; if nT eq 0 then aye='flatDEM' else $ ; if nDEM ne nT then begin ; if nDEM eq 81 or nDEM eq 41 then aye='specialDEM' ; endif else aye='DEM' ;case szion[0] of ; 0: begin ; if nDEM gt 0 then ok='read' else ok='flat' ; mZ=nab ; end ; 1: begin ; if szion[1] eq nab then ok='flatZ' else $ ; if szion[1] eq nab+1 then ok='flatION' else ok='flat' ; end ; 2: begin ; mZ=szion[1] & mION=szion[2] ; if mZ ne nab or mION ne nab+1 then ok='read' ; end ; 3: begin ; mT=szion[1] & mZ=szion[2] & mION=szion[3] ; if aye eq 'DEM' or aye eq 'specialDEM' then begin ; if mZ eq nab and mION eq nab+1 then ok='DEM' else $ ; ok='read' ; endif ; end ; else: ok='read' ;endcase ;; ;ifraction=fltarr(nab,nab+1) & ifraction[*,0]=1. ;if ok eq 'ok' then ifraction=ionfrac else $ ; if ok eq 'read' then ifraction=rd_ioneq(indgen(nZ)+1,logT, _extra=e) ; if ok eq 'flatZ' then for i=0L,nab-1L do ifraction[i,*]=ionfrac[i] else $ ; if ok eq 'flatION' then for i=0L,nab do ifraction[*,i]=ionfrac[i] else $ ; if ok eq 'DEM' or ok eq 'DEM' then begin ; xDEM=DEM ; if aye eq 'specialDEM' then begin ; if nDEM ne mT then begin ; xlogT=findgen(41)*0.1+4. ; if nDEM eq 81 then xlogT=findgen(81)*0.05+4. ; xDEM=interpol(DEM,xlogT,findgen(mT)*4./float(mt-1L)+4.) ; endif ; endif else xlogT=logT ; tmp=ionfrac ; for i=0L,mT-1L do tmp[i,*,*]=xDEM[i]*ionfrac[i,*,*] ; ifraction=total(tmp,1)/mT ; ionfrac=ifraction ; endif ;ionfrac=ifraction ;IKEV if not keyword_set(ikev) then begin ev=reverse(12398.5/w) ;input is in [Ang] -- convert to [eV] endif else begin ev=w*1e3 ;input is in [keV] -- convert to [eV] endelse ;ICRSTR nICR=n_tags(icrstr) ; cross-sections are stored in save files in the form of total ; cross-section for each ion for each element with Z=1-30 ; energy grid is highly non-uniform so as to capture edge energies ; and structure accurately. ; structure of each array is (nion,nenergy) ;if not keyword_set(vfkydir) then vfkydir='/data/letg10/gorczyca/iontau/' ;zTOPDIR='/data/fubar/SCAR/' ;ivar=0 & defsysv,'!TOPDIR',exists=ivar ;if !TOPDIR exists ;if ivar ne 0 then setsysval,'TOPDIR',zTOPDIR,/getval else begin ; tmp=routine_info('IONABS',/source,/functions) & scardir=tmp.PATH ; jvar=strpos(scardir,'pro/') ;we know where IONABS.PRO is ; zTOPDIR=strmid(scardir,0,jvar-1) ; if vv ge 10 then message,'PoA directory is: '+zTOPDIR,/info ;endelse ;zARDB=filepath('',root_dir=filepath('ardb',root_dir=zTOPDIR)) zTOPDIR=getpoadef() zARDB=getpoadef('ARDB') ;if not keyword_set(vfkydir) then vfkydir=zARDB if size(vfkydir,/type) ne 7 then vdir=zARDB else vdir=vfkydir[0] elem=strlowcase(atom[0:nab-1]) elemnam=aname[0:nab-1] ; set up ev array bin boundaries and the binsize for rebin when user ; grid is more coarse than save file data (needed for conservation of ; cross-section over fine resonances) dev=ev[1:*]-ev & dev=[dev[0],dev] bev=[ev[0]-dev[0]/2.,ev+dev/2.] ; set up interpolation and rebin array to contain the cumulative cross-section totcrossrb=fltarr(n_elements(ev))*0. if vv gt 10000L then stop,'HALTing; type .CON to continue' ; main loop to read in data for each element, then loop over each ; element to sum up the cross-sections according to weighting ; by ion fractions. Weight total element cross-section by abundance, ; where abundance of H=1 for i=0,n_elements(elem)-1 do begin splacfil=filepath(elem[i]+'splac.cross',root_dir=vdir) if nICR eq 0 then begin restore,splacfil tmp=create_struct(elemnam[i],create_struct('EVSPLAC',EVSPLAC,'CROSSI',CROSSI)) if i eq 0 then icrstr=tmp else icrstr=create_struct(icrstr,tmp) if vv gt 0 then print,splacfil if vv gt 100000L then stop,'HALTing; type .CON to continue' endif else begin evsplac=icrstr.(i).EVSPLAC & crossi=icrstr.(i).CROSSI endelse ; compute total cross-section: ; need total(ionfrac*cross-secton)*abun for each element ; then rebin onto supplied grid ; In order to sample properly when original data grid is finer than ; user requested, we need rebin ; To deal with regions in which user grid is finer than data grid, ; need to use interpolation. ; Here, both methods are used and then combined according to which of ; these regimes the grids are in. totcross=abun[i]*reform(ifraction[i,0:i]#crossi) totcrossi=interpol(totcross,evsplac,ev) devsplac=evsplac[1:*]-evsplac & devsplac=[devsplac[0],devsplac] devsplaci=interpol(devsplac,evsplac,ev) oo=where(devsplaci lt dev,count) if (count gt mconsec) then begin doo=oo[1:*]-oo & doo=smooth([doo[0],doo],mconsec) oo=where(doo lt 1.5,count) if (count gt mconsec) then totcrossi[oo]=(rebinw(totcross,evsplac,bev))[oo] endif totcrossrb=totcrossrb+totcrossi endfor ; convert to optical depth using column density. Recall that units ; from Verner routines are Mb (10^-18 cm^2) ;totcrossrb=nh*totcrossrb*1.e-18 totcrossrb=totcrossrb*1.e-18 if not keyword_set(ikev) then totcrossrb=reverse(totcrossrb) return,totcrossrb end