How to use LINEID ================= LINEID is an interactive function to identify line features in a spectrum. It returns an IDL structure containing the identified features, on which other functions such as CAT_ID, UPDATID, ID2EMIS2ID, etc. operate. Below are various examples of how to use LINEID. 0. CALLING SEQUENCE ------------------- The most general calling sequence is idstr=lineid(lamda,spec,elem,wrng=wrng,wshift=wshift,locmax=locmax,$ best=best,topX=topX,batch=batch,stor=stor,oldid=oldid,omatch=omatch,$ n_e=n_e,logP=logP,pres=pres,dbdir=dbdir,/allah,chifil=chifil,$ eqfile=eqfile,chidir=chidir,dem=dem,abund=abund,effar=effar,$ wvlar=wvlar,sigmay=sigmay,xsize=xsize,ysize=ysize,wid=wid,$ dynrng=dynrng,oxr=oxr,oyr=oyr,markp=markp,marks=marks,marko=marko,$ /nuthin,/noday,/notime,/nouser,/nopack,stacol=stacol,stasiz=stasiz,$ stathk=stathk) See the documentation for a description of the variables. 1. BATCH MODE/COMMAND LINE -------------------------- To simply list potential matches of a single feature on the command line, a la CIAO.Sherpa.GUIDE's identify() command, type: IDL> help,cat_id(lineid(WAVELENGTH)) for example, IDL> help,cat_id(lineid(22.1)) will read through the default line database (CHIANTI) and return with a default set number of possible matches (20) within a default wavelength range (+-0.221) % RD_LINE: No line information available for H .. % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range .% RD_LINE: No line information available for Li % RD_LINE: No line information available for Be % RD_LINE: No line information available for B .. % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range .............% RD_LINE: No line information available for F .. % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range ... % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range ... % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range ... % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range ......... % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range ... % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range ... % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range ...................% RD_LINE: No line information available for Sc .. % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range .% RD_LINE: No line information available for V .. % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range ... % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range ......... % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range ... % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range .% RD_LINE: No line information available for Cu .. % RD_LINE: No lines in this wavelength range . WVL [Ang] MATCH Z ION FLUX +- Tmax 0-----------------------------------------------------1 22.1000: 22.1012 O VII 0.17841 +- 0.000 6.30 22.1000: 22.1020 O VI 2.0272e-06 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: -22.0970 Ca XVII 2.5012e-06 +- 0.000 6.70 22.1000: -22.1060 Ca XVI 5.1657e-07 +- 0.000 6.60 22.1000: -22.0939 Ar XVII 1.1069e-07 +- 0.000 7.30 22.1000: 22.0931 Fe XXIV 3.9956e-08 +- 0.000 7.30 22.1000: 22.1070 Ca XVII 3.1153e-08 +- 0.000 6.70 22.1000: -22.0870 Ca XVI 1.9131e-07 +- 0.000 6.60 22.1000: 22.1140 Ca XVII 0.00064187 +- 0.000 6.70 22.1000: 22.1174 O VI 2.9258e-14 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: 22.1174 O VI 0.00064908 +- 0.000 6.20 22.1000: 22.1200 O VI 4.7364e-15 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: 22.1200 O VI 5.0908e-14 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: 22.1200 O VI 0.0011296 +- 0.000 6.20 22.1000: 22.1200 O VI 0.00010507 +- 0.000 6.20 22.1000: 22.1210 Ca XVI 3.6417e-05 +- 0.000 6.60 22.1000: 22.0780 O VI 3.7569e-05 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: -22.1230 Ca XVI 5.7742e-06 +- 0.000 6.60 22.1000: 22.1230 O VI 7.2479e-06 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: 22.0770 O VI 1.9083e-05 +- 0.000 6.25 STRUCT = -> Array[1] The FLUX in this case would be in units of ph/s/cm^2, calculated for a flat DEM(T) or 10^14 cm^-5 over temperatures 10^4 - 10^8 K. ------------ 1A. If not interested in all that informational messages, set VERBOSE=0 for LINEID; further, to confine attention only to O lines, type: IDL> help,cat_id(lineid(22.1,'O',verbose=0)) ...... WVL [Ang] MATCH Z ION FLUX +- Tmax 0-----------------------------------------------------1 22.1000: 22.1012 O VII 0.17841 +- 0.000 6.30 22.1000: 22.1020 O VI 2.0272e-06 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: 22.1174 O VI 2.9258e-14 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: 22.1174 O VI 0.00064908 +- 0.000 6.20 22.1000: 22.1200 O VI 0.0011296 +- 0.000 6.20 22.1000: 22.1200 O VI 0.00010507 +- 0.000 6.20 22.1000: 22.1200 O VI 4.7364e-15 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: 22.1200 O VI 5.0908e-14 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: 22.0780 O VI 3.7569e-05 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: 22.1230 O VI 7.2479e-06 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: 22.0770 O VI 1.9083e-05 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: 22.1240 O VI 1.5000e-05 +- 0.000 6.25 22.1000: 22.0440 O VI 7.0315e-12 +- 0.000 6.30 22.1000: 22.0440 O VI 6.2800e-05 +- 0.000 6.20 22.1000: 22.0440 O VI 6.5579e-10 +- 0.000 6.30 22.1000: 22.0440 O VI 6.1646e-08 +- 0.000 6.20 22.1000: 22.0415 O VI 1.2613e-07 +- 0.000 6.20 22.1000: 22.0415 O VI 1.1724e-05 +- 0.000 6.20 22.1000: 22.0415 O VI 1.3417e-09 +- 0.000 6.30 22.1000: 22.0415 O VI 1.3128e-12 +- 0.000 6.30 STRUCT = -> Array[1] ------------ 1B. To refine the identification further, type: IDL> help,cat_id(lineid(22.1,'O VII',verbose=0)) ...... WVL [Ang] MATCH Z ION FLUX +- Tmax 0-----------------------------------------------------1 22.1000: 22.1012 O VII 0.17841 +- 0.000 6.30 STRUCT = -> Array[1] It is also possible to use "O7", "o_7", etc. to denote O VII. ------------ 1C. Rather than CHIANTI, to use the SPEX database computed for a constant electron density of 1e10 cm^-3 instead, type: IDL> help,cat_id(lineid(22.1,'O7',dbdir='$SPEX',n_e=1e10,verbose=5)) % RD_LINE: Reading from database /foo/bar/PINTofALE/emissivity/spexD % RD_LINE: Working on O7 % RD_LINE: Reading from files: /foo/bar/PINTofALE/emissivity/spexD/O_wvl /foo/bar/PINTofALE/emissivity/spexD/O_tem /foo/bar/PINTofALE/emissivity/spexD/O_ion /foo/bar/PINTofALE/emissivity/spexD/O_jon /foo/bar/PINTofALE/emissivity/spexD/O_src /foo/bar/PINTofALE/emissivity/spexD/O_10.0 /foo/bar/PINTofALE/emissivity/spexD/O_lvl /foo/bar/PINTofALE/emissivity/spexD/O_ecn ...... ... % FOLD_IONEQ: Using ion balances from: ioneq/arnaud_rothenflug.ioneq WVL [Ang] MATCH Z ION FLUX +- Tmax 0-----------------------------------------------------1 22.1000: 22.1000 O VII 0.00013270 +- 0.000 6.40 22.1000: 22.1000 O VII 0.13018 +- 0.000 6.30 22.1000: 22.1000 O VII 0.043981 +- 0.000 6.40 STRUCT = -> Array[1] where the 3 components are due to inner-shell ionization, collissional excitation, and radiative-recombination. ------------ 1D. In order to avoid reading in the database each time, type: IDL> idstr=lineid(22.1,'o_7',dbdir='$SPEX',chidir=!CHIDIR,eqfile=!IONEQF,$ n_e=1e10,verbose=0,stor=linstr) where the keywords CHIDIR and EQFILE point to the appropriate ion balance file to use. The line database is read into the structure LINSTR. This can be reused without having to specify the keywords DBDIR, N_E, etc.: IDL> help,cat_id(lineid(22.1,stor=linstr)) Emissivities cover the range: 22.1000 - 22.1000 current wavelength range: 21.8790 - 22.3210 % LINEID: WARNING: input emissivities do not cover the % LINEID: wavelength range of interest WVL [Ang] MATCH Z ION FLUX +- Tmax 0-----------------------------------------------------1 22.1000: 22.1000 O VII 0.00013270 +- 0.000 6.40 22.1000: 22.1000 O VII 0.13018 +- 0.000 6.30 22.1000: 22.1000 O VII 0.043981 +- 0.000 6.40 STRUCT = -> Array[1] (in this case, the warning is irrelevant; ignore it) the details of each line can be summarized with: IDL> help,cat_ln(linstr,/comm) Z ION WVL [Ang] FLUX Tmax 0---------------------------------------------1 O VII 22.1000 0.00013270 6.400 HE6 (II) -> 1---------------------------------------------2 O VII 22.1000 0.13018 6.300 HE6 (EX) -> 2---------------------------------------------3 O VII 22.1000 0.043981 6.400 HE6 (Recomb) -> STRUCT = -> Array[1] ------------ 1E. Multiple features may also be identified in batch mode. The keyword BATCH must be used in this case. If the keyword BEST is also used, the program makes an informed decision based on the strength of the match as well as the nearness to the feature. IDL> help,cat_id(lineid([19.0,22.1],'O',/batch,/best)) ...... WVL [Ang] MATCH Z ION FLUX +- Tmax 0-----------------------------------------------------1 19.0000: 18.9671 O VIII 0.27836 +- 0.000 6.50 1-----------------------------------------------------2 22.1000: 22.1012 O VII 0.17841 +- 0.000 6.30 STRUCT = -> Array[1] 2. INTERACTIVE MODE ------------------- If a spectrum is available as an array as a function of a wavelength array, then multiple line features may be identified interactively. Here is an example walk-through, using an observed Chandra HETG/MEG (+1 order) spectrum of the RSCVn binary HR1099. IDL> .run initale IDL> restore,!ARDB+'/' IDL> help,name='*_[MV][17][P1]*' DEM_V711TAU DOUBLE = Array[81] EFFAR_M1P FLOAT = Array[8200] EXPTIM_V711TAU FLOAT = 136620. LAM_M1P_V711TAU DOUBLE = Array[8192] LOGT_V711TAU FLOAT = Array[81] SPC_M1P_V711TAU INT = Array[8192] SPE_M1P_V711TAU FLOAT = Array[8192] WVLAR_M1P FLOAT = Array[8200] WW_M1P_V711TAU DOUBLE = Array[8193] Here, SPC_M1P_V711TAU(LAM_M1P_V711TAU) are the observed counts spectrum as a function of wavelength (WW_M1P_V711TAU are the wavelength bin-boundaries); SPE_M1P_V711TAU(LAM_M1P_V711TAU) are the Gehrel's approximation to Poisson error on the counts; DEM_V711TAU(LOGT_V711TAU) is an EUVE-based approximate Differential Emission Measure distribution as a function of log(Temperature); EFFAR_M1P(WVLAR_M1P) is the effective area as a function of wavelength; and EXPTIM_V711TAU is the exposure time for the observation. Plot each of the above, for example, thusly:- * The counts spectrum and errors plot,LAM_M1P_V711TAU,SPC_M1P_V711TAU,psym=10,xtitle='Wavelength ['+$ string(byte(197))+']',ytitle='Counts/bin',title='HR 1099: HETG/MEG +1',$ xrange=[5.,20.],yr=[0.1,1200],/ys for i=0L,n_elements(LAM_M1P_V711TAU)-1L do oplot,$ LAM_M1P_V711TAU[i]*[1,1],SPC_M1P_V711TAU[i]+SPE_M1P_V711TAU[i]*[-1,1],$ color=1 & setcolor,'red',1 * The effective area plot,WVLAR_M1P,EFFAR_M1P,xtitle='Wavelength ['+string(byte(197))+']',$ ytitle='Effective Area [cm!u2!n]',title='HETG/MEG +1',xr=[5.,20.] * The normalized spectrum tmp_effar=interpol(EFFAR_M1P,WVLAR_M1P,LAM_M1P_V711TAU) plot,LAM_M1P_V711TAU,SPC_M1P_V711TAU/tmp_effar/EXPTIM_V711TAU,$ psym=10,xtitle='Wavelength ['+string(byte(197))+']',$ ytitle='Counts cm!u-2!n s!u-1!n]',title='HR 1099: HETG/MEG +1',$ xr=[5.,20.] * The DEM plot,LOGT_V711TAU,DEM_V711TAU,psym=10,/ylog,xtitle='log!d10!n (T [K])',$ ytitle='DEM [cm!u-5!n]',title='EUVE based approximate DEM for HR1099' Note that if the DEM is not defined on the same temperature grid as the emissivities, then it should be interpolated. For example: oT=lindgen(21)*4 & tmp_LOGT=LOGT_V711TAU[oT] & tmp_DEM=DEM_V711TAU[oT] oplot,tmp_LOGT,tmp_DEM,psym=10,color=2 & setcolor,'yellow',2 correct_logT=findgen(81)*0.05+4. new_DEM = mk_dem('interpolate',logT=correct_logT,$ indem=tmp_DEM,pardem=tmp_LOGT) oplot,correct_logT,new_DEM,psym=10,color=3 & setcolor,'green',3 In this case, an appropriate calling sequence would be: IDL> idstr=lineid(LAM_M1P_V711TAU,SPC_M1P_V711TAU,stor=stor_2,$ n_e=!EDENS,dbdir=!LDBDIR,chifil=1,eqfile=!IONEQF,chidir=!CHIDIR,$ DEM=DEM_V711TAU*EXPTIM_V711TAU,abund=!ABUND,$ effar=EFFAR_M1P,wvlar=WVLAR_M1P,verbose=!VERBOSE) after writing a lot of informational messages (saying what element it is reading, etc.), the spectrum is plotted in a window and the user is invited to select a feature for identification. The selection is handled by the procedure PICKRANGE, which is described in detail elsewhere. For here, briefly note the following characteristics: 1. Select an area on the spectrum to zoom into using the right mouse button -- hold down and drag, say from (18,250) to (21,0). The numbers do not have to be precise. 2. Zoom into the selected area by clicking on the left button. (NOTE: clicking the middle mouse button will "unzoom" the plot; clicking on the right mouse button will pass control to the keyboard, which allows "scrolling" the plot window) 3. Select the line feature for identification using the left mouse button -- hold down and drag from approximately (18.5,150) to (19.5,150). This largest local maximum in the selected range will be the candidate for identification. 4. exit the interactive feature selection with a click (NO drag!) of the right mouse button. At this point, a widget listing a number of matches will pop up. Select the best match(es) by clicking on the box in the left-most column. The candidate matches may also be sorted by other means, for example, by intensity (SORT->byIntensity), and the likely ID for this feature, O VIII 18.967, will rise to the top of the list. Click on the box at the left to select it as the ID. Click on NEXT to continue with interactive feature identification, or click on QUIT to exit LINEID. IDL> help,cat_id(idstr) WVL [Ang] MATCH Z ION FLUX +- Tmax 0-----------------------------------------------------1 18.9825: 18.9671 O VIII 357.54 +- 0.000 6.50 STRUCT = -> Array[1] ------------ 2A. It is possible to edit existing ID structures interactively. An existing set of IDs may be passed into LINEID using the keyword OLDID, and the manner of editing is controlled by the keyword OMATCH. For example, if you have spectra from different instruments of the same source, and have a set of IDs derived using one spectrum, you can use a value of OMATCH = -ve relative wavelength error to avoid IDing the same features multiple times.