Latitudes and Attitudes
Resources for Teachers and Students |
Internet Sites |
Children's Books |
Folklore & Mythology
Science Behind It
- SchoolNet's Collection of Size of the Earth Data - Some values calculated by students of the size of the Earth.
- Noon Project - Here's information about how schools can join in calculations of the size of the Earth.
- About Erastothenes - A cute and short story about how Erastothenes calculated the size of the Earth.
- Basic Astronomy Demonstrations - Ways to demonstrate certain aspects of astronomy such as the roundness of the Earth, day and night, the moon and eclipses.
- Latitude and Longitude - A very beautiful page describing and diagraming the concepts of latitude and longitude. This would be a good place to show the bird's eye view of the latitude world to older students, especially 2nd-4th graders.
- Sunrise/Sunset Calculation - The Naval Observatory's sunsrise and sunset time generator. It is a very quick and easy calculation done by the Observatory computers. You must, however, know your latitude and longitude!
- Sunrise/Sunset Generator - A tremendous site designed for movie producers so they can schedule when to shoot scenes in various countries and cities around the world. Lets you choose a city and it tells you the weekly average amount of sunlight time, plus sunrise and sunset times. Great for
geography tie-ins.
(NB: This site no longer exists (Oct 26, 2002). Try
Maps and Live Cameras
- Mission to Planet Earth - A NASA project to explore and archive images of the Earth using different robotic missions.
- Somewhere in the World Right Now by Stacey Schuett. Alfred A. Knoph, Inc., 1995. This is a great book which shows you about the differences between day and night around the globe for a certain time of day here.
- Welcome Back Sun by Michael Emberly. Little, 1993.
Following legend, a Norwegian family hikes up a mountain to welcome the sun's return after the dark
winter months.
by . , 19.
by . , 19.
- Mirandy and Brother Wind - To win first prize in the Junior Cakewalk,Mirandy tries to capture the wind for her partner. This site includes fun activities about wind.
Carl's Lessons
- Word Lore - Carl's lessons on exploring words we use in this curriculum, such as where did the word "Sun" come from, or what is the difference between "daylight" and "day"?
Ancient Navigation
Using Fractions
- Chinese Math - A set of amusing math puzzles related to fractions, relations, and multiplications of relative values. May be rather tricky, but could also be fun for more advanced students.
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WebMaster Tania Ruiz
Last updated October 1, 1997