The AstroStat Slog » model based Weaving together Astronomy+Statistics+Computer Science+Engineering+Intrumentation, far beyond the growing borders Fri, 09 Sep 2011 17:05:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 [ArXiv] classifying spectra Fri, 23 Oct 2009 00:08:07 +0000 hlee

Variable Selection and Updating In Model-Based Discriminant Analysis for High Dimensional Data with Food Authenticity Applications
by Murphy, Dean, and Raftery

Classifying or clustering (or semi supervised learning) spectra is a very challenging problem from collecting statistical-analysis-ready data to reducing the dimensionality without sacrificing complex information in each spectrum. Not only how to estimate spiky (not differentiable) curves via statistically well defined procedures of estimating equations but also how to transform data that match the regularity conditions in statistics is challenging.

Another reason that astrophysics spectroscopic data classification and clustering is more difficult is that observed lines, and their intensities and FWHMs on top of continuum are related to atomic database and latent variables/hyper parameters (distance, rotation, absorption, column density, temperature, metalicity, types, system properties, etc). Frequently it becomes very challenging mixture problem to separate lines and to separate lines from continuum (boundary and identifiability issues). These complexity only appears in astronomy spectroscopic data because we only get indirect or uncontrolled data ruled by physics, as opposed to the the meat species spectra in the paper. These spectroscopic data outside astronomy are rather smooth, observed in controlled wavelength range, and no worries for correcting recession/radial velocity/red shift/extinction/lensing/etc.

Although the most relevant part to astronomers, i.e. spectroscopic data processing is not discussed in this paper, the most important part, statistical learning application to complex curves, spectral data, is well described. Some astronomers with appropriate data would like to try the variable selection strategy and to check out the classification methods in statistics. If it works out, it might save space for storing spectral data and time to collect high resolution spectra. Please, keep in mind that it is not necessary to use the same variable selection strategy. Astronomers can create better working versions for classification and clustering purpose, like Hardness Ratios, often used to reduce the dimensionality of spectral data since low total count spectra are not informative in the full energy (wavelength) range. Curse of dimensionality!.

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[ArXiv] Spectroscopic Survey, June 29, 2007 Mon, 02 Jul 2007 22:07:39 +0000 hlee From arXiv/astro-ph:0706.4484

Spectroscopic Surveys: Present by Yip. C. overviews recent spectroscopic sky surveys and spectral analysis techniques toward Virtual Observatories (VO). In addition that spectroscopic redshift measures increase like Moore’s law, the surveys tend to go deeper and aim completeness. Mainly elliptical galaxy formation has been studied due to more abundance compared to spirals and the galactic bimodality in color-color or color-magnitude diagrams is the result of the gas-rich mergers by blue mergers forming the red sequence. Principal component analysis has incorporated ratios of emission line-strengths for classifying Type-II AGN and star forming galaxies. Lyα identifies high z quasars and other spectral patterns over z reveal the history of the early universe and the characteristics of quasars. Also, the recent discovery of 10 satellites to the Milky Way is mentioned.

Spectral analyses take two approaches: one is the model based approach taking theoretical templates, known for its flaws but straightforward extractions of physical parameters, and the other is the empirical approach, useful for making discoveries but difficult in the analysis interpretation. Neither of them has substantial advantage to the other. When it comes to fitting, Chi-square minimization has been dominant but new methodologies are under developing. For spectral classification problems, principal component analysis (Karlhunen-Loeve transformation), artificial neural network, and other machine learning techniques have been applied.

In the end, the author reports statistical and astrophysical challenges in massive spectroscopic data of present days: 1. modeling galaxies, 2. parameterizing star formation history, 3. modeling quasars, 4. multi-catalog based calibration (separating systematic and statistics errors), 5. estimating parameters, which would be beneficial to VO, of which objective is the unification of data access.

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