The AstroStat Slog » error bars Weaving together Astronomy+Statistics+Computer Science+Engineering+Intrumentation, far beyond the growing borders Fri, 09 Sep 2011 17:05:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Q: Lowess error bars? Tue, 03 Jun 2008 06:53:14 +0000 vlk It is somewhat surprising that astronomers haven’t cottoned on to Lowess curves yet. That’s probably a good thing because I think people already indulge in smoothing far too much for their own good, and Lowess makes for a very powerful hammer. But the fact that it is semi-parametric and is based on polynomial least-squares fitting does make it rather attractive.

And, of course, sometimes it is unavoidable, or so I told Brad W. When one has too many points for a regular polynomial fit, and they are too scattered for a spline, and too few to try a wavelet “denoising”, and no real theoretical expectation of any particular model function, and all one wants is “a smooth curve, damnit”, then Lowess is just the ticket.

Well, almost.

There is one major problem — how does one figure what the error bounds are on the “best-fit” Lowess curve? Clearly, each fit at each point can produce an estimate of the error, but simply collecting the separate errors is not the right thing to do because they would all be correlated. I know how to propagate Gaussian errors in boxcar smoothing a histogram, but this is a whole new level of complexity. Does anyone know if there is software that can calculate reliable error bands on the smooth curve? We will take any kind of error model — Gaussian, Poisson, even the (local) variances in the data themselves.

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Books – a boring title Fri, 25 Jan 2008 16:53:21 +0000 hlee I have been observing some sorts of misconception about statistics and statistical nomenclature evolution in astronomy, which I believe, are attributed to the lack of references in the astronomical society. There are some textbooks designed for junior/senior science and engineering students, which are likely unknown to astronomers. Example-wise, these books are not suitable, to my knowledge. Although I never expect astronomers to learn standard graduate (mathematical) statistics textbooks, I do wish astronomers go beyond Numerical Recipes (W. H. Press, S. A. Teukolsky, W. T. Vetterling, & B. P. Flannery) and Error Data Reduction and Analysis for the Physical Sciences (P. R. Bevington & D. K. Robinson). Here are some good ones written by astronomers, engineers, and statisticians:

The motivation of writing this posting was originated to Vinay’s recommendation: Practical Statistics for Astronomers (J.V.Wall and C.R.Jenkins), which provides many statistical insights and caveats that astronomers tend to ignore. Without looking at the error distribution and the properties of data, astronomers jump into chi-square and correlation. If someone reads the book, he/she will be careful on adopting statistics of common practice in astronomy, developed many decades ago, and founded on strong assumptions, not compatible with modern data sets. The book addresses many concerns that have been growing in my mind for astronomers and introduces various statistical methods applicable in astronomy.

The view points of astronomers without in-class statistics education but with full readership of this book, would be different from mine. The book mentioned unbiasedness, consistency, closedness, and robustness of statistics, which normally are not discussed nor proved in astronomy papers. Therefore, those readers may miss the insights, caveats, and contents-between-the-lines of the book, which I care about. To reduce such gap, as for quick and easy understanding of classical statistics, I recommend Cartoon Guide to Statistics (Larry Gonick, Woollcott Smith Business & Investing Collins) as a first step. This cartoon book enhances fundamentals in statistics only with fun and a friendly manner, and provides everything that rudimentary textbooks offer.

If someone wants to know beyond classical statistics (so called frequentist statistics) and likes to know popular Bayesian statistics, astronomy professor Phil Gregory’s Bayesian Logical Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences is recommended. If one likes to know little bit more on the modern statistics of frequentists and Bayesians, All of Statistics (Larry Wasserman) is recommended. I realize that textbooks for non-statistics students are too thick to go through in a short time (The book for senior engineering students at Penn State I used for teaching was Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences by Jay. L Devore, 4th and 5th edition and it was about 600 pages. The current edition is 736 pages). One of well received textbooks for graduate students in electrical engineering is Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes (A. Papoulis & S.U. Pillai). I remember the book offers a rather less abstract definition of measure and practical examples (Personally, Hermite polynomials was useful from the book).

For a casual reading about statistics and its 20th century history, The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century (D. Salsburg) is quite nice.

Statistics is not just for best fit analysis and error bars. It is a wonderful telescope extracts correct information when it is operated carefully to the right target by the manual. It gets rid of atmospheric and other blurring factors when statistics is understood righteously. It is not a black box nor a magic, as many people think.

The era of treating everything gaussian is over decades ago. Because of the central limit theorem and the delta method (a good example is log-transformation), many statistics asymptotically follows the normal (gaussian) distribution but there are various families of distributions. Because of possible bias in the chi-square method, the error bar cannot guarantee the appointed coverage, like 95%. There are also nonparametric statistics, known for robustness, whereas it may be less efficient than statistics of distribution family assumption. Yet, it does not require model assumption. Also, Bayesian statistics works wonderfully if correct information on priors, suitable likelihood models, and computing powers for hierarchical models and numerical integration are provided.

Before jumping into the chi-square for fitting and testing at the same time, to prevent introducing bias, exploratory data analysis is required for better understanding data and for seeking a suitable statistic and its assumptions. The exploratory data analysis starts from simple scatter plots and box plots. A little statistical care for data and good interests in the truth of statistical methods are all I am asking for. I do wish that these books could assist the realization of my wishes.

[1.] Most of links to books are from but there is no personal affiliation to the company.

[2.] In addition to the previous posting on chi-square, what is so special about chi square in astronomy, I’d like to mention possible bias in chi-square fitting and testing. It is well known that utilizing the same data set for fitting, which results in parameter estimates so called in astronomy best fit values and error bars, and testing based on these parameter estimates brings out bias so that the best fit is biased from the true parameter value and the error bar does not match the aimed coverage. See the problem from Aneta’s an example of chi2 bias in fitting x-ray spectra

[3.] More book recommendation is welcome.

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Dance of the Errors Mon, 21 Jan 2008 19:33:26 +0000 vlk One of the big problems that has come up in recent years is in how to represent the uncertainty in certain estimates. Astronomers usually present errors as +-stddev on the quantities of interest, but that presupposes that the errors are uncorrelated. But suppose you are estimating a multi-dimensional set of parameters that may have large correlations amongst themselves? One such case is that of Differential Emission Measures (DEM), where the “quantity of emission” from a plasma (loosely, how much stuff there is available to emit — it is the product of the volume and the densities of electrons and H) is estimated for different temperatures. See the plots at the PoA DEM tutorial for examples of how we are currently trying to visualize the error bars. Another example is the correlated systematic uncertainties in effective areas (Drake et al., 2005, Chandra Cal Workshop). This is not dissimilar to the problem of determining the significance of a “feature” in an image (Connors, A. & van Dyk, D.A., 2007, SCMA IV).

Here is a specific example that came up due to a comment by a referee on a paper with David G.-A. We had said that the O abundance is dominated by uncertainties in the DEM at low temperatures because that is where most of the emission from O is formed. The referee disputed this, saying yeah, but O is also present at higher temperatures, and since the DEM is much higher there, that should be the predominant contribution to the estimate. In effect, the referee said, “show me!” The problem is, how? The measured fluxes are:

fO7obs = 2 +- 0.75

fO8obs = 4 +- 0.88

The predicted fluxes are:

fO7pred = 1.8 +- 0.72

fO8pred = 3.6 +- 0.96

where the error bars here come from the stddev of the fluxes predicted by each DEM realization that comes out of the MCMC analysis. On the face of it, it looks like a pretty good match to the observations, though a slightly different picture emerges if one were to look at the distribution of the predicted fluxes:

mode(fO7pred)=0.76 (95% HPD interval = 0.025:2.44)

mode(fO8pred)=2.15 (95% HPD interval = 0.95:4.59)

What if one computed the flux at each temperature and did the same calculation separately? That is shown in the following plot, where the product of the DEM and the line emissivity computed at each temperature bin is shown for both O VII (red) and O VIII (blue). The histograms are for the best-fit DEM solution, and the vertical bars are stddevs on the product, which differs from the flux only by a constant. The dashed lines show the 95% highest posterior density intervals.
Figure 1

Figure 1: Fluxes from O VII and O VIII computed at each temperature from DEM solution of RST 137B. The solid histograms are the fluxes for the best-fit DEM, and the vertical bars are the stddev for each temperature bin. The dotted lines denote the 95% highest-posterior density intervals for each temperature.

But even this tells an incomplete tale. The full measure of the uncertainty goes unseen until all the individual curves are seen, as in the animated gif below which shows the flux calculated for each MCMC draw of the DEM:
Figure 2

Figure 2: Predicted flux in O VII and O VIII lines as a product of line emissivity and MCMC samples of the DEM for various temperatures. The dashed histogram is from the best-fit DEM, the solid histograms are for the various samples (the running number at top right indicates the sample sequence; only the last 100 of the 2000 MCMC draws are shown).

So this brings me to my question. How does one represent this kind of uncertainty in a static plot? We know what the uncertainty is, we just don’t know how to publish them.

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