
 RVEL N1 N2 FILE W0 METHOD WIDTH FWHM SEP -- Measures radial velocities
                                        of lines.


            N1, N2 -- Range of spectra
            W0     -- Rest wavelength of line
            FILE   -- File to store results
            METHOD -- Measurement method. 
                      Core -- Cross-correlation with a single gaussian
                      Wing -- Cross-correlation with two gaussians
            WIDTH  -- Search width in km/s. Routine will not allow
                      velocity to shift outside this range
            FWHM   -- Full width at half maximum of gaussian (or gaussians)
                      used for cross-correlation (km/s)
            SEP    -- Separation (total) in km/s between gaussians in WING case.

 This routine impliments standard radial velocity measurement of Young
 and Schneider. Uncertainties are computed by propagation of errors
 starting with uncertainties on data. Statistical only therefore.

This command belongs to the class: measurement

Tom Marsh, Warwick