pyXSIM Documentation¶

What is pyXSIM?¶
pyXSIM is a Python package for simulating X-ray emission from astrophysical sources.
X-rays probe the high-energy universe, from hot galaxy clusters to compact objects such as neutron stars and black holes and many interesting sources in between. pyXSIM makes it possible to generate synthetic X-ray observations of these sources from a wide variety of models, whether from grid-based simulation codes such as FLASH, Enzo, and Athena, to particle-based codes such as Gadget and AREPO, and even from datasets that have been created “by hand”, such as from NumPy arrays. pyXSIM also provides facilities for manipulating the synthetic observations it produces in various ways, as well as ways to export the simulated X-ray events to other software packages to simulate the end products of specific X-ray observatories.
pyXSIM is released under a BSD 3-clause license.
Current Version¶
The current stable version is 4.4.2. See the ChangeLog for details on changes from previous versions.